Ever since we were vaccinated on Tuesday, I’ve had a few thoughts running through my head. After we got the shot, I found myself wanting to get back home where it feels safe. I’ve had that thought throughout the pandemic. As you know, I’m a homebody, a nester, and my home – whether it was a one-room apartment, my childhood bedroom, or our house – has always grounded me and given me peace.
Don and I talked about this during our second cup of coffee. Just what do we want to hang on to after restrictions are lifted? After 5 years of stress with the previous administration? What have we realized we absolutely must have going forward?
I feel very protective about our ‘world’ here at the cottage. About what we have held close to our hearts over the past year. Though the cottage has always been our haven, it has become more so – a safe place where we can find peace, where we make the choice about how we want to live, how we react to the world, how much of the world we want to shut out, and about the atmosphere we want to maintain and nurture. I’m 68 years old. Don will be 70 in June. How do we want to live our lives going forward?
I read these four words this morning: “an oasis of calm.”
That’s it. That’s exactly what I want. That’s what we want. I no longer want the extreme ups and downs that I regularly lived with when I was younger. I can control what I let into my head and heart. I can keep the news at arms length. I can decide how to react. I need and want peace.
This cottage often overflows with creativity. Songs, music, recording, dollhouses, books, puzzles…and often, QUIET. I need all of that. And I’m going to fiercely protect that. As is Don. The world will enter in, of course. But how much of the world enters in is entirely up to us.
I did do some work on the dollhouse yesterday.
I hung the light over the island.
I started laying the floor in the bathroom, finally covering up the remnants of the dreadful carpet that was in this room when I found the house at the dump.
I finished the floor and stuck this gorgeous chair in the room for a pretty picture.
I don’t like doing bathrooms in a small house. It’s a waste of space – at least, to my eyes – especially in a house with four rooms, or three, now that I’ve made the first floor an open space. Boring: a toilet, a bathtub, and a sink. Inserting the chair in this scene made me wonder: do I really have to have a bathroom? Wouldn’t I much rather have this room be a den or retreat with an easel set up near the window? I’m just riffing at the moment, but what do you think? I already defied norms by eliminating the stairs. Maybe we could just agree that the bathroom is just off the kitchen? Out of sight, but there?
Stay safe.
Happy Sunday.
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