Sunday Afternoon in Central Park – Bob Knox
This one was rather difficult, but I loved working on it.
Another lovely day today, which I intend to fully appreciate as it’s going to rain quite heavily tomorrow and Friday. Then it looks like we’ll have dry weather for about 6 days, allowing us to get outside and do some work.
I’m close to finishing The Shell Seekers. I’m quite enjoying it, of course, though I sometimes get impatient with going back in time, even though I understand perfectly why it’s being done. It’s my problem, not a problem with Pilcher’s writing. And entirely dependent on my mood, I might add.
I have a few book titles written down to take with me to Oblong Books today. But I’m going to really strive to stroll around and discover. Because isn’t that what we’ve been missing? The opportunity to thumb through books, look at covers, read a description, be surprised? I will have to repeatedly remind myself that I’ll be back again – this isn’t a one-shot deal.
Don told me we’re going on a date, and that’s what it feels like. We’re fully vaccinated, we’ll be wearing double masks, of course, and are going to take a drive that does not involve a doctor’s appointment or grocery shopping. What a concept!
Once all this rain leaves, it will be time to dress up the porch. I did treat myself to a little time on the glider yesterday. It was wonderful.
Stay safe.
Happy Wednesday.
Have a wonderful time today! Love the puzzle. It’s a strange feeling to know that those of us who are fully vaccinated can do more activities. My mind is still in shut down mode. A trip to the book shop sounds great!
Have fun today with your special guy!
Have a wonderful day today together!! ;)
Enjoy your bookstore visit. It does feel so good to be able to enjoy a little outing now! Love the puzzle. Hugs!
Can’t wait to hear your account of a day in the life ~ following the 2nd vaccine shot!!!! Looking forward to hearing all about it & yours and Don’s thoughts.
Hope the day is lovely and you find something special to bring home to commemorate the day!
Oblong Books – Hallelujah ! Another moment of freedom to commemorate. Have fun and breathe.
Yeah, I’ve spent a lot of time in the yard yesterday and today because we’re in pleasant low-to-mid 60s temps (my kind of weather but we might get up to mid 70s later in the day) with mild sun, and this is mainly because starting on Friday, SoCalif is going to be going into a significant heatwave, which is ‘way too early for mid-April and I’m not happy about it because I much prefer the cooler weather.
I love the blue in my yard right now! Blue lavender, blue rosemary, blue-somethings (tiny little things whose name I’ve forgotten) in the wildflower patches. For me, it’s always startling to see the blue although I know of other people who grow the gorgeous blue hydrangeas. Of course I’m always looking forward now to the wild blue lupine in the hills, if there is any due to our lack of rain, and my blue-purple jacarandas which I always talk about because I am crrraaazzy about those trees.
Claudia, what a beautiful, colorful puzzle; you’ve picked some amazing puzzles and it’s so nice you can recycle them to a good purpose; and you can always remember them because you’ve got your photos here on the blog; that way, you’re reducing clutter (I’m on a declutter kick at the moment!). It’s really good that you discovered an absorbing, creative hobby that’s indoors for winter but also for pandemic stay-home activity. That said, I’m looking forward to your outing; you can tell the rest of us what that’s like, to be out in the world again, going shopping, feeling safer, not having to hurry!
i trust you and don had a great date wandering around the bookstore today, being out together … and that you each came home with some new books to enjoy! so glad you could do that!
mixed things happening here. taxes done and refunds are expected. physical therapy has started and it is simultaneously scary and thrilling and painful and hopeful. also tiring … i have to leave by 6:15 in the morning to get way across town. heard a snippet of a conversation at work between my current boss and our old boss today. can’t guarantee it (though they each separately mentioned the possibility to me a couple years ago), but sounds like they might be planning to retire at the same time in the next few months (one turns 70 this summer, the other will be 75). don’t know what that could mean for my job. been/am able to talk with my family, one way or another. nice weather lately so enjoyed some walks, too. life, huh? now am home, showered and taking it easy … going to make some hot chocolate and maybe read an old magazine to look at pretty pictures.
hope you are having a nice night. stay safe!
kathy in iowa
I love the idea of going on a date! And a grand date it was, too.
That puzzle — I love it. And it will NOT be my next purchase! After dealing with the one I finished (thanks again!) I think I need to slip to a slightly easier puzzle for instant gratification before heading back to the New Yorkers (though I have to say, I have quite a few marked for future purchase!). This reminds me of Sunday in the Park with George, one of my favorites. Color and light!
Yes. We saw the original at The Chicago Art Institute. I could stare at it for hours.
Saw Sunday in the Park on Broadway and it was unforgettable!
Stay safe, Jeanie.