Yesterday, I talked Don into accompanying me on a trip up the thruway to a neighboring city. I had to buy some yarn for more Obsession scarves. It started out as a sunny day, but got cloudy as we moved northward.
These were taken by my iPhone, in a moving car, with not the steadiest of hands, so there is an interesting graininess that I rather like. You can see we are either at or have just finished our peak colors.
Taken out the passenger window as we moved by this scene at thruway speed.
The Catskill Mountains.
I managed to snag some of the solid color silk/bamboo yarn I use in the Obsession Scarves. Then we stopped by the bookstore. Can I say something here? I am a bookaholic. Whenever I’ve had any extra cash in my adult years, I’ve spent it on books. And records, in the days when there were record stores. (That will be a whole other post.) Clothes? Okay, but only the necessities. Books? Yes, yes, and yes.
But we are living frugally here at the cottage. I cannot justify the expense right now. So I borrow books from the library and buy used books and am fortunate enough to get free copies of the books I review. And I’m grateful. I’ve saved a ton of money doing it this way.
But, oh, when I walked into Barnes & Noble and saw all the new, spiffy, wonderful books displayed, I had to purposely avert my eyes. I could only give a quick glance here and there. My hands wanted to reach out and grab some new books. There’s nothing like that feeling a new book has. No one else has read it. The binding hasn’t been cracked. The pages are crisp. The dustcover is undisturbed.
I have to stop.
Anyway, the end result is what it has always been for the last year or so. No new books. Both of us saw a book or two we wanted, and acknowledged it with the word “Christmas.” There’s a new Lee Child for me. Don wants to read Neil Young’s autobiography.
I looked through the magazine rack and thumbed through some shelter magazines. As is the norm lately, I passed. There seems to be nothing new under the sun and the fact is, most homes I see profiled in magazines have already been covered in blogland. I’ve seen them many times. Why spend money for something that I’ve already seen? I love the look of all the Stampington magazines – they are beautifully designed. But at $15.00 a copy, I cannot justify buying one.
Don bought a decaf coffee. I bought a little notebook. That’s it.
Let’s see, what would be a dream come true for me? A carpenter sneaking into my home and building lots of bookcases. He’d have to know how to maneuver around our baseboard heating that sticks out at the base of every wall, therefore making it impossible to nestle furniture flush against the wall and drives me nuts. A wall of bookcases in the den would be perfect. And then, part two of the dream, I would be notified that some mysterious benefactor had given me a Books for Life giftcard. I could buy as many as I desired for the rest of my days.
Hey, it doesn’t hurt to dream, now does it?
Since I’m sharing views with you, here’s the view from the back forty on our property. I’m standing up on the hill.
That’s our mountain ridge. Not a bad view, eh? (As my Canadian grandmother used to say.)
Now for the final photo. I took this yesterday and I love the way it turned out – sort of impressionistic and watery.
What do you think this is? I’ll reveal the answer tomorrow.
Happy Monday.
Claudia, if I was, or knew a fairy godmother, believe me your wish for unlimited books would come true in such a flash that you would see stars for days…..I can only hope that one day…..
Loved the photos, I had no idea there was that large of a throughway in your area…
Salt? That looks like salt to me…lol.
Dreaming of wishes coming true for all of us.
Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams
Jen, that thruway starts down in the Bronx and then continues all the way through New York State until it reaches the Canadian border where it morphs into another highway and continues on through Quebec.
Water? I buy used books too. Joe bought a new book at Costco recently and I got to read it first. It was a treat. He is reading more now that he has stopped the TV at the old house. Needless to say TV is not missed.
Reading is the best!
The picture looks like the sky to me but then I don’t have a great imagination. The words you wrote about your love of books could have been written by me. I have loved to read since third grade when Mrs. Woods had our whole class put our heads down on our desks to rest just before lunch and she read us a few pages of Tom Sawyer. I lived the adventures with Tom and Huck. Believe it or not when I was 50 I asked for a set of the Little House on The Prairie books for Christmas. I usually read them at least once a year and they make me feel like a kid living the frontier life every time. I collect books of Christmas stories and the first of Dec. they all come out and that’s the last thing I do in the evening before going to bed. I love this tradition. Thank you for this post, it tells me there are other people who really love the same things I do. Have a great day!
Janie, what a good idea! I should invest in a used set of the LIttle House books and read them again. I loved them so much as a young girl.
