It was a sunny, sunny day yesterday with the light flooding into the living room. I was sitting in Don’s chair, camera on the coffee table, Scoutie beneath my legs. Without the leaves on the trees, winter sunlight is unfiltered and beautifully bright.
The birthday cards from Don, Scoutie, and the wonderful card Don gave me from my parents are on display on the piano. The Maxfield Parrish “Pierrot’s Serenade” is on the left. A McCoy vase and singing birds in the center, along with our lithograph of the Aquitania, one of our favorite things ever.
I love wind chimes and I’ve always wanted some for our porch, but it was never the right time. I’d see some chimes and almost buy them, but there was always something more pressing that needed those funds. So I’d hem and haw and regretfully walk away.
When I was sorting and cleaning at the condo with Meredith I saw two sets of wind chimes. A smaller set was in front of the house and a bigger set was in the back on the lanai. The set on the lanai had a lovely sound, not light and tinkly, but deep and resonant. I asked Mer if it would be okay with her if I took them. Of course, she said.
They’re hanging right by the front door.
I absolutely love them. So does Don. We hear them a lot. The sound is beautiful and strangely comforting – perhaps because my parents chose them. It feels as if they are speaking to us. Both of us have remarked that the chimes remind us of my mom and dad in the best possible way.
You see? It wasn’t meant to be all those times I almost bought some. What was meant to be was this.
This lovely, magical sound, once heard at my parents’ condo, now heard here.
Happy Wednesday.
Like a whisper from your parents that all will be well. Lovely.
Oh, that’s beautiful, Cindy. Thank you for those words.
I think I can understand a bit how you feel….. My husband’s office bought some similar chimes for him when his mother died a couple of years ago. Like yours, their sound is deep. Mellow. Comforting. I think it was a most thoughtful expression of sympathy.
It really was. How lovely of them!
Claudia, I love the sunlight in your home. I got my sweet yellow McCoy bird this morning and I love it, glad it came before Thanksgiving. I love wind chimes and they can be so comforting. I love what Cindy said about them! I had a fun day with Mom yesterday but now I’m worn out today. Will my energy ever return? I must do laundry today no matter what! Hope you have a great day.
It will return, my friend. Be patient. And take care of yourself. I feel the same way. Since Dad died, I seem to have no energy at all. I fall asleep while we’re watching television. I’m just beat! Frustrating, isn’t it?
A dear friend sent me a small wind chime adorned with angels when my son, Mark, died and I find them strangely comforting … such a light and peaceful sound. I can understand why yours is so special to you. Amazing how little things bring such comfort in times of grief.
The simplest of things, Ann. But so comforting. How thoughtful of your friend!
There is just some thing about wind chimes that are so comforting. And if they are deep resonant ones…so much the better. Sounds like they were meant to be! Your cottage looks lovely in the sun light! ;)
Ah, thank you, Donnamae. We may not have a lot of wall space, but we do have lots of windows!
How lovely, sweet whispers and memories. Blessings
The same to you, Lesley.
Claudia, I love the look and style of your home. It is so comfortable/cozy/lovely! The aqua colored pottery is just beautiful, especially that vase on the piano. We just took down our chimes. They’re safely tucked into a box until next spring. I love their low, melodic tones. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
I probably should take them down for the winter, but I think I’ll keep them up. We need some pretty music during the winter. Thank you for your kind words!
The sunlight is so beautiful shining in your home Claudia. I always wanted a set of windchimes also, but never wanted to pay the price for them. My wonderful husband made me a set. They have a long thick tubes of metal, and the sound is deep and mellow just as you described. I’m listening to them now as I write this, and it always makes me think of him and the love he had for me in making them. I’m so happy you have the windchimes to remind you of your parents. What a comfort they must be to you.
Blessings, Betsy
How lovely that your husband made you a set – that’s much better and more personal than anything you could buy! Thank you, Betsy.
I think most comforting is that your Mom & Dad both listened to those very chimes with the wonderful notes you are now hearing. Sort of Circle of Life/ Serendipity kind of experience each time a breeze comes through. I think wind chimes are so calming. Enjoy them!!
Exactly. Knowing that they heard them while they were sitting in their living room is such a wonderful comfort.
I am so glad that you have the chimes. It’s a happy way to communicate with your parents. I talk to my parents every day. I don’t expect them to respond. I just tell them about my day and every night I gaze on their photos and tell them goodnight and let them know how much I love them and thank them for everything ~ all the good memories and the lessons they taught me and the love we all shared. I am sure that your parents loved you very deeply and were enormously proud of you. So now when you hear those chimes, you will be reminded of the love you all shared.
Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley
What a lovely thing to say, Susan. Thank you so much. xo
I enjoy the sound of wind chimes too Claudia……I have them hanging around my carport..
They’re beautiful, Nancy.
You were INDEED meant to have your Mom & Dad’s chimes, Claudia. I love that – it’s SO perfect. I wanted wind chimes too – for the front door of my new apartment. But had to look for several years to find some that were beautiful, had resonant tones I could imagine hearing repeated for hours at a time [without wanting to choke them] and were in my price range. I finally found them at a little garden and antique spot in a rural part of western upstate New York where I’ve found some other special things too. Mine chime in the key of A [natural]. Do you know what notes you’re hearing? Sometimes it’s “noted” somewhere on the chimes. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving too! ?
