A foggy morning here in the Hudson Valley. We had more rain overnight. It’s now nearly 9 am and it’s still foggy.
Don is taking my car in to get its annual inspection. I suspect I might have to get two new tires, but I’m sure as heck hoping I don’t.
I caught these two reading together, or rather, Pip was reading out loud to Madeleine.
This picture confirms my theory that every photo looks better with books in it. There is nothing I love to see more than a room full of books, especially when I can read some of the spines. I just want to jump in the photo and explore.
The girls are reading a Spanish version of Tintin. As both of these girls came from customizers in Spain, this seems appropriate. In fact, half of my dolls came from Spain. Go figure!
My back is getting better, as is Don’s shoulder. Slow and steady wins the race. I’m very careful of what I do and how I do it. Though it’s always painful first thing in the morning, that pain is decreasing, thank goodness. This morning was much better.
Other than that, my friends, there’s nothing else worth writing about. I’m reading, I vacuum (carefully, ) I do laundry, I make the bed (also carefully.) I’m eager to start painting in oils again, but I’m even more eager to start yard, porch, and shed cleanup. I see one of my day lilies is coming up and the lilac has tiny buds. I haven’t checked the status of the daffodils yet, but I might do that today. Spring is definitely here, though we have a couple of cold days coming up on Sunday and Monday.
Stay safe.
Happy Friday.
The girls are darling. And I couldn’t agree more about books in the background. I love seeing “old friends” on others’ shelves and also wondering if some of those others might be my “new friends,” too.
I’m glad things are shaping up. I think I’m doing better from my fall, though that knee is taking a long time — too long — to heal. Still, on the mend.
Damp and gloomy here today. A good day to stay in and paint and write. And read. I finished “The Road through Miyama” yesterday and about 20 percent into “The Splendid and the Vile.” Have a terrific weekend!
I’m so sorry about your knee, Jeanie. I guess ‘slow and steady wins the race’ holds true for both of us.
Don has The Splendid and the Vile, but I don’t think he’s read it yet.
Stay safe.
I’m glad you and Don are on the mend.
I’m still waiting for spring. Nothing green outside and
it snowed here yesterday! It’s supposed to rain today but the sun is shining right now.
Take care
Nothing green here, either than the grass.
Stay safe, Marilyn.
Wonderful photo!
I wish someone would take my car in for service. Yay Don!
Well, he did it because I couldn’t sit around a waiting room with my back problems.
Stay safe, Lynda.
Books are such treasures and I can’t imagine my life without a shelf of them in my home. The girls are so adorable I really enjoy the photos of them. Hugs!
My IG books account was hacked so I started another one. It’s called Reading Saved Me. It truly did. So, like you, I can’t imagine my life without them.
Stay safe, Linda.
Glad you are both healing…glad you are in spring now…it is so lovely here on the Gulf…I do not really love inland Florida and didn’t love Miami where son lived…but then I didn’t love Calif or Seattle when he was there…Toledo…etc. etc. Loved all the cities in Texas…
I am doing a little spring cleaning in the condo…not needed really…as I said I am a minimalist…when we sold the house in 2013…everything went to the kids and friends…I lived in an apartment three years in Indy…and now this tiny condo…if I don’t use something in a year…it is donated or given away…I do not want my kids wading through boxes. There is one box of cards and some letters and of course, my journals…it is so freeing and nice to read on Netgalley and/or library…buy a few books…it is freeing to not have things…this is NOT for others…I am an exception, I am sure. As I said, it took me almost 70 years to reach this way of living…well…about 65 years…when Mother died, she had few things…when mother in law died…so many collections…Mother was 60…mother in law was in 80’s…it was difficult for the family…that being said…we must do what makes us happy…not what others think…I enjoy seeing your glassware collections…used to have some of the pieces…enjoy your weekend please…
I’m a visual and creative person and I have to have color and all of my things around me. That’s what stimulates me. I’ve had to stay in minimal environments when working on the road and they made me depressed. So I would go out and get things to make them more ‘me.’ But there’s room for all of us and if minimalism is what makes you happy, more power to you, Brenda!
Stay safe.
Believe it or not I am so right brained it is not funny…this came with age
Glad to hear that you are both recovering from your aches! Have a nice weekend!
Thank you, Ellen.
Stay safe.
Here’s to continued healing, Spring sunshine & showers, singing & nesting birds, and all that brings you & Don joy and contentment!
Have a peaceful weekend.
Thank you so much, Amy.
Stay safe.
Signs of spring…birdsong, teensy leafbuds, healing bodies. All so very welcome!
Less welcome is the outflowing of pollen. It seems like every possible tree and bush is blooming now. Ack! Time for a mask and a complete head-to-toe shower every time I’m doing yardwork, knowing full well that those might minimize the risk, but are simply hopeful, last-ditch efforts to prevent the inevitable sinus misery. Perhaps it’s time to actually see an allergist rather than reprising my yearly moaning complaints?
I love to see bookshelves used for books! (And doll photo ops.) I just read my very first Louise Penny, thanks to this community’s enthusiastic recommendations. Now I’m onto A Promised Land by Obama. And finishing up Quiet, a delve into introversion. Because why read one book when you can be juggling three?
Stay strong and Slava Ukraine!
We’re not getting pollen yet, but when we do, I, too, shall be miserable!
So glad you enjoyed the Louise Penny, Roxie. I should read Quiet, because I am truly an introvert.
Stay safe.
I really enjoy your vignettes with your beautiful (& full of personality!) dolls.
Thank you so much, Susan!
Stay safe, my friend.
So glad that both of you are feeling better. I think once we accept that nearly all things, including healing, take longer as we get older, it only benefits us with that acceptance. Not what we want to acknowledge, but necessary. ugh.
We had snow yesterday and more this aft. Forecasting 16* for Sun morning & 18* on Monday morning. Tired of being cold.
Hope you have a peaceful weekend. Take care.
I’m very grateful I don’t have to commute to a job or be anywhere. It allows me the time to heal.
Yes, we’re getting the same cold temps. What the ????
Stay safe, Chris.
Love the girls! I am glad to hear both you and Don are starting to heal. I think Spring by you is right around the corner. It was in the 90’s here today and will be that way all weekend, then it will cool off again. March and October are my favorite months in Phoenix. Mostly because I can do a lot of gardening. All my flowers are blooming like crazy. We also have a small pond in our yard with 9 goldfish in it. We spent a good part of today putting a new pump in. They were very thankful for clean water. Well I am off to bed because I don’t want to watch the news anymore! Take care and enjoy your weekend.
We’re going to get two very cold days on Sunday and Monday and then temps will start to climb again and, hopefully, stay there.
Stay safe, Deb.