Yesterday was what I would call a “Big Mail Day.”
In the morning, well before our regular mail delivery, I noticed four packages on our porch steps. I had ordered four books from Book Depository (the books were published in England) and I’d been waiting for them. Three of them were on the steps, along with a package for Don.
Then, when the mail came, the only thing in the mailbox was the other book I was expecting from Book Depository.
Then Don went to the post office for the first time in a few months to buy some stamps and check our PO Box, and there were two envelopes waiting for me, along with a package.
And then, later in the afternoon, Amazon left a package on the porch containing my new puzzle.
I’ll share what was in the package at the post office tomorrow. By the way, if you decide to send me something and you want me to see it soon after it arrives at the Post Office, send me an email. Our post office is extraordinarily tiny with very little space in which to maneuver around other people. So we don’t tend to stop in there. We will if we know we have something waiting for us.
The books. You know I love Miranda Mills’ account on Instagram. I first noticed that my beloved Mary Stewart books had been reissued by a British publisher, Hodder and Stoughton, last year when Miranda mentioned it. I read all of her books as a teenager and young adult and I kept them for years and years; tattered paperbacks of the old variety, much smaller than today’s versions, which I read again and again. During the course of several moves, I lost them. These new editions are quite lovely, with beautiful cover illustrations. So I decided to collect them.
I also discovered, via Miranda, that another favorite author whose books I devoured – PD James – has been reissued by Faber and Faber. Again – I’ve lost those books over time, including one that was autographed by James in person when I went to hear her speak while I was living in Cambridge, MA. “Lost” is perhaps the wrong word. They’ve been passed on to others, donated, and in the case of the dreaded shed, were still in my possession but too musty to keep. Not everything needs to be replaced by a long shot, but some favorite authors do need to be replaced. And James and Stewart are two of them.
I’m collecting the James as well. And I’ll be rereading them. James is one of the best mystery writers ever.
I started with my three favorites of Mary Stewart.
And I’m buying James in order of publication.
Gorgeous cover illustration from the London Transport Museum collection.
All of the James books have cover illustrations by Angela Harding. I love her print work – she also did the gorgeous cover for The Salt Path. The illustration is continued at the bottom of the spine, so when they sit on a shelf together, it’s quite the visual treat.
I have more on the way. Once a month, I order one or two. The prices are quite inexpensive and Book Depository ships them free of charge.
I get enormous comfort from having these books here in my home, soon to be on the shelves. As I said on Instagram yesterday, they’re old friends.
It’s supposed to hit 72 degrees today, but we’ll pay for that tomorrow with thunderstorms and high winds. Lovely. We may take a short drive this afternoon if the sun comes out. It was very, very foggy this morning.
Stay safe.
Happy Thursday.
P.D James what a wonderful writer. I remember having quite a crush on Adam Dalgliesh. I also remember PBS had a British series on ” Mystery ” of P.D. James books. I would not mind viewing those again.
Take Care,
Park City, UT
I remember that series, too.
Thanks, Kaye.
Stay safe!
You did have a big mail day! I have never read Mary Stewart or PD James. I may give them a try sometime.
We had an almost 70 degree day on Tuesday. It was wonderful. My neighbor was out jogging with just shorts, no shirt!
Sounds like a good day for a drive…enjoy.
We didn’t take a drive, Marilyn. Had some stuff to do around here. There will be plenty of time for a drive this spring.
Stay safe!
I will check my library for those books! I am too cheap to be a book buyer.
I want to cook some vegetarian meals (after reading an awful New Yorker story about the fishing industry) What is your and Don’s favorite easy vegetarian dinner??
Thanks and stay safe!!
We really don’t have a favorite. Try roasting some vegetables and have some brown rice on the side.
Stay safe!
Mary Stewart!!!! One of my very most favorite writers. Not a romance fan, but her stories and characters are so much deeper than that, with such an amazing sense of place, and learning something new with every one. I miss my tattered old paperbacks, Airs Above the Ground, the MoonSpinners, the one with Merlin. Don’t know how many times I re=read them. Now I’m going to have to think about where to put them if I succumb to the call of new volumes, which are beautiful! Warm here today, but muggy. No spring again this year? But no complaints if I can meet friends outside from time to time. I hope your secret garden will be host to some socially distanced gatherings with her friends. XO
Yes, a bit too warm! It’s going to cool down again, Nora.
Stay safe!
So lovely to collect books that are so meaningful to you. It was warm yesterday but today we have rain and more rain coming. Good day to stay in and read a book.
Yes indeed!
Stay safe, Linda.
Receiving packages is the best! I finally found my reading mojo again, after having lost it for months. I tend not to buy books, as we have such a great library that is part of a Link+ system so almost any book I want to read can be borrowed fro me network of libraries all over California. I just don’t have the room to store more books, as I also have an extensive craft stash of fabric, needlework, and yarn. However, I have bookcases in every room of the house, including a series of bookcases that measures in total 10′ wide and 8-1/2′ tall in my living room that are filled with books. Once in a while, I go through them to make room for a small purchase.
