The catalpas have just bloomed and there are already tons of blossoms on the ground. Between the wind and the pounding rain and thunderstorms, they haven’t had a chance.
Let me just get this out and I’ll shut up: I am so sick of this weather. It’s been unbearably hot and humid for several days. I thought it was supposed to break last night, but no, we have yet another day of this before it moves on out. More thunderstorms predicted for today, heat indexes in the nineties.
I do not do well in this weather, which is why I could never live in the south.
Okay. Enough of that.
Don’s appointment went well yesterday. We ran a few errands on the way home; the natural foods store in town and one of the two art shops in the same town, which is just north of us. I’m sure we’re blessed with two such shops because it’s a college town. I hadn’t been inside the shop since last year and when I was there before, I was picking up Tombow markers. This time, however, I was buying oil paint so I explored an entire section that wasn’t on my radar during past visits. (It’s also the same shop where we had our vintage French lithograph framed.) Lots and lots of oil paints from many different manufacturers. I picked up a few tubes, along with a small sketchbook, and then had a lovely conversation with the woman behind the counter which was all about…you guessed it…oil paint and slow-drying acrylics, which she really loves.
I bought some paint at Michaels a few weeks ago, but I’d much rather do business with the small independent art supply shops in town. And I’m going to do that from now on.
Had a dreadful night with very little sleep, so I’m – as I say often – ‘on the edge of cranky.’ But we’re going over to Rick and Doug’s for the first time since the pandemic started to have some french toast and some maskless conversation, so I must stay un-cranky.
This will be the first time we have been in another person’s house without a mask – or in another person’s house at all – since last March.
Two weeks from tomorrow, someone has a big birthday. He happens to live with me. Let’s say it’s one of those decade markers that can be unsettling. I’m still trying to figure out what he wants to do that day. He keeps waffling, which I totally understand. I tend to want to stay home on my birthday.
Will we actually go somewhere and eat outside? I’m not sure he’s ready for that yet.
Oh, and I stopped the car in the middle of what is normally a very busy road to let a mama duck and her two babies cross to the other side. Thankfully, the guy behind me stopped and there was no oncoming traffic. They were adorable.
Stay safe.
Happy Wednesday,
glad don’s shot went well.
and that you have more paint … a good sign!
we used to have two independent art supply stores, but between an expensive location and covid-19, they are both gone. sad about that for their staff and customers (including me) and because i believe in shopping local, love art.
thanks for stopping for the ducks and glad no one hassled you about that (this world is for everyone)!
our flowering trees never last long, either. too bad. yesterday’s photo made your catalpa tree look huge! how tall would you guess it is?
hope you get and stay comfy. we have more high heat and no rain ahead … hope it doesn’t go your way.
and enjoy that lunch with friends.
need to get to work, but also need a break … physical therapy is tough. making progress, but i need a break, more sleep, too.
happy, safe day to everyone.
kathy in iowa
I have no idea how tall it is. I’m bad at estimating that kind of thing. But it’s every bit as tall as the maple. When you look at our property from across the street (especially since we’re on a little hill) both trees are enormous.
I’m glad you’re making progress with your physical therapy, Kathy!
Stay safe.
Between the heat and the storms, I don’t think your catalpa tree had a chance to retain its blooms. Glad you caught a pic when you did.
The East and South have gotten too much rain as of late, And the West is experiencing severe drought. If we can build oil pipelines, you would think we could build water pipelines to spread the water around, wouldn’t you? Oh…if only.
Oh…how fun….French toast with friends. Enjoy your time with them! ;)
Water pipelines. Why the heck not?
I hope you get some rain soon, Donna, and relief from the heat.
Stay safe.
Hopefully, your visit will lift your spirits! Good friends do that, don’t they?
We have hot and humid here in Illinois and the rains keep missing us. I have a book I can’t put down, tho, so I don’t mind being inside with the A/C going!
We had a wonderful time yesterday. So good to get together with friends again!
Stay safe, Ellen.
Hi Claudia! Be sure and try acrylics. I started painting in oils and resisted acrylics for many years. But the fact that they dry so fast is a real asset. It’s definitely a learning curve. My all time favorite is Watercolor. Have a great week!.
i completely agree, judy… i love the “magic” of watercolors and that acrylics dry quickly and are so easy to clean up after.
and, claudia, i appreciate why you love oils. :)
whatever you choose, have fun.
and keep cool.
kathy in iowa
ps … i sure wish there was a way to share photos here … i’d love to see and get inspired by everyone’s paintings and other talents. no pressure, though, claudia!
I sort of like the fact that oils take so long to dry. It gives me more time to play with the painting.
I use acrylics for the dollhouse, especially furniture, so I’ve certainly had experience with them.
Watercolors aren’t calling to me yet, I’m having too much fun with the texture of oils. But I never say never!
Stay safe, Judy!
Claudia I totally understand the hot/humid weather crankies. I just can’t sleep when I’m hot. We’ve been to Hawaii a couple of times and have no plans to go back. I am planning on going to Michigan in October and am concerned it will be too hot. But at least there will be air conditioning.
Now having complained about hot, right now we are having a cold and rainy summer. We’ve officially only hit 60 degrees once so far and that temp is not forecast for at least another week! Missing our lovely 70 degree summer sunny days and so is my garden!
So I’ll just have to curl up with the cat and a book or two.
I hope it gets warmer for you, but not too warm!
I have never been good with heat and humidity. I remember lying on my bed in my bedroom in Dearborn with the fan aimed right at my face. It could get pretty bad there!
Stay safe, my friend.
I hope you have a wonderful time this evening. Isn’t it fun to hit a good art store and have a wonderful conversation? I’ve been doing online art workshops this week and it’s loads of fun. It’s practice so the pressure is off!
Yes, it was a lot of fun!
And we had a great time with Rick and Doug.
Stay safe, Jeanie.
I so appreciate your blog and check in every day to see how you and your readers are doing!
Take care!
Thank you so much, Kelly.
Stay safe.
Claudia, I think many of us feel the same as you do about this weather. Ours is supposed to last into next week with no breaks….and no rain. No one can/ or will mow when it is this hot as the grass isn’t in any position to be “attacked”, and needs some time to rest until we get some rain. We can already see brown spots forming in the lawns. We continue hauling hose as we water the plants and beds. It really is exhausting with this unrelenting heat.
A meal with friends sounds like a great idea, and I bet it did help your mood. And spending time with a pup is always good. Glad that Don’s appointment went well, and you had some nice out of the house time. Hope you had a good day today! Take care.
I’m so sorry about the lack of rain, Chris. That makes things even worse. Hang in there.
Stay safe!
Seeing a catalpa in full bloom in on my bucket list! So far, I’ve only seen them later with the astonishingly long pods. I’m with you where the hot weather is concerned. We had a spell two weeks ago with heat that should absolutely not be allowed in the Puget Sound area until sometime after the 4th of July! Thankfully, we are back to seasonably appropriate temps, and I’ll send the cool down eastward to you.
The cool air is here today, Dori, and it is so welcome!
Stay safe.