I’ll have to look at them. Otherwise, I’ll run back and forth from the piano to the chimes.
Such a lovely post, i enjoy seeing pictures of your beautiful home, an i love wind chimes, so glad you find comfort in the sound of your Mom and Dad’s chimes, have a wonderful day !
Thank you, Caroline!
Claudia, It was meant for you to hear the chimes of your parents. Blessings, xoxo, Susie
I think so, too. Thank you, Susie.
That’s so nice, Claudia. These little things mean so much and only more with time. I can’t even remember if I wished you a “Happy Birthday”. The last few days have been a blur. We lost our dear Kane to old age and kidney failure. We miss him more than words can express. Deb
Oh Deb, my heart goes out to you and your family. I’m so, so sorry to hear of Kane’s passing. He loved you very much and was loved deeply by all of you. He is still with you, of that I am certain. I’m sending you a hug and my deepest sympathies, my friend. Your devotion to your boy was beautiful. Take care.
Isn’t it nice how things work out. Always wanting chimes, never the right time, until now — the perfect time. It was just meant to be. Lovely chimes, too. I leave mine out all winter and enjoy them when the winter winds howl. Enjoy them, dear Claudia; I’m sure your parents are glad you are loving the chimes.
I’m going to leave mine out all winter long. We need some cheer in the midst of winter winds!
What a lovely post, Claudia. I love chimes, within reason (some people have too many). It’s so great that you have these and that they are bringing you comfort and joy.
I have to tell you, this time of year gets challenging for me because I’m missing my family so much…I realize this isn’t just me; it hits everybody once you get to our age (in my case, I wasn’t able to ‘replace’ [not the right word] a lot of loved ones I’ve lost, with a new generation of kids/grandkids/nieces and nephews, etc., so the sort of natural order of things is messed up; I try to be very grateful and not let the Hallmark-card depictions make me feel deprived and ‘alone’…and I did have those big Thanksgiving days once in my life, when younger, with 30 people crammed around a couple of tables in the huge dining room at my aunt’s old house which I so LOVE remembering and am entirely thankful I got to experience it)…anyway, I get a certain peace in going to the cemetery sometimes; so, I was out there today. And it’s been a stupendous day; I mean, Southern California GORGEOUS. Sure, we’re dry as a bone and we need to be greened up, but the sky was the truest blue, perfect snowy white clouds to the north, sun on the sea to the west; enough wind kicked up to clear us up (yet be enjoyable and invigorating). For all the people coming home for the holiday from out of the area, ‘back home’ to be with their families, I just felt so glad that they can experience beautiful hometown weather and take a good memory with them when they hit the road at the end of the long weekend.
To my chime story—someone at the cemetery hung a chime high in a tree (I can’t spot it, although I’ve looked and looked!) and when you wind through the old place (it’s a fairly good-size cemetery on a rise overlooking our valley; extremely nice and uplifting scenery with all kinds of trees [suffering a bit in the drought, but surviving]), car windows down, you can hear the tinkling of the chimes above you and really nothing else but the light wind and birds singing. I’ve heard those chimes before and it’s an angelic sound; heavenly; heaven-sent. It makes me feel good/better every time I drive the length of the cemetery over to where this chime is placed. Somebody had an excellent idea. Inspired.
I know tomorrow will be hard, Claudia, but I want you and Don to have a nice day. I wish you a peaceful Thanksgiving and I want you to try to eat something really delicious; maybe something pumpkin-y.
Some things have come up and I’ll be leaving the computer for awhile. I’m all right but, after Thanksgiving, some medical procedures are in order for me. (I always think when I take a break, that maybe I can learn more of how to edit my long comments here. I get a little too enthusiastic. I wish I had the talent/skill to write concisely; in fewer words…but I don’t.) I’ll come back to visit in the new year. I love your blog so much, Claudia. I’ll be thinking of you at Christmas and wish with all my heart for a better year in 2016 for the two of you (three of you, sweet Scout!).
You are all right? Now, I’m worried, my friend. I’ll miss you, but most importantly, get well soon! I’ll be thinking of you and sending healing thoughts your way.
And I love your story about the chimes in the cemetery. Beautiful.
Worry? Don’t! No mystery; just trying not to overshare as I usually do; details aren’t important. Can’t be sitting comfortably at a desk computer for awhile (I have no laptop or handheld device nor do I intend to get one; don’t want them although I know they are very convenient and my husband couldn’t get by without his ‘portables’ since they’re tied into his job[s] as is I’m sure the case for you and Don as working professionals). Thanks for the cheer. ‘God’s in His heaven—All’s right with the world! ‘ (Robert Browning)
Oh good! Now I feel better about the whole thing!
and i also like seeing photos of your charming home.
as a renter in an apartment, my chimes consist of several strands of brass bells hanging from the inside knob of my door. i hear quick jingles only a couple times a day, but i love them … and understand why you treasure your chimes.
hope you all have a peace-filled day, do what helps you relax and feel better and eat whatever you want.
I love the sound of chimes on a door – good idea, Kathy. Thank you!
I have my parents wind chimes on my back porch too.
Oh, I’m so glad you do, Kay. Happy Thanksgiving!
I love wind chimes too, and we bought a set for the back deck a year or so ago. Always hope for a little breeze so they will sing. Great that you now have some…. they can be so enjoyable.