Another foggy morning.
I got up, did my usual opening of the blinds in the kitchen and what did I see?
The first moonflower had opened overnight! I made Don come outside to see it. It’s huge and beautiful and the scent is heavenly. I was completely surprised because I hadn’t seen a bud. Usually, the heavenly blue morning glories open up first. But this year, nothing as of today.
I have lush growth everywhere, big leaves, healthy vines, but…no flowers yet. If they don’t get a move on, I’ll be in Europe when they bloom. I’m always aware that an unexpected frost can come in October. It’s happened for the past two years. So, by the time we get home we could be looking at shriveled leaves and vines that are kaput for the season. So come on, morning glories!
Back to the moonflower. A little later, it had started to close up.
And then, a bit later:
Thank you, sweet moonflower.
The maple leaves continue to change color and fall.
Sigh. I guess summer is just about over. I refuse to fully acknowledge autumn until September 22nd. Then, I guess I’ll have to face reality.
I mowed a heck of a lot yesterday, spurred on by a forecast of rain which is now holding off until tomorrow when we’ll get a deluge. I’m sore today. Definitely taking a break, in fact, ordered to take a break by my housemate. That housemate spent all day yesterday sitting in the blazing sun, taking photo portraits of people at our local Farmer’s Market. He came home with a big old sunburn. He worked very hard.
Someone took this picture of him.
He is darn cute, that guy. So scrumptious!
Happy Monday.
Love this photo of Don! When is he coming to my neighborhood?!!?
If only! Maybe he’ll be a traveling photographer one day?
I want to move to your neighborhood so I can have my photo taken by Don. However, I don’t want to move to your country because of your president. It’s a conundrum.
Just visit. I don’t want to reside in my country because of this sham president!
It’s the election season, and unfortunately, it looks like we have a homophobic and sexist president who wants to release weapons, and I wonder where we’re going to end up.
So do I, Edis. So do I.
hooray for surprise blossoms and a day off … enjoy (i know you do)!
hope your back is better by now.
congrats to don on his growing photography business. to me it looks like God opening a door …!
happy monday.
kathy in iowa
oops … pressed “send” too quick. hope don’s sunburn doesn’t hurt and goes away soon.
kathy in iowa
He’s using aloe vera, and it’s helping!
Lower hips a bit sore, but I am taking it easy today. Reading, activism, study, and a bit of vacuuming.
I know Don’s camera will pull people in. It’s so unusual and neat. Too bad you can’t provide the scent of your flowers in your blog, Claudia! It’s overcast here too, but should burn off in a couple of hours. I have a pile of books, a knitting project, and a giant puzzle book, so I’m ready to spend time with my little fella in the office. Hurray! He ate all his food and used the litter box overnight, then when I went into the room this morning, he scolded me because I wasn’t feeding him on time.
Sounds like you’re ready for a day with your boy. So glad he’s doing better!
The moonflower is lovely. The photo of Don made me smile. Off to the beach today! Happy!
Have fun!
Beautiful moonflower. And a very cute photo of Don! I love foggy mornings, too.
Moonflowers are so big and gorgeous! I love them.
Hi Claudia, I loved the picture of Don and his impressive camera. I know how bad a sunburn can be living here in Florida. It might be a little late in the season for this as your leaves are turning already but I live with a free standing umbrella when we have to spend any time outside .We use it at our grandson ‘s sports games. We ordered it online at Dicks sporting . It’s called a wondershade. It might be helpful for Don and his growing business as I’m sure he will be successful and spending more time outside.
Thank you so much for this. We had been contemplating buying some sort of portable umbrella. I’ll pass this on to Don. xo
Time seems to be going by quickly probably due to the time change. The day ends quickly for me.
I remembered a post I did about a town in Scotland, Wigtown, Population 900 and they have 14 bookstores. It is by the sea. A person can rent a book store “Open Book” for a week or two. They said it was booked till 2020.
They were able to save the book store, seemed to have worked.
Great choice for Don!
Someone else mentioned that town the other day. Wish it was closer to Edinburgh, but apparently it’s on the other side of the country.
Beautiful flower!! My MG’s are also not cooperating with blooms this year. Makes me crazy. This weather has been discombobulating for everything and everyone.
Hope you get a good day of rest. Back to day 4 of hot and humid here again. It really wears me out. Take care and have a good Monday.
Yes, I don’t know what the problem is. They grew quickly, there are lots of vines and leaves…where the heck are the flowers?
It really has been a disappointing morning glory year. Mine shriveled up before even looking like any more than sprouts, so I planted marigold seeds—and they did just fine. But, boohoo, I wanted morning glories! The moonflower is divine, though, and a good surprise.
Mine look great, in fact, they took off quickly this year. The smaller msg started blooming early, but they always do. Heavenly Blue, however, is doing NOTHING!!!
Don is so darn adorable there! wonder if they know their picture is being taken by a Broadway star!
the pictures today are just beautiful!!! but then they usually ARE! xo
He is too cute for words. Every time I see something like this, I get a crush on him all over again! Of course, you know Don, he never mentions that he’s an actor. But a guy came by the other day who had seen him in Escape to Margaritaville, so that was cool!
Thank you, Tammy!
I join everyone else in saying that portrait of Don is absolutely adorable. The bright umbrella is a nice touch. Sorry about your Morning Glories. Our Limelight Hydrangeas, which were covered with blooms last year, haven’t a single one this year. And our Shasta daisies, while most did did come up, were stunted, barely making it above my ankles. This has been a rather disappointing summer in many ways with regards to our garden. In this time of extreme climate shifting I guess we have to get used to this.
He uses the umbrella as a prop sometimes. It came in handy the other day! Sorry about your limelights! Ours are fine this year, though they are no longer upright as continuous heavy rain has brought them down almost to the ground.
I fear you’re right. We may have to get used gardening in climate change.
Nice photo of Don.
Thank you Marilyn.
Awww – I want MY portrait made by Don. Road trip to Rochester!!! Settling in for the Emmys now. Are y’all gonna be watching?? The only awards show where I know more than 10% of the nominees’ names now – LOL. Peace.
No, not interested in the Emmys. I find I’m not interested in most award shows nowadays. They’re almost entirely predictable.
Hey, Claudia, help me with these moonflowers. I’ve been trying to grow them for the past few years and nothing. Do they grow like mornng glories? I can grow them. Any growing tips for next year?
They grow like morning glories. I plant them by seed during the first week of May. I think you’re supposed to soak the seeds before you plant, just like morning glories. I also have learned to put a fresh layer of topsoil down before I plant the morning glories and moonflowers. It seems to make a big difference in how quickly they take off.
What a beautiful thing to wake up to!…like someone else said..I wish we could smell it on the blog!…Don is indeed a cutie pie…lol!!!
I could barely get to it because it was low to the ground, but I managed to catch the aroma!
After I read your post yesterday, I got a sudden urge to look up growing of morning glories….and forgot to comment! But, I never found the answer to my question. Can you start morning glories indoors in March or so, and then transplant them? If you know…let me know, please!
Cute pic of Don! ;)
I’m not sure. I’ve never started them indoors, but I don’t see why you couldn’t.