If you celebrate this day, Happy Easter! If not, Happy Sunday!
Our particular Easter day is cloudy and windy and, yes, we’re supposed to get snow tomorrow. Nothing momentous, and it will melt quickly, but we’re told we might get up to an inch of the stuff. Though it is April 1st, March still seems to be ruling the weather, with colder days this coming week.
This will be a short post (Don and I still haven’t decided what our plan is. Neither of us wants to travel, it seems!) Yesterday, was gloriously sunny and my mood lifted. Today? Maybe not so much.
I found some more egg cups. I’m so used to seeing them in the kitchen that I forgot about them. These are newish and were a gift from my dear friend (through blogging) Judy.
What came first, the chicken or the egg?
I love them so much, they won a place on the little shelf that lives below a kitchen cabinet. (Right next to Stella.) And they always make me smile.
Have a lovely day, dear friends.
Happy Sunday.
Have a wonderful Sunday. Claudia. I understand how neither of you may want to travel because of … the weather? It certainly isn’t because you don’t want to see each other! Good and bad today…bad, we take my younger daughter back to school after her one week break. It was so nice having her back and the time is always too short. Good, my older daughter and I are starting our staycation in SF, staying at my parents’ house.
No, not because of the weather. It’s just tiring. A bus trip into the city involves several hours of time and when you do it as often as we do, it can and does become exhausting. Don wants to come home tomorrow, so I’ll go there next time.
Enjoy your time together!
Happy Easter! Your egg cups today reminded me of a joke a friend sent me. “I just ordered an egg and a chicken on Amazon. Will let you know.”
Perfect! Thanks, Brenda!
Happy Easter, Happy Sunday….happy April Fool’s Day! Glad to hear Don will be making the trip home this time. It’s sunny, but cold here today. Looks like our April showers will be white ones, come Monday and Tuesday. Enjoy your day! ;)
He made the trip home last week, too, so I owe him! But it’s good for him to get away from the city. We have snow on the docket for tonight and tomorrow.
LOL! i don’t know. but maybe I’ve been meditating too much lately.
I read on your little cups . . . which came first the chicken or the ego!
the sun will come out tomorrow.
the snow is just an april fool.
like the upstate New Yorker who called the local weather station and yelled at them.
he wanted them to know he’d just shoveled 6 inches of snow “FLURRIES” off his steps! LOL.
Well, the last part of the egg cup is hard to read, as it’s turned away from the camera. I’m over the snow, Tammy!
Happy Easter [or Sunday] to you Claudia – and to everyone here in the comments too! Hope you & Don are able to get together – wherever – this weekend. So far we’re having a sunny & mild Easter in Rochester, and we appreciate it. We OFTEN have snow or rain so any Easter without precipitation of any kind is a bonus!! Peace. 🌷🐇🌼
I don’t think the snow we’re going to get will be anything other than a curiosity. But we are supposed to have snow showers off and on all week. Mother Nature: Stop.
Claudia, I love the egg cups, they made me laugh. Sweet. Your tulips are very pretty and look so spring time. We have a bit of sun coming and going…but a snow is headed our way…..hope it poops out before it gets here. Blessings to you and Don. xoxo, Susie
It didn’t poop out here. We got about 3 inches!
Oh, after waking up to the teens for temps, I did so enjoy seeing your beautiful tulips! I know what you mean about the traveling. It is so tiring, especially when the scenery isn’t very inspiring. Once the buds start budding and the wildflowers start blooming it’ll be a very different story.
Yes. And NYC in the spring is lovely.
Have a wonderful Easter. Some of the best we have had were uneventful and very low key. Hope yours is awesome.
Thank you, Audrey!
Your tulips are lovely. As far as the snow goes due tomorrow. I had the baseball game on and the announcer said 2-4 inches. I hope he is wrong. My late friend’s son was born on April 5th 30+ years ago and there was a blizzard that day. Enjoy your time with Don. Wishing you and Don a Happy and Joyous Easter.
We have at least 3 inches here and Don says it’s at least that much in the city – so we won’t be able to see each other this weekend.
Happy Easter to you all. Know you’ll be glad when Don gets home for however long it is. Are you feeling better? Hope so.
