I’ve been sharing a corner or two of our real-life house with you the last two Sundays. However, I had a meeting with the owner of the dollhouse the other day and she made it very clear that I should feature the corners of her little haven this Sunday.
She seems to be quite strong willed. (Like someone else I know.)
Very well. Here we go.
Potting Shed
Bench – made by me; pots and potting soil – from miniatures.com; trowel – from Weston Miniatures/Etsy.
Work table from miniatures.com – painted by me; knitting – found in a little dollhouse shop; ribbon – a gift from Judy; scissors – a gift from Maryanne; sewing basket – one of the very first things I bought, before I even had a dollhouse, from a dollhouse shop in San Diego; wallpaper from Itsy Bitsy Mini; floors and paneled wall made by me from popsicle and craft sticks.
Chair – made by me from Léa’s tutorial; flip-flops – a gift from miniaturist Jill; sink cabinet from miniatures.com – painted by me; vinyl floor from a hobby shop; wallpaper from Itsy Bitsy Mini; beadboard and trim from miniatures.com.
Potting Shed
Crate from Weston Miniatures/Etsy; pots from miniatures.com; flowers from my stash; flower basket – gift from miniaturist Jayne; sink – taken from another piece, legs added by me; floor made from beadboard and painted by me.
Living room
Chest found in an antique shop (from the Ideal Petite Princess line); mirror – a gift from reader Linda; potted sansivieria – a gift from miniaturist Jayne; tote bag – a gift from miniaturist Jill; table – from a bag of dollhouse furniture given to me by Heidi, painted and aged by me; teacup and saucer – found in a hobby shop; plate from Carrie Lavender/Etsy; chair from Dollhouses and More; pillow – a gift from miniaturist Marsha; wallpaper from Itsy Bitsy Mini; floors – made from popsicle sticks and stained by me.
Plates from Carrie Lavender/Etsy and Twelve Times More Teeny/Etsy; sofa from Dollhouses and More; wallpaper from Itsy Bitsy Mini.
Bedside table (from that bag of furniture given to me by Heidi) – painted by me; lamp – from the Ideal Petite Princess line, found on Ebay; magazines – made by Norma; bed made and dressed by Norma; floors made by me from craft sticks; wallpaper from Itsy Bitsy Mini; beadboard, bricks and trim from miniatures.com.
Table from miniatures.com – painted and aged by me; chairs from miniatures.com – painted by me; plate – a gift from miniaturist Jayne; cup and saucer found in hobby shop; cake – a gift from miniaturist Marsha; floors made, painted and aged by me; wallpaper from Itsy Bitsy Mini; beadboard and trim from miniatures.com.
Kitchen cabinets and sink from New England Miniatures; plates from Carrie Lavender/Etsy and Twelve Times More Teeny/Etsy; pitcher found in a hobby shop; tile backsplash added by me; retro refrigerator made by me from a wooden box; wallpaper from Itsy Bitsy Mini.
Living room
Fireplace – a Christmas Gift from Don – painted by me; andirons and wood from miniatures.com; blue bowl – a gift from miniaturist Jayne; painting – found in now defunct dollhouse shop; armillary – a gift from reader/blogger, Lady Hawthorne; window frame – pulled from another piece and painted and aged by me; flowers and pot from miniaturist Jayne; wallpaper from Itsy Bitsy Mini; floors – made and stained by me.
Listing and referencing the story behind all the items in the dollhouse is a good thing for me to do. It reminds me where things came from, whether I found the piece or made it or if it was a gift (as so many things in the dollhouse are) from a reader and/or blogger. When I get around to doing the before/after posts about the dollhouse, this information will be essential.
It takes a village to make a dollhouse a home.
Happy Sunday.
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