Enjoy all your goodies, Claudia!
Thank you, Wendy!
It’s time to sort through the books in the bedroom and make a pile to donate.
Stay safe.
Yeah, we’re foggy and cloudy this morning in SoCalif, 49 degrees at 9:45am. But we’ll be warming up by Sunday/Monday. I hope you get to take that nice drive.
Gosh, so love the Mary Stewart books! Truly speaks of my youth.
They’re just as wonderful today, Vicki!
Stay safe.
Claudia, if you sign up for Informed Delivery with the USPS you will be duly informed every time you have mail and/or packages. The post office actually photographs each item, including junk mail. It’s one of the best services they offer. There’s tracking too, of course.
I have been on Informed Delivery for a few years. They don’t always tell me when I have a package. Sorry to say, I can’t count on that.
Stay safe, Bobbie.
I’m sorry. It’s one of the few things our post office gets right.
Have you heard of this author?
The Consequences of FearI by Jacqueline Winspear. An e-mail about her just landed in my inbox from Bookshop. Just wondering if anyone might recommend the author.
Yes, she writes a series about Maisie Dobbs, I think. She has a big following.
Thanks. :D
Funny that- I’d never heard of Winspear until this month, when my weekly email from Crimereads recommended her series. I just finished the first book “Maisie Dobbs” and it was wonderful. I think consequences of fear is deeper in- maybe the 15th or 16th Maisie book. I always read series in order, and while I don’t know if it’s strictly necessary, I try to avoid spoilers. Anyway, I loved this book. It’s set in England between the wars- one of my favorite eras- and her writing style is lovely.
I’ve already ordered Birds of a Feather and have recommended the 1st book myself to a few friends who have also loved it. So yes, absolutely, give her a try.
Am off to search for Birds of a Feather. :) I have a thing for birds. Thanks.
That was quite the haul you got yesterday. I am intrigued by the books…both P D James and Mary Stewart. I just might have to read those, too!
We had high winds yesterday. Today…just dull outside. Good day to read and get caught up on things.
Enjoy your 72 degree day…stay safe! ;)
It’s really too warm! Next week we’ll go back into the forties on a couple of days. Oy!
Stay safe, Donna.
When I go north this summer, I may have a James or two I can send your way, so long as it doesn’t matter if it looks like the ones you are now buying to replenish your collection. I’ll touch base again on that in June!
What a grand mail day. Can’t wait to see the next puzzle!
Thanks so much, Jeanie, but I’m aiming to get all of these editions because when they’re on the shelf, withe the design on the spine, they look fabulous!
Stay safe!
I was so happy to see your comment yesterday on Instagram about your books being old friends. Six or seven months ago when I was packing up the remaining contents of my house and moving to my new, much smaller house my family and friends kept trying to encourage me to get rid of all of my books. I had a large collection, and donated many, many books. However, I love books and could not let go of all of them. Finally, this week I was able to get my books out of storage and put them in the built in bookcases here. As you said, it was if I had my old friends back. There is something comforting about having them here with me.
We’re expecting thunderstorms and high winds here tomorrow too. I hope everyone in the path of the storms stays safe.
I’m so glad you have your friends back with you, Denise! I know how important that is!
Stay safe!
that was a big mail yesterday! glad you are getting new copies of books by some favorite authors again.
i love the artwork of angela harding. linocuts, folk art … right up my alley.
and i like when cover art gets carried over to book spines, too.
claudia, what you wrote about receiving comfort from having those books at home again just stuck with me tonight. since getting home about 7:00, i’ve been doing some organizing (am all wound up after a long day) and thinking about childhood favorites and my blessed childhood, what i treasure and why, what brings me comfort and joy, what i can do to bring those things to other people and animals …. thanks for your words (and not just today’s). you make a difference in ways you might not realize. :)
glad you have another puzzle to enjoy when the temperature drops again. we’ve had rain off and on the past four days, mostly off and i’ve had to be indoors for most of the rainfall. still am glad we got some rain …farmers, plants and animals need it (so do i) and it’s getting green around here. and i got a free car wash. :)
hope you had a good day. good night.
kathy in iowa
I’m glad that what I wrote had some resonance for you, Kathy!
Stay safe.
it did. and does every day. :)
happy friday!
kathy in iowa
I have been following Miranda Wells since learning about her from you! I enjoy all of her platforms but I especially enjoy the vlog episodes with her mum. I love their sweet interaction and of course their book talk. Thanks for turning me on to her.
They have such a lovely relationship, don’t they? I really think they’re terrific.
Glad you enjoy her account, Carolyn Marie.
Stay safe!