I think that last picture is the sky and the clouds maybe? Don’t laugh at me if I’m wrong- haha!
I like books too. I have an eReader but I have to say, nothing beats real pages and flipping through books with your fingertips.
I agree, Runt!
Good morning, Claudia! You know I am like you with the books (obvious from my post yesterday). :-) Like you, I would love to have custom-made bookshelves to hold all my books. Instead, I will be grateful that I at least have the space in my house in which to pile them.
The area you live in is gorgeous. To see the mountains in the background; that is just breathtaking. Lots of flat land here in northern IL.
Your last picture…I can see “x’s” in it, so I’m going to say a chain link fence?
I have books piled everywhere, Melanie! It gets to the point where I have to donate some of the books I read to our local library.
I have the same dream! The dream is going to come true, at least in our bedroom, where we plan to build built in bookshelves, after we rip up the carpet and put in laminate flooring. Hopefully this will happen in the next year or so!
Good for you! Jealous.
My guess is …. the blue sky. How did I do?
I hear you Claudia! I love books too! I get really twitchy if I don’t have anything to read at hand. Books are my ‘crack’ if you will. I inherited my bookaholism from my Mother. She would read to us every night from a different children’s book before bed. Dr. Seuss, Charlotte’s Web, all of the Little House Books and more. I’ve passed it on to my children especially my middle son. When I visit him in Atlanta we hit the Barnes and Nobles, spend all afternoon, drink too much coffee and come out with ridiculous amounts of books. All of the rest of the time I make my way to my neighborhood library which is in walking distance from my home. If I hear about a book I want to read, I put it on my request list on the library website and pick up when ready. Tomorrow I’m dropping off “Growing a Farmer” by Kurt Timmermeister and picking up “The Presidents Club : Inside the world’s most exclusive fraternity” by Nancy Gibbs and “Sister Citizen : Shame, Stereotypes, and Black women in America” by Melissa Harris-Perry. I average about 2 to 3 books a month. I’d rather read than anything else.
I love Melissa Harris-Perry. Let me know how you like the book!
Is it your new yarn?
I have to say…no. xo
I too, hate that I can’t buy books now, but I go to the bookstore and pick out all the ones I love, write them down and take my list to the library. Then I can have them for a few weeks as if they were my own. Your photos are lovely and I can’t wait for the reveal.
I do the same. In fact, I’d better get going and get on the list for the new Lee Child!
I think it is a close up shot of one of your scarves in that gorgeous blue.
I loved the photos from the highway. Such different scenery than what we have here in Kansas! They gave me the feeling I was on a road trip back east! Thanks for the mini-vacation! :)
I love books and there are many I’d love to read if I’d just take the time and concentrate long enough to finish one. Plus – I’m with you – it’s so hard to justify the cost of a new book unless it is a special occasion. But – I do love the “feel” of books – I know many are enamored with the kindles and nooks these days – and I can understand how beneficial they can be – BUT it just doesn’t seem right. I like to physically turn pages, get my pen and underline, make notes, physically dog ear. I think we’ll continue to have books & magazines in our generation – but I fear this may end up being one of things that future generations will miss out on. Kinda like those awesome now-vintage rotary dial phones!
I feel the same way. I have a Nook, that my sister sent to me when I was working temporarily in San Diego. I barely, barely use it. I just don’t like it. Give me a real book anytime!
I think it is a scarf, or something in process of knitting. You have a gorgeous view! I know exactly what you mean about books, and I have completely stopped buying new books or magazines. I used to read lots of magazines, and collected cookbooks (at one point, I had over a thousand cookbooks) but I refuse to buy ten dollars or more for a magazine! In a nearby town there is a used bookstore, in a very old storefront with hardwood floors, and tin ceiling tiles, and resident cats, such a delightful place! With a few exceptions, the hardback books are all six dollars, and the paperbacks are three dollars. And you can bring them back, and get credit for half of what you paid for them! It is a great deal. It is set up like a regular bookstore, everything spotlessly clean, books properly arranged in sections so it is easy to find what you are looking for. There is a huge selection, and she gets more constantly. You can usually find the latest books, as well as obscure titles. Maybe there is such a place in your area? Sure is a cheaper way to get books. My only problem is that books are my friends, and I rarely trade one in, but it is still a bargain.
