The bridal veil spirea is in full bloom and it’s glorious.
Don’s home. I picked him up at the bus station around 7:30, so it was still light enough for him to see all the green and the gardens. While I made dinner, he sat out on the porch. And this morning, we started off the day with our first cup of coffee and some time on the glider.
It couldn’t be a lovelier day. Perfect weather. Tomorrow? Rain. But at least he’s going to get one day of warmth and blue skies.
Before I went to get Don, I watched two bunnies outside the living room window. One was clearly older, perhaps the mom, and the other, while not a baby, was young enough that it stuck very close to mom’s side.
Mom – or elder brother/sister – was eating dandelions. The youngster stayed in that still, waiting position until the other rabbit moved. Then the youngster immediately followed.
A closeup of youngster.
Eventually, mom/elder sibling took a rest and the baby waited.
I left the room for a while and came back to three of them! The two youngest were chasing each other.
I also saw Henry, who was (tsk! tsk!) walking into the big garden bed. Knowing the timidity of groundhogs, I simply opened the screen door and he took off. Henry, I have lately discovered, is gray around his muzzle, so that’s how I now know if the groundhog I’m seeing is him.
I have to go to Rick and Doug’s later to walk Sam as they’re going to be gone most of the day. But they’ll be back in time for dinner – with us – so that will be fun. But first, we have to put in the air conditioners!
Happy Monday.
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