It’s very cold here with gray skies. Those of you in the path of the storm, keep safe, don’t overdo. Stay warm.
I spoke to Jan on Saturday, but she was very, very tired, so I didn’t talk long. I’ll call her again today.
Yesterday, I put the Christmas decorations for the dollhouses and Blythes away, which involved finding the boxes in the office closet, which is truly like the closets in cartoons: if you open the door, something will fall out. Much swearing was heard, I’m sure, as I tried to sort things out and re-organize the closet space. Such a seemingly simple thing, right? Not in this small cottage. The putz houses were also put back in storage. But the tree remains, making us very happy.
New video on my YouTube channel, which is: claudiathechroniccollector
My Putz Sheep
This is the only video I have on YouTube, by the way. I’m not interested in investing time in a YouTube channel. Back story: I did a little video of the sheep with Christmas music on Instagram, but I was unable to transfer that video – most likely because it’s the property of IG. It’s just 34 seconds long.
All of this – being my first time – took a lot of energy. But it’s sort of cute.
I finished this book:
What an amazing read! It’s about 6 astronauts working on the International Space Station. I wrote that it was slow going, but only because there was so much descriptive content that necessitated a slowing down. Not a word was wasted. It’s simply beautiful. Deeply profound. It’s just over 200 pages long, but boy, it packs a punch. I’ve been thinking of it off and on ever since I finished it. Needless to say: I recommend it highly.
Stay safe.
Happy Monday.