Oh, that store sounds like a wonderful place – the kind of place I can lose several hours in!
What a beautiful area you live in! I love scenery with hills and that is why I love where I live. I do have to say though, after visiting Southern California, I do love seeing mts on one side of the road and then the ocean on the other. Hmmm..the first thing that came to mind in your last pic was the blue sky…maybe? ~Hugs, Patti
I wish I could see the ocean! I really miss it.
I hold books in reverence too! Love the smell of new books….something you can’t get with an e-reader! I occasionally treat myself with a new book, but only at discount! As to the pic…looks like a blurry shot of the sky…coloring seems right! ;)
e-readers just don’t quite cut it, do they?
I think the picture is that lovely blue yarn close up. So looking forward to my scarf even if it is going to be in the 70’s all this week.
What’s with the weather?
Granny Canada said it just right. It is a gorgeous view! Loved all the shots. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you that the mystery carpenter appears! :) The mystery carpenter was at our house this weekend (DH and I installed hardwood in our bedroom). My dream come true would be that my knees and hamstrings felt 100% today! :)
Could your mystery carpenter (DH) stop by for a visit? Grandma, by the way, would write letters to me and she would always write ‘eh’ at the end of any question.
Hi Claudia,
Thought you might be interested in a fellow Canadian blogger who met with Lee Child on Saturday for an interview, of sorts. I love her writing style and her talent of observation. Her very witty blog aptly titled, “A Certain Age” ( discusses women and middle age with flair and fun and humour.
Teaser: She says, and I quote, “I flirted with Mr. Child mercilessly — charming and refreshing as I no doubt am, I did notice he was gazing rather anxiously around the room for help — and we got to talking about Reacher and whether he was ever going to find a nice woman and settle down.”
Have a look; I think you’ll get a real kick out of it.
Have a great week.
Poppy xo
PS: I knew there had to be some Canadian blood in you!
Ooh, I’m going to go over and visit! I wish I could meet him!
Canadian blood on both sides, Poppy! My maternal grandparents were from Canada and my mom was born in Orillia, Ontario. Paternal grandfather from London, ON.
I keep looking at the mystical blue photo. I may not know what it is, but I like it. Perhaps an artsy shot of a knitted scarf or sweater?
hmmm. all shall be revealed tomorrow.
My latest obsession? Michael Koryta. I cannot afford books so I am almost a “NORM!” fixture in my library… I preselect about 20-25 on line and then run into the reserved section and pick them up. I try to find a new author and then read everything our system has in stock in chronological order of publishing date. Books? Obsession? You bet! I read at least 1 ever day and a half….As for the Stampington Mags, my new rule is … I have to find at least 4 things in the mag I wish to make or I don’t buy it…Luckily after being published several times last year, I received 1 year subscriptions to several but they will end soon and my mags will then become as outdated as those in a drs office.
I too assumed a scarf but I was late to the guessing..
I’ve not heard of him, Z. I’ll have to check him out. I do the same thing – read all the books in chronological order.
McCoy?- that is what my guess is on the last photo.
As to the trip and those photos…We took a short trip yesterday, too. Through the country… and I took some photos too. I’ve not blogged them yet, perhaps tonight or tomorrow. Scenic and pretty, but different for sure!
I loved reading this. When you spoke of your passion for books and Don wanting a biography… it was sweet when you mentioned Christmas. We have those same discussions here. Your story reminds me of The Little House series…how they would only get special things for Christmas…and then sometimes they were necessities,even.
It reminds me of how I feel deep down inside about our spoiled attitudes in this country. Then you remind me there are still people out there that truly do believe you don’t have to have everything you see! Thank you for sharing your story.
I keep hearing about the Little House series lately. I think it’s time to visit it once again.
I am so fortunate to have found a thrift shop that has a ton of books and sells used (and often new) hardcover for $1.25 or less and paperbacks for $.50. Children’s books are $.45 or less. Since I am a tutor this has been a wonderful find as I can pass out books (for keeps) to my students in hopes of generating a love of reading. There’s also yarn and yardage for just a dollar or two so my charity quilting and crocheting can go full speed ahead without breaking the bank.
Sounds heavenly!
I love books and have read since the earliest of days. I have piles of books and I shop the thrift stores and used book shops. I use the library and a friend who loves books also buys lots of best sellers and I read them after her!! I am lucky that way. I don’t have an Ereader and really don’t think I would like it.
