Currently feeling like crap.
That’s really all there is say, my friends. Congested in head, in chest, coughing, and trying to clear all of this out of my system. It will pass. Been there, done that. When you have allergies, as I do, and are already mildly to very congested on a daily basis, a cold just piles more on.
Luckily, Don is here and I’m not having to manage everything on my own. We’ve been watching episodes of Curb Your Enthusiasm at night, laughing like crazy, which often results in another coughing jag, but what the heck? Laughter is the best medicine.
Shots from around the house:
The sun came out yesterday (and it’s shining again today) which was very welcome after fog and rain for two days. I know I should be evolved enough that weather doesn’t affect my mood, but I freely admit I’m not. Sunny, please. And maybe some occasional fog.
I occasionally scan the ground where we found the individual pieces of this plate. I’m hoping that after the winter passes, the ground will heave up some more. Come on, Mother Nature, do your thing.
I only have four more Nancy Drews to collect and then I’ll have all the editions illustrated by Russell H. Tandy. I haven’t been looking for them lately, but yesterday I bid on one on eBay. We’ll see what happens. One of the missing editions, The Hidden Staircase, is very hard to find and is almost always in less-than-perfect condition. But I’m not a perfectionist and I figure if I find a pretty good copy, I’m fine with that. Should the gods send a perfect copy my way, so be it.
I’m reading the latest John Le Carré and it’s excellent. But it’s slow going – partly due to my feeling under the weather and partly because his pace is slower than most of the spy thrillers being written today. It’s actually a lovely change.
Happy Thursday.
I hope that you feel better soon, Claudia. A sunny day is good medicine as is a good read.
Yes, indeed!
hope you feel better soon. sooner than soon! and that next spring you find more pieces of that pretty plate.
what “nancy drew” titles do you need to finish your collection?
i require and benefit from lots of sunshine to truly feel my best, but love, love, love rain, dark gray days, storms and sometimes snow – probably because with such weather i give myself permission to slow down, watch a great old b/w movie on tv and sit, paint, knit or nap – things i don’t do so much of when it’s sunny. looking for a rainy day … ha but not really ha. :)
kathy in iowa
I can’t remember the titles at the moment, Kathy. I always have to go back to a cheat sheet I have somewhere in the house to remind myself!
There is a town nearby me that is known for its antique shops. I was browsing in one of the shops about a month ago. They had some of the Nancy Drew books, but I didn’t know which ones you still need.
I need a few titles but they have to be done by a certain illustrator. Thank you for thinking of me!
Wishing you a speedier recovery Claudia. There is a lot of nasty stuff going around this Fall/Winter. Take care. Hoping you are getting the sunshine today.
We did. Will it be sunny today, I wonder?
I’m always in a much better mood when the sun is shining. (However…too much sun often shows every speck of dust, and every piece of swirling cat hair, much to my dismay!). But…I do so enjoy the occasional snowstorm, when I’m properly prepared, and the occasional thunderstorm…dark skies and all. I find that the weather often dictates how productive I am, too. Clearly…I am not evolved!
Hope you feel better soon!! ;)
I am definitely not evolved!
I hope you feel better soon. It’s definitely no fun being sick. I’m glad Don’s home though. I bid on The Hidden Staircase last week, forgot about it and lost it by 50 cents! I was so mad at myself because I would have won it if I had remembered!
I bid on it and lost it last night because I wasn’t watching the auction. That’s okay. It went for more than I was willing to pay.
I saw that auction also. I bid on it twice but then dropped out. I only go to a certain amount too when I’m bidding.
And you know another copy will come along!
Claudia, try pressing hot ginger on your forehead and your sinuses (upperpart of your cheek). I think I explained the process to you before? Now with Stella, it’s even better….heat a hand of unpeeled ginger on one of the burners (I put the ginger right on top, but you can place a sheet of foil down first if you’re picky). Heat until one side chars, then turn over with tongs to char the other side. Meanwhile, have a clean piece of old sheets or pillowcase ready (about the size of a handtowel). Fold in half. Place hot ginger on the sheeting, fold the sheeting over the ginger and pound with a mallet or hammer until you see ginger juices. Then place on your forehead. CAREFUL…HOT! Press down as much as you can tolerate the heat. This technique went back as far as my grandma using it on my Mom when she was a little girl, my Mom used it on my siblings and me, and I use it on my daughters. It should dry you up for a few hours. It’s especially good at night so you can get some sleep. (And even if it doesn’t dry you up, the heat feels good.). Get better!
Thank you so much, Wendy!
Sunshine always helps my moods also. My Mom told the Dr she felt Crappy the other day. He just smiled and said that sounds about right. Her lungs are clear so that’s the good news and it just takes time to feel better. I made dinner last night and she said it was the first food in 2 weeks that tasted really good, so she is on the mend. I’m enjoying Don’s IG photos of his cross country trip! Hugs my friend!
