Saturday morning – a gray and gloomy looking morning, for sure. I think it rained a bit overnight. Frankly, I’m tired of all the rain we’ve been having and I’d give anything for a few days of sunshine.
Both Don and I worked outside yesterday – he cleaned up and enlarged the trails up in the woods. I dug more invasive weeds out – I swear I will be doing this all summer long – and cleaned out one of the smaller garden beds. We were tuckered out after all that work! But slowly, weather permitting, I’m making some progress on early spring cleanup.
I’m three quarters of the way through with The Black Widow by Daniel Silva. I have two more Silvas on my TBR pile and I will then be caught up with all of his books. He has another one coming out this fall. I also have three holds in my library system: John Connolly’s newest, which I think comes out in May, the next James Lee Burke, which comes out in a couple of months, and Amor Towles’ newest book of short stories, which just came out. I’m learning I have to get in the queues as soon as I can – even if the book isn’t coming out for a few months.
It’s every man for himself in the library hold system.
A little picture of Nina, which reminds me that sometimes her glorious locks cover up her face – like now – and she looks much better this way. Note to myself: fix her hair today.
Nina was customized by a dear artist who lives in Israel. Apparently, my timing was fortuitous – Nina ended up being her last customized Blythe. She isn’t customizing anymore. I love her dolls (I have two) and would certainly consider buying more. She has such a distinctive style; her dolls are like no others. I hope this is a temporary decision on her part, but she isn’t visiting IG, and I’ve had no response to some of my messages checking in on her. There are many Blythe lovers who hope for her return.
I mean, look at that face! The subtle veins, beautiful eyebrows, the slightly open mouth with teeth – she’s stunning.
I’ve had people ask if I can post videos of the girls on the shelves. I have made videos for Instagram but transferring/posting them here is next-to-impossible. If you’re interested in them (I usually set them to music) they’re on my IG Blythe account, which is ‘sophieandherpals.’
Okay. I’m a bit late posting. Have a lovely weekend.
Stay safe.
Happy Saturday.
hope you get some dry days soon.
and that the blythe artist in israel is well.
glad that you and don were able to get outside yesterday. your pulling out invasive plants brought to my mind the first time i saw kudzu growing all over in the south …. who thought that was a good idea to bring here?!? someone who was wrong. but what can be done but try to keep things like that from getting worse? ugh. anyway, good to keep an eye on such things and then take a break, claudia!
glad that don has a gig tomorrow. hope it is in front of a huge and appreciative, well-connected crowd!
going to get groceries and other supplies in a little bit. didn’t time that right … i do not look forward to shopping on the weekend! otherwise most chores are done, earl and the birds have some food and i have my next hat decided upon (using up egg-size bits of yarn to make these last few hats before summer, which is a good thing except for all the knots between color changes). and i finished that “happiness project” book so will start “a gentleman in moscow” today or tomorrow … very excited about that!
hope you, don and everyone else stay safe and have a great weekend!
I doubt that it will be a huge crowd! More like 20 people. But he’ll charm them, for sure.
Stay safe, Kathy.
I finally had to look up hawkweed to see what you were talking about. I’ve seen it, and pulled it as well, guess I just never knew its name, I don’t remember seeing it in awhile, so I’ll take that as a win. What a chore if it’s running rampant in your gardens.
We picked up sticks, and branches, in the yard yesterday. I got quite the workout from all that bending lol. But, I’m a bit sore this morning. We’ll be digging up a few perennials this afternoon, and delivering them to our son late this afternoon…and staying for a cookout. I still have a bit of a clean-up to do in one of the gardens, but, then I’m done. And, I’m working on my plant shopping list for the containers. Designing a few new containers…I guess I need a change, just for the sake of change? And, all my indoor plants have been washed, and a few repotted. I’ve been busy.
Hope Don’s gig goes well tomorrow. And I hope you have a lovely weekend as well! ;)
It looks like a tall dandelion. Yes, with all the weed pulling, I’m bending over a lot, too. It makes me tired!
Stay safe, Donnamae.
dear Claudia/Don — this girl is exquisite — that face, hair, eyes beautiful — does an artist begin with a “blank” face, then work to bring life to her?? have zero ability for that but so much admire the talent of the artist — guess some people have the talent and the rest of us are the “cheerleaders” LOL !! thanks for sharing with us. sun here today but cooler. drier for a few days. hope you all can enjoy the wkend. stay safe/healthy
The artist begins with a stock Blythe doll, shiny face and all. They usually carve new lips and refine the nose, take off the shine, and hand paint all the details.
Thanks so much, Linda.
Stay safe.
We’ve been having some pleasant, sunny days lately. I’m meeting friends for lunch tomorrow in Napa Valley and it’s supposed to be a little warmer. I’m trying to finish a book so I can read the one I just picked up from the library, The Boys in the Boat, about the University of Washington rowing team during the 1936 Berlin Olympics. I also have books on order at the library that haven’t come out yet. Hope Don’s gig goes well! Enjoy the weekend.
I think Don read The Boys in the Boat. In fact, we probably have a copy of it here. Enjoy!
Stay safe, Barrie.
Nina’s Rumplestiltskin hair is lovely. You can really see the talent in the artist when you look at her beautiful sweet face. Nice you were able to work outside but don’t overdo. Enjoy your Sunday. Hope Don’s gig goes well. We need more music in this crazy old world of ours. Hugs, Elaine
Boy, we really do need music more than ever!
Stay safe, Elaine.
Beautiful Nina! <3
Thank you, Betsy.
Stay safe.
I enjoy seeing your girls very much! Thanks to you I have a small collection of four, one I use as a sewing model, and two that I have out and dress for the season. However, I try, I cannot style them in the quirky and adorable manner that you do. I don’t especially think these dolls should be conservative, of course, each collector to their own, but it seems like I don’t have a quirky bone in my body. This makes it especially fun to see your girls in there. Cute outfits. Just fight all this rain, good for you and Don Getting out there and cleaning up for spring. Be careful and enjoy the beauty that you are uncovering.
Thank you for your kind words, Nora.
It’s sunny today – Monday – and that makes me happy.
Stay safe.
Happy New Week! It does sound exhausting — all the spring clean-up (and it doesn’t stop when spring ends, does it? It just changes.)
I’ve never read Silva. Is he sequential or can you pick them up in any order? I might add him to the summer list.
You’re right. It just changes.
The books can be read in any order, but they are sequential, with new characters being added to the mix. Silva does a good job of providing back story/history, thought. That helps.
Stay safe, Jeanie.