The second Rose of Sharon has started to bloom – the color of the flowers is slightly darker than those of its neighbor. Hang in there, bush – we’re going to be pummeled today with rain as a result of Tropical Storm Debby heading up into the Northeast. Lots and lots of rain and some winds – there’s even a tornado watch at the moment. Yikes!
Did I mention the other day that we needed rain? Apparently, Debby has responded to my request.
Don’s response to Debby? He’s going to make an apple pie. We haven’t had one in a while, so it’s time.
Yesterday morning was spent running to the post office for a box for an Etsy order. On my way there, the tire pressure sensor light went on, so I drove to the gas station and filled up my rear right tire, which was the culprit. Then I ran into the grocery store to grab a few things, came back home and packaged up the Etsy order. Then back to the post office to send it off.
I don’t have the space to have a variety of boxes on hand, nor do I want to amass a lot of boxes that I don’t need. So I end up seeing the two guys who work in our post office a lot. Kevin and Gene. They are such great guys; kind, helpful, and funny. Kevin is going to retire in a year and a half and we’re already sad.
The Olympics have been spectacular and such a godsend in the middle of this election season. We’re ready to get back to our normal schedule, but I know we’ll miss them. I have always watched the Olympics, ever since I was young. The stories behind the athletes are so inspiring. I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but if you’re not watching, you’re really missing out. I am not an athlete – never have been – and I am incredibly inspired by them. Don and I sit here screaming our heads off as we cheer for the swimmers and runners.
Sophie was overdue for a photo. My first Blythe. She is so lovely. A couple of years ago, Rosa, her customizer, told me that she had been her very first customization. I was so impressed. Little did Sophie know when she arrived here that several more sisters would eventually share this space. Someday I’ll show you the freckles on her forehead. Adorable.
Remember little Wren? She’s on her way to me, hopefully arriving on Monday or Tuesday. I haven’t told Lily yet, it’s a surprise,
Stay safe.
Happy Rainy Friday.
I’ve been enjoying the Olympics too. I usually only watch for a few hours in the evening but I’m so happy for the good sportsmanship and exciting competitions. No matter who wins, it’s so joyful to see.
Stay safe from the storm!
It is indeed joyful!
Stay safe, Ellen.
I love it when you stage the girls on the bookcase! We’re due for rain too, so I’ll probably be watching many of the Olympics events I’ve recorded. (I’ll probably be watching till Christmas.) But what I’ve seen has been good. I like Don’s solution to Debby!
We just wrapped a couple o f days up north with the grands. Needless to say we are both tired and energized.
They sort of look their best on that section of the bookcase. I’m not sure why!
Are you home in Lansing?
Stay safe.
We’re at the lake now; home on Sunday and on Wednesday off to a funeral in Minneapolis. I’d just like to stay here!
best wishes on the rain and tornado watch. may you all (and the flowers) stay safe in every way!
congrats on more sales and bringing wren back home. i would like striped pants and a sweater the color of lily’s.
i have found myself stressed when watching sports … average football game or big-time olympics. i want everyone to win and sports aren’t like that so i am tending to skip them. don’t need any more stress. :l
pie and books sound nice, though. enjoy! i just finished reading (and re-reading a few stories in) “the mysterious mr. quin” by agatha christie. bought it i think in the first year of covid and just couldn’t get through it. glad i’ve read it now, plan to move on to “murder on the orient express” and “and then there were none” (thanks for those long-ago suggestions, brenda b … hope all’s well for you and you get back here sometime).
weather is starting to warm up again. too bad for me … i have been enjoying those wonderful 70-ish high temperatures … but it will help get the corn ready.
happy, safe friday to everyone.
Still need more sales to replenish the amount I paid for Wren. Fingers crossed.
I’m so familiar with And Then There were None which was adapted into a play called Ten Little Indians. My first role in a high school production and I remember it very well indeed.
Stay safe, Kathy.
I was frustrated yesterday that I had to keep changing the station between the US/Serbia basketball game and the Giants/Nationals game! I should have recorded one of them but I’m not motivated enough to watch what I record so I try not to record anything. Ultimately, I chose to watch the baseball game, in which I was more interested anyway. I have no illusions that we’ll make the playoffs but I just like baseball over basketball.
Your photo of Sophie was so perfect. The background books picked out the colors of her dress. How purposeful of you, Claudia!
Thanks so much, Wendy!
Stay safe.
The dolls are so adorable, and that apple pie sounds delicious!! You have a basement, right, if you should get a tornado? I believe you said the access is outside. Take care, Claudia and have a fabulous weekend.
We do, but I’d sure like to avoid having to stay down there for more than 5 minutes.
It’s old and full of cobwebs.
Stay safe, Jenny.
I am enjoying the Olympics also. One of the most moving moments for me did not involve an athlete but one of the people who are wearing green outfits who are helping . I think of them as volunteers. A lady came out stood and then an athlete came out and stood in front of her. She was so delighted and the joy on her face was so moving that it brought tears to my eyes. I do not remember what the event was but athlete was from Italy.