So glad to hear that your mom is feeling better, Linda!
Feel better, friend. And listen to Al Franken’s sad but beautiful speech.
It broke my heart. I really love Al Franken and though I know these allegations had to be dealt with, I do have some lingering doubt as to the validity of them. Just a bit. He was a valuable voice for us and he will be missed. The fact that a pedophile is still in the running for Senate and a serial sexual predator is in the Oval Office makes my blood boil.
Hope you feel better Claudia.Thankfully you are home and with Don.
Thank you, Grace.
Get well soon
I love Curb Your Enthsiam too
Your cottage, as always , looks beautiful and so welcoming
Thank you, Siobhan!
We are sharing the sunshine today! But….. tomorrow they are calling for an inch of that “s” crud. That one inch would be MORE than enough for me for the entire season. It is soooo cold! Those 60’s for the past 10 days or so were fabulous, but makes this temperature change so much harder to handle!
I hope you feel better as today goes on. I am a believer that rest is the #1 healer….. so enjoy some good R&R!!
Oh no! No snow on the horizon for us yet, though I remember seeing some in the forecast for next week.
I too live in a state of perpetual allergies. it’s hard to know when you have a cold or not!
you feel just as miserable.
except that because of that… one year I allowed it to turn into pneumonia unbeknown to me.
I was ill for 5 months. I thought I would never be well again! be watchful dear bean.
if it drags on too long that can’t be good.
so glad you’re both together there in your cozy cottage.
get well soon!
Thanks, Tammy!
Here’s wishing you feel better – and immediately. But how wise you were to wait until Don was home to start feeling really “crappity.” LOVE your word. I live alone & usually love it – growing up the oldest of 6 kids in a 3-bedroom house makes that understandable I think – but when I’m under the weather I always find myself wishing there was someone else around. I think being sick alone makes me feel worse than I really am. But once I feel better, I’m generally glad it’s just me again. I love company and I love entertaining [in small groups] but I also love it when everyone goes home too. I was an excellent aunt [still am, I think] because I loved doing things with my niece & nephew – we had a boatload of fun adventures together when they were growing up. But I confess to also being very glad when their parents finally took them home. I suspect I would have made a very good grandmother, but not such a great mother at all. And I don’t have kids of my own, so things have worked out! LOL. Anyway, plunk yourself under something warm this afternoon & either read or nap – or both! Got any vitamin C with rosehips around? I was feeling blah this weekend & took a bunch of them with lots of water [every hour on the hour around the clock while I was awake] & got a couple solid nights’ sleep & feel just fine now. But I don’t have allergies – not sure C is much help with those. Just feel better soon. Peace.🍜
I am much the same. Love being an Aunt, loved my students, but I don’t think I would have been a great mom. I like my solitude too much!
Don’t you just love the sun shining through the windows on a wintry day? Hope you beat that nasty bug soon!
I do! I hope we get some today, as well!
Sorry to hear that you are still not feeling better.
Thanks, Marilyn. I’m better today.
Feel better soon. Don’t wait too long to see the doctor. You might get over it faster with some meds in you.
I’m fine. I don’t, as a rule, go to the doctor for something that simply needs to run its course.
My husband feel the same bad way. A friend says you guys need meds from urgent care. Rol has allergies, too, and when we get to Fl. the palm trees set him off big time. Good luck, your cottage looks so homey and warm. Love the books and the pottery.
Nah. I don’t need meds. In fact, I’m feeling better today! Thanks, Gayle.
I think you and I have the same virus! And a cold always goes into bronchitis, every single time. Another thing we have in common is a love of houseplants. I adore how they grow and give us better air and something to look forward to as a new shoot comes up. I’m having the same exact outraged, bulging veined apoplexy about what is going on with the current administration and his gang of soulless goons it makes we want to go outside and howl like a wounded dog. The Tax bill mess, the Navajo debacle, the taking away the the protections of our wild lands, and it goes on and on.. ever. single. day. And we keep hoping some hero will save us. And no one does. Mueller is a hope but he’s taking so long and so much damage is done each day he plods along and you know what? I am losing hope that anything meaningful will come from his work. In my long life I have never seen such ruination of our country. Big deep sigh. Anyhoo.. I called the DC today and ranted and raved at some poor woman who answered the phone. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
Oh, Teresa, I hear you. I am in a perpetual state of anger and outrage. I knew that any administration run by this sorry excuse for a human being would be bad, but it turns out I had no idea just how bad it would become. Much love.
So sorry you are feeling so poorly.
I am still coughing, though not as much
today. Have kept the large Dutch oven
with simmering water going for the past 2 days and the moisture really
helps. Finally began Mucinex liquid
as well.
Hope you improve quickly and that the
Sun comes out soon. Do loving things
for yourself.
I’m feeling better, Joan. Thank you!
Sending wishes for your cold to go away Claudia!
Thank you, Nancy!