All your photos are gorgeous and as for the last shot….not sure, but my guess is something you crocheted!
hugs, Linda
Isn’t reading wonderful?
I love books too… sometimes we just go to the bookstore and call it date night!
The photo looks like perhaps a blurred quilted fabric, or early morning sky before the sun comes up.
We’ve done the same thing, Karen – spent an hour or two at the bookstore. Highly romantic.
Hi Claudia.. it does look like water, so I’m sure that’s not what it is. Can’t wait to find out! We’re at a beachside rv park on the Pacific in Oregon.. hope you pop over and see the photos I just posted. Best part? The sky has cleared and it’s sunny and gorgeous, just in time for low tide and agate hunting! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
I used to hunt for agates in my rockhound days. I love them. Best of luck in your search, Teresa!
I decided to cut down on my subscriptions several years ago. My library has so many magazines to take home. I have been in a quandry this year, however, because I have heard of a magazine from England, that I wanted to subscribe to. I’ve gone back and forth on subscribing to this…it’s expensive. I have rationalized no end about this.
I finally decided that I wouldgo for it…for just a year. I’m waiting now for the subscription to begin. Mind you, I’ve never seen a copy of this magazine…only heard about it.I hope it’s all that I expect.
I am in a book club and take books out of the library regularly also I buy used books at the library.
Let us know about your magazine when it arrives, Balisha!
It looks like an out of focus picture of yarn..Lovely country…
I’m a reader too and I LOVE my used book store in our “Village”. They take trade-ins and give you store credit. They sell online too, so they always have a great selection of vintage books ~ which I purchase for Christmas presents. Paperbacks are $1, and the older ones are 5 for $1. I’m currently reading a 1957 hardback copy of Anne Boleyn. I’ve also gone to downloading audio versions of books from the library for free. What fun!
Your impressionistic photo looks like blue egg crate styrofoam to me (:
Well, I would say that last pic is the sky, but that’s probably too simple. I have to pass up the magazines too now. Then there’s always the “where do I put it” once I’ve looked it over thoroughly. Is it a keeper? Or do I get rid of it. Several magazines I thought for sure I’d renew, I’ve procrastinated on. I just don’t really want them all that much. Things have changed. Like you, I see nearly everything in BlogLand. You have a gorgeous view and pretty leaves.
Unfortunately, I don’t read much. I still do buy magazines but have cut a lot of them out due to the outrageous prices. I love books and mags about decor and crafts but that’s about it.
Your countryside is beautiful!!
Love ya,
Your new yarn! Reading is my first love. And B & N? so wonderful! Library is a good friend too. Claudia, I know you are not for the e-readers and neither was I, but I have gotten the most enjoyment out of mine. It was my Christmas gift last year from my husband. If anyone ever asks what I would like I say an Amazon gift card and I treat myself to one of the lastest books. However, with my Kindle I get so many FREE downloads. Not always good ones, but I have found some authors I quite like.
BTW I think your pictures look like paintings. Ann
Yarn and books. Oh, Claudia, if there were a support group for such things I would be a gold-card member. But like you I tend to have a lot of used books. Either hand me downs from friends and family, or from used book stores and sales. The sales held annually at the public and private libraries throughout the state are wonderful. And do you have a SAVERS resale shop near you? They sell donated items to benefit Big Sisters and their books are very reasonably priced. I agree with Ann that the photos from your Sunday drive do look like paintings! You’re so lucky to have such beautiful scenery so near.
I could spend days and days in the bookstore. It has always been like a special treat for me. I have almost completely switched over to reading from my Kindle, and I am a champion of there daily deals. There are some books that I want the real thing, but I am out of space. I wish we lived close enough to share.
Hi Claudia,
I enjoyed your post and have to admit that I am getting much much more frugile (cheap) about buying periodicals. My hubby and I love having date nights at Barnes and Noble. We have a Pike’s Roast (Starbuck’s least expensive cuppa) and sit for hours enjoying all of our favorite magazines and books. I, often, bring my laptop and catch up on my blogging. When we are feeling the need to head home…We carefully return our magazines and/or books to their shelves. It’s our new way of spending a night out on the town….and, all at the cost of two cups of coffee. Fortunately, our local B&N allows us to do this…Hopefully, they will continue their gracious policy.
Thanks for sharing and for your thoughtful and wise comments.