Another flowering tree in the Secret Garden. This was taken early in the day yesterday before the insane weather arrived. Windy, very cold, thunderstorms. Don says the wind chill was 18 degrees when he got up this morning. We’re having snow showers at the moment and tonight might bring frost.
Enough already.
Right before we went to bed, we ran outside to bring five containers of pansies in the house. The wind was so intense and it was so cold that I figured I’d rest easier knowing they were safe.
Our little Carolina wrens hadn’t been around for several days. We figured they might have opted for a different nest. But yesterday morning, I heard them calling and I saw BOTH of them! They were flying around the little trailer and at one point, they both went inside.
Were they moving in? Or were they still in the process of choosing their new home? We’re not sure, but at least one of them was back this morning, singing while standing in front of the house. He/she went inside, as well.
Heavens, I’ll be glad when I can finally get outside to finish clearing garden beds and can go to the nursery to buy plants for my pots. Next week will be much warmer, so I must be patient. I’m working on the puzzle in the meantime.
Wish us luck tonight with the freezing temps!
Stay safe.
Happy Thursday.
Love your pix!
Yes, insane weather, wow.
Happy Earth Day :)
Thanks, my friend!
Stay safe.
The secret garden tree is lovely. We just had 2 nights of a hard freeze. But, my veggies are taken each night, and the hostas are just starting…so it looks like we escaped damage. I’ll know more later when I venture out.
I’m glad you brought in the pansies…wouldn’t want anything to happen to their little faces. I think I’ll start cleaning up the hostas…we have mulch to spread, and we need to get that spread within the next week before the hostas get too big.
I was at a nursery yesterday…and surprisingly, most of their plants were not ready for sale. They said they were too small. I did snag a dwarf limelight though, that was just starting to sprout, I’m super happy about that. Hope your plants survive the hard frost. Enjoy your day…and stay safe! ;)
I have so much to do outside and I haven’t been able to do it because of cold weather and rain.
Stay safe, Donna.
I imagine your wrens snuggling in their cozy trailer to keep warm in this goofy weather!
Happy Earth Day!
I hope they are!
Stay safe, Ellen.
I love following the Wren story! Hang in there. Temps in Michigan are supposed to reach 70 degrees by Tuesday next week!
Yes, we have one day with 80 ahead! A bit too hot, but what a change!
Stay safe.
good luck to you and your plants in the cold weather. and happy earth day.
glad you’ve seen the wrens, brought in the pansies, have a cheerful puzzle to enjoy.
kind of usual here … though physical therapy and the change to a softer back brace (which seems to just serve as a reminder to be careful) have been tough … more pain, exhaustion … but i am trusting the process and the people helping me get through it.
happy ihursday! stay safe.
kathy in iowa
It will pay off, Kathy. I’m so glad you’re getting PT.
Stay safe!
Oh, I do wish you luck with the freezing temps and feel badly for wildlife who have to endure it in the outdoors like your wrens, so it’s good they have a house!
We came through okay. No sign of frost this morning!
Stay safe, Vicki.
Claudia — your tree is very pretty — we still have redbuds in bloom but other ornamental trees have finished and are leafed out. one nite this week we had 1 1/2- 2 inches of snow — was so pretty BUT not in Apr!! last nite we had a hard freeze and another tonite. somebody has really made MotherNature very mad. next week, 80s are predicted — so crazy!! I have not seen Mr/Mrs Wren out back but have heard them singing — amazing sound from such a wee bird.
sure hope your Wrens raise a successful family. stay safe and healthy
Yes, the forecast here has a high of 80 for one day next week. Crazy!
Stay safe, Linda.
How exciting to have the new tenants at hand! I’ve yet to see Wrennie, who took over my B&B birdhouse last year. Big smiles to you!
I brought my pansies in, too and covered other things. I think tonight we’ll be in the 40s but we’ve been dipping into the 20s. I hope all are saved!
Happy weekend!
I think we’re okay here. No sign of frost this morning. I’ll go outside in a minute to inspect everything.
Stay safe, Jeanie!
Today is Friday and the weather here was wild yesterday too. Huge but short electoral storm, then torrential rain, then some clear skies, and the storm hit again. It was down to the 30s and very windy. Fortunately, we have no tender plants, but I felt bad for the beautiful daffodils and tulips that I drove by. Also, my husband, who has been in the hospital with pneumonia, was supposed to be transferred to a rehab facility yesterday and I’m glad he didn’t have to go out in the rain. We’re hopeful that today he can get settled. It’s right down the street from our house, so I can get over there often. It’s hard, but the worst part is his deeply devoted cat who misses him painfully. I’m a very poor substitute. Isn’t it odd to be more worried about the cat than anything? Neil understands what’s happening, but Miss Mikey doesn’t. I guess that’s why. Hope you get a rest from the weather so that you can keep your garden projects going. Stay safe!
I’m so sorry to hear your husband is ill, Nora! Sending healing energy his way. But I’m glad he’s okay to leave the hospital. How fortunate that the rehab facility is nearby.
Yes, explaining things to animals is impossible and it makes your heart break that they don’t understand.
Stay safe, Nora.
hej, nora …
best wishes and prayers for your husband to have a quick, full recuperation and that you and miss mikey feel better, too.
kathy in iowa