I’ve named this “Sun on Endless Snow.”
We’re getting a bit more on Monday and then the warm-up should begin. I hear a bird singing right now. I know I’ve mentioned this before, but hearing a bird sing in the dead of winter is always a comfort to me – a sign of hope. I always stop and listen and thank Mother Nature.
Don has decided that we should frame the puzzle I finished yesterday – The Piano Lesson. I think he’s right. So I carefully moved it off the table and onto a piece of foam board. At some point in the future, we’ll use puzzle glue and frame it.
I started the new puzzle, but I sort of ran out of steam, so I didn’t do much. I’ve been working so intensely on them that I needed a break. This morning, I read a big chunk of Mrs. Tim Carries On, and it felt good. It’s such a lovely book and it describes wartime England beautifully. Anyway, more reading is on the docket for today, plus a little laundry and cleaning. It’s not supposed to stay sunny all day long, but the sun is shining brightly at the moment and that sure helps.
Don and Dan have released a new song, “Lust in the Dust.” It hearkens back to Marty Robbins and Old Westerns and I love it. (I contributed some background vocals.) Here’s the link.
Stay safe.
Happy Saturday.
I LOVE “Lust in the Dust.” Vocals, lyrics the music..I also liked the illustration used.
This is the first time I have listened to one of Don’s songs and it will not be the last. I was impressed to see you listed in the vocals. What renaissance people you are.
Thank you and Take Care
Park City, UT,
Ah, thank you so much, Kaye! Glad you enjoyed it.
Stay safe!
That puzzle will look very nice framed.
I can feel that spring is on It’s way. There is something different in the light. The days are getting longer. Birds singing, squirrels sighted, and only 8 days til March.
We are supposed to have some warmer, above freezing days next week.
We have seen a drop in covid cases locally and as more people get vaccinated I have hope that life will become more normal.
I haven’t listened to Don’s song yet but I will.
Stay safe
We still can’t get a vaccine appointment. It’s seemingly impossible!
Stay safe, Marilyn!
when you said you’d miss the “piano lessons” puzzle, i wondered if you might frame and display it where you could enjoy it every day. glad you’ll do that.
another song from don and this time we get to hear you sing, too … wonderful! thanks to you both for sharing it here.
something else wonderful is the support that you and don provide each other regarding interests, feelings, careers …. :)
we are to get up to three inches of snow tomorrow morning (not needed or appreciated), but it’s dry, sunny and getting above 5 degrees today … i’ll be glad about that.
looking forward to when i can do more cleaning around here (still have restrictions on movement and carrying/pushing/pulling things), but for now will dust what’s within easy reach and maybe make some soup. painting is also on my list. talking with my family is a given. i’m looking very much forward to when we can do that in person sitting in the same room together. :)
happy, safe saturday!
kathy in iowa
We’re getting that same 3 inches on Monday.
I only have Meredith nowadays – aside from nieces and nephews – and living so far from each other, we don’t see each other often, but knowing we can’t makes it especially hard.
Stay safe, Kathy.
i hate that for you and your family, me and mine and the whole world.
praying about the vaccine, people’s willingness to take it and then continue to take precautions (not treat these shots like a “get out of jail free” card to do whatever reckless thing they want that could endanger others) …
sending a virtual hug, if that’s okay.
kathy in iowa
What a cool song! Happy Saturday!
Thank you, April!
Stay safe.
I am happy you decided to frame the piano lesson. It’s a lovely puzzle. I am very interested in your current puzzle ‘Art Shop’. I could see me framing that one. Good news! My Mom and I found Covid vaccine appointments for Monday about and hour from us. We are so happy and are willing to drive that far. It’s an easy drive north and away from Atlanta so we will do it. She is so happy and we are praying for good outcomes for both of us. Take care and I’m off to listen to the new song!!
I’m so happy for you.
But frustrated on our end. I don’t know when we’ll get an appointment. It’s very depressing.
Stay safe, Linda.
Reading is on my docket, too. And some baking. It’s sunny and pretty here; Rick is away for the day and not back till late so I might do take-out (and while there pick up some wine from the curbside six for sixty shop! I’m glad you’re framing the puzzle. It has such resonance for you.
I’m not sure what our snow story is for the weekend but hopefully it won’t be too bad. It’s a good weekend to snug in (and have yet another mom-and-boys meeting with Rick’s family). We’re getting slammed from all sides this week.
You are. I hope that reading and some yummy baked goods help.
Stay safe, Jeanie.
I can see why you would want to frame the puzzle. I loved it. Don’s song was great!
I’ll pass that on to him, Eileen!
Stay safe!
