I’ve been churning out some Obsession Scarves for the shop. Perhaps ‘churning’ isn’t the best word for the creative process. How about ‘joyfully stitching’? I so want to get the shop up and running, but there are photos to be taken, pricing to figure out, mailing costs – oh my goodness. As for photos – the skies have been a tad gloomy for the past two days and not the best for picture taking.
I’m suddenly aware of color – true color – lately. I want the photos to show the real colors and, frankly, that’s not always easy. For example, the pinkish tone in the to scarf is a little off, it’s a deeper color. That will be the challenge.
I’m experimenting with the opacity of the watermark on my photos. This is better.
Yarn is beautiful, isn’t it? The fibers, the softness. These variegated skeins are perfect for the Obsession Scarf.
Theses roses are stunning. They were part of a mixed bouquet that included the pink alstromeria – from Trader Joe’s. Mixed bouquets can be a wonderful way to spread flowers out throughout your home…a little here…a little there.
Yellow brightens up the house on a gloomy day.
I love Blogger but I’m having some doubts lately. The cancellation of Picnik, the push for everyone to join Google+, the problems with comments, blogs being taken down as spam or for some other reason – it all makes me nervous. I haven’t had any problems yet, knock on wood, but I know plenty of people who have. I’m researching WordPress. We’ll see.
Thanks for all the wonderful comments about Old Man Winter! I loved reading them. Seems like most of us have a love/hate relationship with this season. We had rain all day yesterday and our pretty snowfall has turned to mud. A depressing landscape, indeed.
Have a great Tuesday!
I am a sucker for yellow flowers. They are my favorites.
Very pretty colors in your scarves and the flowers. Pinks and yellows in flowers are always perfect.
I love to look at yarn when I am in the store! I love to see all the beautiful colors and I wish I was a little more skilled in the knitting and crocheting department! I just did a post on my knitted scarf. I am proud of it but wish I could do something different. I love your obsession scarves! I love the colors and the crochet stitch! “Churning” is a good word….I get it! ~Hugs, Patti
Claudia, just looking at your flowers makes me long for some. As soon as I feel strong enough, I’m heading for Farm Boy. Your scarves are lovely. It rained all day here yesterday. Today, the sky is gray and so it makes me appreciate all the more the beautiful colours in your scarves! Have a nice day!
I love your scarves and the colors! Gorgeous photos, too.
Yes, color can give a boost to our spirit. For sure.
As for blogger, I have noticed that I haven’t been able to leave comments on several blogs. It just freezes up. Hmph! Just the other day I was thinking about switching to WordPress.
The scarves are delightful, I would love to see a photo of a full sized one. What if you matched paint chips to the colors, and shoot them together, that way if someone really wanted to know, they could check out the chip color? Lot’s of work, but it would give a range of color in the scarf.
I am thinking about Word Press also, but with the move coming up, I think it will have to be put on the back burner.
Still can’t tell if the problems with blogs loading is from the internet connection here, or Blogger.
Having my blog and email be suspended was awful, but it seems I am not alone…makes me wonder.
Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams
I haven’t had any problems yet with my blog coming down as spam. But, as I have said they cancelled my Ad Sense for no reason after taking some funds. I have switched to Google Chrome, which I think was a major problem for some of us a while back. Now all this + stuff. They really want to get rid of us I think. I, too am thinking of wordpress, but don’t really want to change. Playing around with BeFunky for framing and Photoshop, but still not the same and am truly in a funky. Oh, well, we will move forward with our yarns and stuff. Love that scarf and pattern. It will be perfect for your shop. Off to see what I can post today. Probably nothing like normal.
Have you read the posts by various bloggers who make or buy a light box (box with the sides cut out, front too, covered inside and out with white paper) or a commercial one (check on line). They use it for etsy photos of individual items.
Those colors are just gorgeous, Claudia. It’s wonderful how the yarn and flowers mirror one another with their beautiful hues. Best of luck with your venture!
I needed all this colour today. We have another snow storm goin’ on.
Blogger would not let me comment on many blogs last evening. Troubling it is but your flowers and scarf are very pretty today.
Hi Claudia,
Your scarves are so pretty and I adore those colors. I imagine it is a joy to not only work with such beautiful fibers but also to be able to go to the shop regularly to see all the different ones too.
Your flowers are lovely. I do LOVE yellow on a WInter’s day!
Boy I needed this color today! The scarves and flowers are beautiful! Hopefully, you’ll be up soon so I can purchase a scarf to keep me warm. Feeling blue today…..and your photographs made me feel happy. Sorry to hear that some people are having trouble with blogger. I.m on typepad and I like it so far. I am not happy at all with google dropping picnik (I just discovered it) and I do not like being forced into joining yet another program. On another note…..my work day is half way finished and I can go home and curl up with a blankey. Maybe I’ll purchase some flowers on the way home to cheer me up.
The pink flowers are just beautiful with the lovely hues in the yarns. Regarding Blogger, I haven’t had the problems that so many have experienced. I’ve noticed that I don’t have the new threaded comments on my blog, then again, I don’t seem them here either.
