First off, Scout is home. They didn’t get to her procedure until late in the day yesterday. I lost count of how many times I checked my phone during the course of the day. My concern was not the procedure itself, which was relatively minor. It was the use of any kind of anesthesia. Scout is 16½, remember, so she doesn’t sail through these things like she did when she was younger. I had Don tell the vet that she was very sensitive to certain medications, like acepromazine. It takes an alarmingly long time for her to recover. So they ended up giving her an IV of something or other that was mild. Even so, she was moaning and barking last night. (She doesn’t bark anymore, so you can imagine my surprise when Don sent me a video of her doing that very thing!)
No cone, thank goodness. I’m so glad she’s home with her dad. We’re grateful to her doctors, who are simply the best.
We never heard from our neighbor, the electrician. So Don called a friend of his named Gus, who is also an electrician, and he came by the house late in the day yesterday. He and Don played with the circuit breakers and Gus replaced one of them. While they were in the middle of running up and down the basement stairs, Gus noticed the dehumidifier in the basement was shooting sparks.
Oh boy. We think that dehumidifier was the culprit. It was sparking, which caused the circuit breakers to flip. Needless to say, it was unplugged immediately and so far, so good. The power company is going to check the lines today and I think it’s a good idea to have them do that, just to be safe.
Grateful, as always. Grateful Don saw what was happening to Scout before he went to bed for the night. Grateful for our local vet. Grateful for friends who stop by after a long, long day at work to check our electrical problems. Grateful Scout is okay. Grateful my husband is dealing with all of this while I’m away. Grateful for the good thoughts sent our way from all of you.
I don’t like to dwell on the negative here on this blog. That can get old very quickly. Everyone is dealing with challenges, big and small. So we’ll end with the positive. Scout is well. Don is well. I am well. Our house is still standing. We have friends everywhere. We are blessed.
Rehearsals are long but lively and I’m having a great time.
I am convinced that Our Town is simply the best play ever. It’s that profound, that powerful, that glorious.
Lucky me!
I would be remiss if I didn’t take a moment to acknowledge the senseless tragedy in Charleston. Words escape me. Our collective heart is broken. Sending prayers to all those who are suffering and are waking to a world that will never be the same.
Happy Friday.