He isn’t getting home, unfortunately, because of the snow we got this morning. I am feeling better, Judy – just a residual cough.
Wishing you and Don a happy day together ❤!
Thanks, Nancy. Unfortunately, the weather has made it impossible.
Beautiful tulips. I don’t have tulips but I picked a lovely bouquet of roses from my yard yesterday. They bring me such joy every single time I look at them in their simple glass vase.
Whatever you wound up doing, I hope you’re enjoying your Easter Sunday, Claudia! Nothing elaborate going on here; neighborhood is very quiet. We’re dark & overcast today in my part of SoCalif; dreary. My husband is very, very tired from his workweek and unmotivated to do much of anything; the weather doesn’t help. We’ll have a light dinner tonight; I look forward to potato salad.
I can understand neither you nor Don wanting to travel when weather is iffy.
Thank you for sharing your egg-cup collection this week; really enjoyed seeing it all again. You also got me to thinking about butter pats (of which I have zero knowledge) so I was ‘researching’ some of that online last night and, my goodness, there are people who have amassed hundreds of the butter pats and they all seem to be so different and unique; so many makers, all the well-known china manufacturers (even majolica; I’d forgotten about Victorian majolica); I saw two butter pats that were shaped like small fans, the kind the ladies would pull open and fan their faces with on a hot day, or coyly smile behind.
Although I love butter on practically everything, I only nowadays RARELY ever eat anything with butter smeared on it (dietary restrictions) although I know I eat things which have butter IN them, so it’s interesting to see what formerly was a ‘normal’ part of the place setting at a nice table. I shared the story before but we have letters my great-great grandfather wrote to his wife when he was on the battle lines of the American Civil War (killed in battle, in fact, in 1863) when rations were limited and apparently tasteless, so perhaps in the absence of talking realities of war which would have upset her, he instead was just trying to work out with his wife how to get a neighbor on a wagon and out to a rendezvous point so that the soldiers could be brought…butter. He just seemed fixated on needing butter for his food, which I’ve thought is so odd! Who would want to be the civilian guy on the wagonful of butter, risking his life going out to the battlefields?! My great-great grandparents had a farm and there was still one milk cow left, so I guess my gr-gr grandma churned butter; maybe he was going to have her gather extra from the neighbors. But it wasn’t like she wasn’t having her own problems, with him gone and having to do her own plowing, besides raising a bunch of little kids without their father; in fact, my gr-gr grandfather, in later letters as the war dragged on, was encouraging her to sell that very cow because she clearly must have needed the money, Such different times; different lives…
Butter pats are the perfect collectible. A wide variety of patterns and they’re small, to boot!
loved seeing your egg cup collection; thanks for sharing!
and the tulips are beautiful! i can’t have a garden where i live (renting at present) so should buy myself some flowers.
hope you can avoid more snow. and that you and don can get together somewhere … home or nyc.
i celebrate easter so was at church this morning, then we (my family and i) got together as possible and had a potluck lunch. it’s chilly (around 35 degrees), but sunny so after lunch i took the two little ones out for a walk. there had been some geese on a nearby trail and they wanted to check them out, see the creek, the train tracks and a tunnel. :) we all had a nice visit.
hope you did/do, too, and a nice week ahead.
kathy in iowa
Glad you had a lovely Easter, Kathy!
After all of the years I have followed you, I truly don’t remember those last egg cups!! They are adorable.
We are exhausted here after hosting Easter. Even the dogs are completely zonked out on their dog beds. I surely get it as to why you both just wanted to stay put. And after being sick, it just takes so much out of you. Hope you are feeling much better.
I’m thinking of heading to bed pretty quickly. Sure isn’t as easy as it was when I was 40 or 50 (or even “just” 60) to get everything ready, cleaned, cooked & baked and make it all come together at the right time! Hope your Easter was a peaceful one.
It was peaceful and quiet, Chris. I quite understand about hosting being exhausting! Good for you for doing it. Now rest up!
I forgot about those cut egg cups, glad you remembered them. I had a great Easter with family but it wore me out. Now to put the bunnies away. Hope Don got home! Hugs!
No Don. It snowed here and it’s making travel hard, so it’s not worth it. We’re sad.