Blow, blow, thou winter wind,
Thou art not so unkind
As man’s ingratitude;
Thy tooth is not so keen,
Because thou art not seen,
Although thy breath be rude.
The Bard
An author I am extremely familiar with!
Stay safe, Anne.
Every time I take the trash out and see the piles of snow, I think to myself…last winter…last winter. After living near Myrtle Beach, SC, in the 1990’s–my first teaching experience was at project schools…it was so so difficult to move back to WV and those winters–I needed to be closer to my daughter and family-expecting my first grandchild. She was in Indy only 6 hours…so that made it pretty perfect. Then I moved here three years ago to be here in same area with them…and oh my goodness…I am sick of cold and snow…sorry to whine…usually doesn’t bother me…enough on that matter-Florida in March…I love your puzzles…I enjoyed the song…he still sounds like a gentle Don Williams to me and little like Marty Robbins…even has some George Strait…however, as you can tell, I believe his voice is unique…his own…I was married to a Gospel/Country singer…we traveled over several states…I love music…take care…stay safe…prayers
Thanks so very much, Brenda.
Stay safe.
The two of you provide a peek into the creative lives of two artists in such a sweet gentle way. What a rich, full life you have created for yourselves.
After listening to Don’s newest song I stayed in the site, and spent a pleasant time relistening to all the songs.
It felt like I would like to be sitting someplace at a table with a drink in my hand, just enjoying a performance by talented people.
No harshness, just so calming and enjoyable.
Thanks for what felt like a mini vacation on this cold snowy Saturday.
I’m sending out prayers that we renew a reality that once again supports the arts in all forms, and you and Don, and all others like you, have a way to share your gifts again.
You two really touched my heart today, thank you.
beautifully said, jan! i agree with every word you said. thanks to you, claudia and don!
hope you and your loves are safe, well.
kathy in iowa
Oh, thank you so much for your kind words, Jan. I will be sure to pass them on to Don.
Stay safe.
Hi Claudia, I really enjoy Don’s new song. Such a treat to hear you singing too. It does remind me of Marty Robbins.
I have been hearing cardinals singing every morning. When I hear the mourning doves cooing in the early mornings, that is a sign of spring approaching for me.
Enjoy the weekend!❤️
I can’t wait to hear mourning doves again, Robin.
Thanks for your kind words about the song.
Stay safe!
I loved Don’s song! Thanx for the link!
You’re welcome!
Stay safe, Judy.
Thanks for the new song. Your voices blend so well. Marty Robbins, that’s a name from the past! My Dad used to listen to his records.
I wish I could sing but I can’t hold a tune in a bucket! If I happen to start singing when my son is in the room, he always says “Please, don’t”😀
Happy Saturday
Thank you, Dee Dee! I’m so glad you enjoyed it.
Stay safe!
Don’s song and the two of you singing it. oh MY!
such a joy to listen to. and to know the people with such talent.
thank you both.
had the 2nd shot yesterday. my arm very sore and can’t seem to get warm.
like a chill deep inside. but other than those two things… no awful effects.
I was a little afraid… hearing all the stories of the effects.
so I’m grateful!
we still have Snow! and the rolling planned outages of power have stopped.
just grateful for being alive.
blessings to you Claudia. xo
Glad you aren’t suffering any bad side effects, Tammy.
Thanks so much for your kind words about the song.
Stay safe!
You are both so talented….
I loved the song…Don has such a soothing voice.
Happy to hear you are going to frame that puzzle. I sensed the puzzle had special meaning to you. Be well! ;)
Thank you, Donna.
Stay safe!
I knew I would love the song because I really like Don’s voice but I was pleasantly surprised by your lovely voice! Your tone is so sweet and feminine, I don’t know why I always imagined your voice would be a little stern, (I hope I’m not considered rude for saying that). I’m glad I was mistaken. Hopefully we will hear more of your voice in future song releases. You make a lovely couple!
That’s just a small part of my voice, a tone and lightness that I deliberately used for the song. I don’t have a ‘stern’ voice, but I have a big alto voice and I can belt a song like nobody’s business. Singers use different parts of their voice depending on the task at hand. I sang professionally for years and most of that involved power and a rich full tone and being able to fill a theater without a microphone. But doing a background vocal is just that – background. Since I was there to enhance Don’s song, it wasn’t about me.
The truth is: all professional singers use different parts of their ranges, different volume levels, etc., depending on the job. Just like actors do.
Thanks, Marlene!
Stay safe.
TWO THINGS to love – framing the Piano Lesson, and this wonderful song. Loved the voices melding and the musicians playing. thanks for sharing.
Thanks so very much, Jan!
Stay safe!