Somehow, all the predicted thunderstorms for yesterday happened elsewhere and we were spared all of that. Wonder of wonders. Today is relatively humidity free and it will be in the high seventies. Back in the eighties tomorrow and for the rest of the week, but today? Gorgeous. There’s a very gentle breeze, accompanied by an orchestra of bird song.
To top it off, this happened this morning:
The first hollyhock bloom! It’s tucked in behind the leaves, but it’s there. Now that there’s no raised bed outside the side door, I planted a few things in galvanized buckets, including the hollyhock.
Last year’s hollyhocks were a disappointment, but this plant seems to be strong and there are a lot of buds.
Don is portrait-ing at the Farmers Market today. I’m hanging out here and I plan to take advantage of this lovely weather, so I’m going to make this short and sweet.
Hope your weather is cooperating today.
Happy Sunday.
I’m glad your weather turned out to be okay. We had 4 tornados around us but thankfully, damage did not include people, just trees and buildings! Today is warm and sunny so far but rain for the rest of the week. Heading outside to deadhead and weed and move rocks!
Enjoy the sun!
X Chy
Oh my! That’s frightening, Chy! Take care.
We’ve got the rain. You’re welcome.
Hollyhocks—love them! Can’t see them and not be reminded of my grandmother and her wall of hollyhocks next to the garage! Today we nearly have peonies and wisteria. Hope the rain doesn’t cancel them.
We got the rain later on Sunday in the form of a violent thunderstorm!
I do love hollyhocks. I’ve never had much luck with them but they are such happy, old fashioned flowers they always make me smile.
They are one of my favorite flowers, especially for a country garden.
Beautiful hollyhock! I would love to see a larger pick of the flowers in your galvanized containers if you care to share?
Storming here right now…might cool things off? High winds, lots of thunder and lightning….so moved delicate planters closer to the house. Enjoy your glorious cooler day! ;)
I will sometime, but the window A/C unit will also be in the photo so I have to figure out how to avoid that as much as possible!
glad the weather cooperated for you! trust you are enjoying your day and hope don’s business is busy.
hot and sticky here. same last night, but at least there was no rain to spoil the big arts festival. didn’t get any art, but danced and sang (with lots of people) to the 2019 version of “the family stone”. sly wasn’t there, but the music was fun to hear again! after church today i bought some lemonade from kids up the street and am now home with plans to take it easy this afternoon … indoors!
happy sunday to all!
kathy in iowa
Sly doesn’t tour with them anymore. I read that when we watched Woodstock recently and I googled him. He has had a troubled life.
Enjoy your gorgeous day, Claudia. I’m cat-sitting for a friend and I’m going to take a cue from the little kitty. While she’s napping among the hydrangeas, I’ll be outside reading the latest Flavia de Luce novel by Alan Bradley.
Good plan, Wendy!
Question- did you put drainage holes in the buckets? I really love that look but wasn’t sure how to do it.
Beautiful hollyhock! In my experience, very hard to grow them successfully.
Lovely day. <3
Yes, I drilled a couple of drainage holes, Betsy. I’ve had pretty good luck with hollyhocks, the exception being last year. My favorite experience was the time one self-seeded in my raised bed. It was simply gorgeous!