Slow start this morning! That may be due to a bout of lawn mowing during the most humid and hot part of the day yesterday. What were we thinking? I don’t think we knew it was that humid when we decided to mow. And by the time we realized it…it was too late. We were really tired at the end of the day.
I also made Don get the older air conditioner that we used to use in the office (formerly guest bedroom) out of the shed. That room was impossible to work in because of the incredibly hot temps we’ve been having. Sweating, just having finished mowing, we lugged it upstairs and put it in the window, all the while crossing our fingers that it would work.
It did, thank goodness! We didn’t want to buy yet another a/c unit.
Wildflowers blooming right under the kitchen window.
The clematis is blooming like crazy!
Wild roses, which are blooming all over the property. They are so delicate and beautiful. The rest of the year I curse them, of course, as I get stuck by the thorns. But right now? I love them.
I am so happy when I can work in the gardens, mow the lawn, look at our beautiful property that we love so much. Yesterday, as I was mowing, I kept saying to Don, “Isn’t it beautiful?” I’m very grateful. Tired…but grateful.
At the end of the day, we had the most spectacular sunset that turned the whole sky orange and lasted for at least 30 minutes. It went on and on and it was glorious,
You can see it reflected off our neighbor’s solar panels. Gorgeous.
The winner of a copy of June is Joan. Joan, I have sent you an email asking for your mailing address. Congratulations!
I’ve posted some more photos of Postmark Books on Just Let Me Finish This Page. Stop on by!
Happy Tuesday.
aaah, lovely sunset and flowers! :D
Thanks, Brae!
I got all of my yard work done this weekend also and I just love to sit back and look at the freshly mowed yard and all of the flowers. Glad you got yours all done. Your sunset photo is beautiful.
Have a great week.
That was a spectacular sunset, Judy. love to you!
That sunset was beautiful! We have seen a couple of lovely ones here, since we moved. My husband mowed yesterday as well – a bit humid here also. His biggest frustration is the huge maple – not sugar :( – in the front yard that is determined to spread its seeds everywhere. We have a crazy amount of “helicopter” seeds anywhere and everywhere. But it also provides much
needed shade to the west side of the house. Kind of like the thorns with the roses – just not as painful. Heh.
Definitely not as painful, Ranee!
Gorgeous day for you, Claudia! Glad the a/c unit worked. Second floor rooms are so uncomfortable in hot weather. We’re acclimating the kitties to home living. They were fostered in a garage space after being rescued from the streets, so they don’t know about furniture, applicances, etc. They’re sequestered in my office and we go in and sit with them. They are beginning to approach us for petting. In a few days, when they are comfortable with us, we’ll let them explore the rest of the house.
Sounds like things are going well, Wendy! Send some photos when you can!
I will, Claudia. i plan to take some photos this afternoon.
Guess I should have done more yard work yesterday…it’s raining again! That was a beautiful sunset….glad you captured it for us to enjoy! ;)
Well, it was so beautiful that Don and I finally went outside to look at it and I grabbed my camera!
I love this time of year, too even though sometimes I curse the heat and humidity. I try to keep in the back of my mind that it certainly beats winter! Your sunset last night was amazing.
Cooler temps just moved in here and now it’s raining. I have all the windows open, which is a wonderful change from having to run the AC.
I think cooler temps are on their way here, too. Not today – it’s pretty hot, but maybe in the next couple of days. Enjoy your day, Melanie!
I love the clematis, so pretty! I did some shopping for Mom today at Lowe’s and WalMart. Then I put together two shelving units for her. So much to do but we are taking it a little bit each day. The kitchen is starting to come together and that’s always good. She got her Directv hooked up today and found her TV came on then went off and won’t come on again. They finished her install using my bedroom TV. Glad I had one to let her use. Not sure if it can be fixed or if she is going to have to buy another tv. Ugh, after all the moving expenses. Oh well. It’s been a productive day and now I’m going to read for a bit.
Read and rest, Linda!
Your ‘happy’ is infectious and, when you share it with us, it makes us happy, too.
You have such beautiful flowers in your garden; I love seeing the photos and, more, that you know all their names! How nice that you had a productive and satisfying day.
And it’s amazing how great those little room air conditioners can be! We had one in our last house, the little cottage. In the kitchen. Custom-built home with a large industrial fan incorporated into the flat, plaster wall (so odd[!]; not a ceiling fan! [like a jet engine, the way it sounded]) for amazing cooling (we left it [permanently dismantled] for historical purposes but it wasn’t grounded nor considered safe to actually have in the home!) and a wall furnace for electrified heat which must have replaced some other antiquated gas or fuel heating…omgosh, the various heating things we found in that house with major renovation, from the 20s through the 70s or so; it all had to be disassembled as, again, it wasn’t deemed safe and was long since not to ‘code’…but, what we wound up with in the early 2000s after the contractor got done, was a kitchen with neither heating or cooling; there just wasn’t an effective and cost-conscious way to make it happen. It never gets too cold in my area of SoCalif but it does get darn hot, so a small window air conditioner by the kitchen stove was the answer, and just a great little workhorse for us; it worked perfectly to cool off the kitchen and was totally worth the money, so that the kitchen could be as cooled as the rest of the home (we installed central air conditioning with a HEPA filter during renovation; it was a ‘must’ for me and my asthma).
Funny thing how when I was growing up in the same town, all those years ago(!) NOBODY had air conditioning whereas, nowadays, so many decades later, you can’t seem to live comfortably without it and it’s standard in every new home.
We had an air conditioner in our den in San Diego, but we put it in. We also had a wall heater. In fact, I had a wall heater in both places I lived in San Diego. San Diego has become much hotter on average since we lived there. When we were there we only had to use the air conditioner a few weeks every summer. Now, it would be very different!
I used to track the weather year to year but then got off track about it. I think about doing comparisons from, say, when I was in this same place, in SoCalif, in the 50s & 60s, vs. current weather. I seem to remember hot summers in the earliest 60s…I know there are official statistics somewhere on this (we kids just ‘lived’ with the garden sprinklers on, scampering over the wet lawn)…but, man, these past few years? Like nothing I remember certainly as an adult. Brutal. I’m dreading the next four months, weather-wise…because I don’t expect it will be much different than last year (too hot!). We’re gonna fry. I think you’re spot on about San Diego being warmer…and don’t they truck in water? We had friends in La Jolla and I thought I remembered a discussion even then about the worry for homeowners ( 1980s) of how San Diego was dependent upon other already-tapped sources (the discussion was about converting ocean water to drinking water in order to be more independent). I could be recalling it incorrectly. I haven’t been to San Diego for SO many years and I really like it there but, as I think we’ve hit on before here, I understand the drive, even from L.A. proper, is a real headache; just bumper-to-bumper traffic…like one long, long, LONG freeway…
The drive is a pain in the tush, Vicki! Really, the stretch between SD and Los Angeles has become urban sprawl. Except for the area around Camp Pendleton.
Beautiful sunset…Must I give you two a lecture about doing yard work in the hot…Your place is so pretty I don’t blame you for wanting to keep it looking nice..My wild rose bushes are so big and full of blooms this year…Enjoy your Spring/Summer?
I think it’s Summer, Nancy!
Your clematis is beautiful!