I hope Debby brings a pleasant summer rainstorm and not a deluge.
I didn’t see that, but it sure sounds lovely!
We’re getting off and on deluges, unfortunately, with the worst yet to come.
Stay safe, Kaye.
dear Claudia/Don — very pretty pix of your rose of sharon — we have none here — many of our flowers did not do too well this year, too hot, too dry during their development phase — maybe next year !! love, love these little girls — they could be twins !! Don has the right idea re PIE !!
I could always eat pie , my favorite, any time, day or nite, haha!! sorry those storms coming thru, our area is still dry, hot, miserable to me — expecting 1 day of relief Sat when temps MAY reach 80 s for highs — 1 day — am thinking more seasonal temps by Nov, haha!! enjoy your pie and the weekend. stay safe/healthy
They definitely look like sisters, don’t they?
I always used to ask for pie on my birthday, rather than cake, Linda. Much better than cake!
Stay safe!
Just reading the last half dozen posts to catch up. Busy helping our youngest who, at age 34, just bought his first house on the far west side of Milwaukee. It’s a cute little 2 bedroom 2 bath in a diverse neighborhood and we’re so proud of him. Lots of painting, shopping for curtains and drapes, calking in the bathroom, and on and on. He’s excited his mortgage will be much cheaper than the rent he’s currently paying for his loft downtown.
Husband has ruined any interest I may have had in the Olympics. He has always been a channel surfer and it really gets bad with stuff like this. One minute I look up and it’s runners. Then fencing, then diving, then some sort of soccer/basketball thing, then ping pong. I have to leave the room.
Hope Debby is kind to you and you don’t have very strong winds. Can’t believe it’s almost mid-August. The flowers in the very sunny back gardens are beginning to fade. But we have a huge plot of pumpkin vines that planted itself where the tree was we lost last winter. That also happened a few years ago and we managed to get 4 small pumpkins from it. Thank you to the birds dropping stuff from the feeders.
Take care,
Oops, Nick’s house has only 1 bathroom. But it has a finished basement too and that’s where he’ll set up his work station since he works remotely.
Wow! Good for your son! How excited he must be.
Sorry about the channel surfing. That drives me nuts!
Stay safe, Kay.
Your Rose of Sharon is such a lovely color. My hibiscus has finally bloomed. And I dutifully take a pic with each new bloom…and it has tons of buds. The weather has been cool the last couple of days, so the flowers stay longer.
Sounds like you are going to be drenched…hope no severe weather for anybody. Only a high of 71 here…a bit cool. But…it is glorious. Actually apple pie seems like the perfect antidote for Debby, or for a cool day like today. Yum.
I have been watching some of the Olympics….course I do enjoy sports, and it’s just been fun to watch. Like you said, a break from the political world. Unfortunately after today, I will be unable to watch as we have a busy weekend ahead that involves a lot of travel.
Bet you are anxious to get Wren back. Have a good weekend! ;)
Lots of flood warnings around here.
Maybe you’ll get to see the Closing Ceremonies on Sunday night?
Stay safe, Donnamae.
No….we will be returning from a family reunion in Kenosha. I could tape it tho! Thanks for the inspiration! ;)
Same here with the weather today, watching the Olympics, and I’m sooooo excited Wren is coming home!
Me too. There’s a whole story to the shipping that I’ll share with you via DM. Yikes.
Stay safe, Susan.
Beautiful flower! I first heard the name Rose of Sharon in The Grapes of Wrath. She was the older daughter of Ma and Pa Joad. Well, I wish we could get some of your rain here. I like Don’s idea of making the apple pie… enjoy! I’m really enjoying the Olympics, too, and will really miss them. I am curious about what the Closing Ceremony will look like.
Oh yes, I remember Rose of Sharon. Besides reading the book, I also coached a production of it years later. What a wonderful and heartbreaking story.
I am looking forward to the Closing Ceremony. I’m sure it will be fabulous.
Stay safe, Barrie.
The dolls are so pretty.
We are having so much rain again and the wind is fierce. Hoping no trees come down.
I have been picking blackberries everyday this week. All the rain we’ve had has given us the largest crop we’ve ever had! They are thornless bushes that I purchased 18 years ago when we were building the house. The catbirds think the berries are for them and yell at me whenever I’m picking. I share but they are greedy! They ate every one of the blueberries when the berries were still green! Tried putting up netting in the past but they get stuck inside and then I disentangled them. I gave up this year.
I’m glad your car just needed a little air in the tire.
Have a nice weekend! Betsy
I love catbirds – they have so much personality!
Stay safe, Betsy.
Loved seeing Sophie, Wren and Lily. I’m so happy Wren is on her way home. It will be a lovely reunion for all of you. Stay safe in the storm. Perfect day for Don’s apple pie. I’m having a problem finding the frozen unsweetened apple juice and really don’t know what I could substitute it with. I’ll keep trying to find it. Hugs, Elaine
Thanks so much, Elaine.
Stay safe.