Why did Caroline dump Christmas decorations on the porch?
Actually, I’d like to blame this on Caroline, but it’s all on me. And this has been there for a year. None of the dollhouses were decorated for Christmas 2021. Perhaps it’s time to take these upstairs and put them away?
Also, it’s time to dust the dollhouse interior and exterior. And Don’s mini studio, as well, as that’s right in front of a window and it gets dusty rather quickly. (I use a small paintbrush to dust.)
The “blues” are driving me nuts. I think I might have found 5 pieces that fit yesterday. To say this is slow going is putting it mildly. Don suggested that I start a new puzzle and just let this one go, but no! It’s a challenge and I’m not going to move on until I fit each and every piece in place.
Then I’ll have a piece of sugar-free chocolate to reward myself.
It’s sunny today and cold, but it will be milder during the afternoon than it’s been recently. We’ll have a couple of days respite until we get snow and ice on Friday. Oh, joy.
I’m almost finished with The Missing Hours, which I read for a big chunk of time yesterday. It’s okay, not great, but whether I like it or not, Julia Dahl is a very good writer. It’s simply that the plot doesn’t interest me a great deal. Her first books revolved around crimes in the closed Hassidic community and I found them incredibly fascinating. I kind of wish she’d go back to that.
I’ve just started reading It’s Never Too Late to Begin Again by Julia Cameron, who wrote The Artist’s Way – a book that both Don and I read and studied when we lived in San Diego. Subtitle: Discovering Creativity and Meaning at Midlife and Beyond. It was a gift from Todd, a producer on Spoiler Alert and Jim’s husband. Todd and I had so many conversations about creativity and Covid isolation and finding our way through it all. Todd was trained as an artist and he’s rediscovering that part of himself. He walked onto the set the last day and said he had a present for me and it was this book.
One of the highlights of working on the movie was getting to know Todd. Because so much of the time on the set is spent waiting, we talked a lot. He’s a wonderful person and I adore him.
Okay, my friends.
Happy February.
Stay safe.
Happy Tuesday.
Since you’re in a dusting mood, could you come dust my house…..😊
Well, I didn’t end up dusting, Luanne!
Oh well.
Stay safe!
So close! I feel your pain–we had “one of those” puzzles over the holidays. We rely on the brightest part of the day for those elusive colors and hope for the best.
The sunshine is lovely today. Our snowpack is now at sixty percent of normal though and not a flake in the extended forecast. I hope February changes her mind and puts our arid January to shame. I distinctly remember a Presidents Day blizzard that was a whopper many year ago. A girl can hope!
Art goals for this month: A watercolor tiger to celebrate the Lunar New Year–should be quite a challenge. A watercolor class through Domestika (I’m treating myself) that I’m hoping will bring my fur-painting game up a notch. And I’m planning a fairly complex cross-stitch for son #2. If I start now, it might be finished in time for next Christmas. So that lovely sunshiny brightness will be welcome so I can see what I’m stitching! If I get really, really ambitious, I will try yet again to crochet a doll vest. The finished result is cute enough that I’m willing to give it another go. I really should learn to follow instructions!
Stay warm and cozy!
Your art goals sound exciting, Roxie! Good for you!
Stay safe.
Oh, I just knew that blue area would be a challenge!! I congratulate you on sticking to it. As I have said, I would be under a table rocking if I was working on that puzzle.
Big storm going through the midwest, but we aren’t supposed to get any of it. It makes me very happy, BUT we are so behind on precipitation it just isn’t a good thing. We do need the snow and the rain, but it keeps missing us. I hope you don’t get the ice. That is just a horrible mess when that comes through.
Good luck on completing the puzzle. And have fun dusting with the paint brush!! Take care.
We’re getting some ice which turns to snow on Friday, though the amount has decreased to an inch.
I didn’t dust. Alas, just as in real-sized life, I hate dusting!
Stay safe, Chris.
I’ve got a few random Christmas decorations here and there myself. I need to put them away and yes dusting would be a good thing. February has snuck up on me!
I have two Vintage by Crystal Santas still on display. Time to put them back upstairs in the office cabinet.
Stay safe, Linda.
A friend of mine has been enjoying the Cameron as well. I’ll be interested in your take on it. I did do the Artists Way book and a course years ago and it was helpful to me at that time in life.
That puzzle does look like a bear. Time to take a break and dust! Are you getting the snow we are getting now? They say 10-12 inches for Lansing, more in Detroit/south of 94. It IS pretty. So ar, judging from the amount stacked on the fence outside my window, we have three or four inches and it’s coming down steadily but straight, no wind. Looks heavy. Take care.
No, we’re not getting that snow. You’re getting a lot, Jeanie. Stay safe and warm, Jeanie. Will someone shovel/plow it for you?
Stay safe.
I have a guy who snow blows and with his kids shovels. And if we need a head start before, Rick can shovel. After I did my back out with a surprisingly little amount of pushing a week or so ago, I’m sticking with my snow guys! The good news is my doc appointment was yesterday and the pharmacy will deliver prescriptions, which I don’t need till tomorrow anyway, so I’m settling in with a new New Yorker puzzle, Louise Penny, and a list of chores as long as my arm that I may or may not do!
Looks like you’re all set!
I hate when it is time to dust our house and my dollhouse. Thank God I only have one!
That is the chore I hate the most. And I reward myself with a real piece of chocolate or two. You are very disciplined! Wondering if this next big storm will reach you or just the Midwest. Even in Phoenix our temps are dropping into the 50’s during the day…..brrrr… we are spoiled aren’t we. You will be laughing at us when it is 110 degrees. Say hello to Don and the girls. Stay safe and warm.
The storm will reach us. We’re due for snow and ice/sleet tomorrow.
Stay safe, Deb!