So fun to read about your preparations in opening your shop. I’m right there with ya! Please post what you learn about shipping. It’s honestly the part that scares me the most. Where to get packaging, how to figure shipping, etc.
You’re scarves are simply delicious-looking thru my screen, no matter what their color! And the flowers warm my heart on this cloudy January day….
Crocheting and knitting are like therapy for me. Getting totally lost in the color and texture and constant movement lets me “zone out”, just totally lose myself in the work and forget about the rest of the world. Such bliss!
Lets hope Blogger remains as is. WordPress is a real booger… I tried it and never did figure it out. Loving all your colorful crocheted items!
Hi Claudia,
I have the same feelings lately but, haven’t voiced my opinions. Frankly, I don’t want to pay to Blog. That’s were I’m at. It’s a shame you know. I love the colors that you picked for the scarf projects. I can’t wait to see your shop!
xxx Liz
That really is beautiful yarn! Have a great day! ♥
Yellow is my favorite color, so your roses suit me quite well! Although after looking at the beautiful colors in those Obsession Scarves, I may become a lavender girl for awhile. Beautiful. Ann
Gorgeous colours in these scarves Claudia :D
Photography has been a huge challenge for me in blogging. I’m struggling with an ancient 3.5 camera and lighting issues in my house. I may have to bite the bullet and upgrade! ~ Maureen
love the colors of the scarf…why not sell them on your blog while you are setting up your etsy?
stay warm.
Hi Claudia, love the flowers and crocheting! I’ve been buying alstromeria too – it lasts so long – found a beautiful bunch of a deep red color in our local Shop Rite! I am so unaware of how Blogger has changed or the push to Google – is there somewhere for me to read and catch up and understand the issues? Also, I got a MacBook Pro in September and am still learning to use it – very limited but trying. How can I add a watermark to my photos? I figured out how to do it on my PC (but I forgot) – thanks for any help or guidance! xxoo
I’m going in for a little more color this time in the year. Your scarves are so pretty! I get a heavy urge to knit this time of year, and want to make the grey shawl that Jane Eyre wears in the recent movie. Nothing like that feel of worked yarn in your hands!
Your scarves are delicious and the colors definitely brighten a dreary day. I completely understand the tedious task of photos, pricing, descriptions for listing and that is why my shop is on vacation hold. Blogger is being difficult for me also but I am not thinking of anything else at this time. Happy Hugs,
What peaceful images! And the color in the yarns is beautiful. Makes me want to go knit something!
I am so bummed about picnik. :(
LOVE my scarf like this.. perhaps I need one in purple hues!….
Such gorgeous rich colors! I’m going to have to learn some day I guess. I like your watermark.
Oh, My!
I simply *love* the grey at the bottom…..the colour of the sky just before a storm.
May I have one on hold in my name, for when the shop opens? I would wear it with love.
We finally had a sunny day today. Hooray. definitely a spirit lifter and put me more into the creative mood. Your scarves are lovely.
Oh I love your scarves! I had my pc in the shop so I found out today about picnik. I am really bummed out about it. My blog was shut down for a day and I don’t have ads at all! When I couldn’t get on…well I was more than a bit peeved. It sort of leaves you with a feeling of lost control.
Blessings, Joanne
I have a yarn obsession. There’s not much I like better:) Your scarves are beautiful. I discovered early on in our attempt to take photos of it, that yarn is one of the hardest things to accurately share. Especially red shades. I wish I could say I’d learned a great technique for getting it right, but it is still something we struggle with. We’re wanting to stay on Blogger ourselves, so far so good! We haven’t had any problems, but it sounds scary. Have a wonderful day! Twyla
Spent hours last evening (shoulda watched a movie instead!) fiddling about with Blogger and headers and backup stuff – ending up with a headache and thoughts of just quitting the whole darned thing!!!
If you come up with an easy way for headers, collages etc. pls. share with us – you’re so good at all this.
Meanwhile………..I just want to wrap myself up in one of your pretties, that would be wonderful!
Mary X
Hi Claudia,
The scarves are so pretty…and I know what you mean about your photos showing the colors the way you want them to…on top of that everyone’s monitor sees color differently. I use my Ott lamps to create that perfect white light that catches the truest color. It really does make a difference in the photos. I also make the attempt of describing the colors in each item. That’s about the best you can do..good photos and good descriptions.
Oh, and a good price…the elusive good price..:0)
I know what you mean about getting your shop up and running. I thought I’d never get mine going but it finally happened a few weeks before Christmas.
The flowers are pretty..they really do brighten the gray scale of winter.
Steph ♥
I love the colors of your scarves! Regarding Blogger and WordPress…..I have WordPress and I really like it!
Claudia, your scarves are beautiful! I sure do love the one you made for me. With this cold winter weather, I’ve been wearing it alot.
Pretty scarves! And you are right–the yellow flowers–even on the computer–really brighten the gloomy day!