I have a confession to make. I’ve been keeping a secret from you. No, not the exciting kind of “I’ve got a book deal!” or “I’ve won the lottery!” secret. How I wish! No, this secret is a little more mundane. Nevertheless, since I’m always honest with you on this blog, it’s time to ‘fess up.
I got a Kindle Paperwhite for Christmas.
I know. You’re thinking, “Ummm….Claudia? Haven’t you written many posts about books – the three-dimensional kind – and the need for libraries and bookstores? I seem to remember you saying that you don’t like eReaders. You were very clear on the subject.”
And you would be right.
Let me assure you. A book that I can hold in my hands, where I can turn the actual page, not a virtual page, will always be my preference. I love the look and feel of three-dimensional books. I love them too much to abandon them. I will always support my local independent bookstore and my local library.
Don’t worry.
Let me give you the back story. When I had just returned from Hartford at the end of September, Don said that he thought he would like a Kindle Paperwhite. I was surprised, as Don isn’t a habitual reader like I am. But we talked about it and I filed it away as a Christmas idea. As Christmas grew near, I started a little research on the Paperwhite and liked what I read about it. I asked Don about it once more. Did he really want one? (I did this because Don is known for going hot and then cold on gift ideas.) Together, we read all about the Kindle and in the end, he said yes. It would be perfect for him, not only at home, but especially on the road. Since we both travel for our jobs, lugging a lot of books along isn’t an option.
Much to my surprise, I started to think I would like one. I pondered. I felt a bit guilty. Then I took a deep breath and told Don that I would like one as my Christmas present. He was delighted.
So we gave each other Kindles.
I have to say that I really love mine. The idea behind the Paperwhite is that it is simply an e-Reader. It’s not a device that allows you to go online or surf the web or anything like that (although you do use Wi-Fi to connect with Amazon in order to download your purchase.) We weren’t interested in that. We both have laptops. I have a Nook that my dear sister gave me about 5 years ago, so that I could have the accessibility of books to read available to me when I was on the road, but it wasn’t easy to read and I never really embraced it. However, the technology has greatly improved since my Nook came out. The Paperwhite is so clear and readable and it’s much more lightweight and easily held in your hand.
Don is crazy about his. More often than not lately, he is reading his Kindle. I’ve never seen him read this much and that makes me very happy. His taste runs to non-fiction; biographies, memoirs and history. He loves the dictionary option, where he can touch a word and the definition for that word will pop up on the screen. I cannot tell you how many times he has said, “This was the best present ever.”
As for me, I have stacks and stacks of books around here. I have them stored away in the shed. I just donated over 50 books to my local library. I only have so much space in this little cottage. And as you know, I sometimes have to work in another city for a chunk of time. I also review a lot of books. Almost always there is an option to get the book in the mail or on an eReader. I’ve always chosen the mail, but that means a lot of books stack up around here and I have nowhere to put them.
The fact is, there are just certain books that I would love to read on the Kindle but not necessarily buy in the bookstore. It gives me options. For example, I’m reading the new biography of one of my favorite actresses, Barbara Stanwyck. It’s over 900 pages long. It retails for well over $30. I can’t spend that kind of money, it’s not in my budget. If I got on the waiting list at the library and was finally able to check it out, I would be under pressure to read it all in a certain amount of time. Did I say that it’s 900 pages long? Since my taste runs to fiction, biographies are a rarer read for me and having it on the Kindle gives me the freedom to read bits and pieces of it whenever I want to. And I got it for $11.99.
I also just read the next book I am going to review on the Kindle. It is only available as an eBook. I wouldn’t have been able to experience it – and I liked it very much – if I didn’t have the Kindle. I’ve also been able to get some books for $1.99 – one by Mary Kay Andrews and another by Dennis Lehane. Can’t beat it.
So, an old dog can indeed learn new tricks. My name is Claudia and I actually like my Kindle. Who would have thought?
But to keep this in perspective, I’ve got an idea for the bookshelves I’ve been wanting in the den. I think I can do it myself; in fact, I know I can. And I will love nothing more than being able to have more of my non-virtual books here in the house instead of in the shed, to hold, to thumb through, to re-read, to treasure. Nothing will ever be better or more powerful than that.
I’m already plotting how to save up for some of Penguin’s editions of Jane Austen with their beautiful covers and lovely typefaces.
We’ve got a winter storm on the way. Oh boy. Batten down the hatches!
(By the way, this isn’t a promotion of any kind for Kindle or Amazon and I receive no compensation from Amazon.)
Happy Tuesday.
Great gift, I didn’t realize you couldn’t access the internet for surfing with it. My nephews both have one and I just thought they were using it for internet but must be they are using it for book, better yet!!
You can with the Kindle Fire, just not the Kindle Paperwhite. Depends on which one your nephews have. I’m betting they might have the Kindle Fire….
Claudia, I have shared the same feelings as you had regarding e-readers until recently. Until this Jan 1, my library system offered a program called Best Seller Express. For $4, I was able to borrow a newly released and highly popular book for 10 days. I had been a steady user of this program for years. Now, I have to place my name on a waiting list which takes forever! Since retiring I can no longer afford to buy books freely as I did when I was working. I have been thinking that an e-reader might be the answer, The tactile experience of an actual book is one I enjoy. Your post today has brought me closer to purchasing an e-reader. My adult children will be delighted because they always say that my husband and I are stuck in the 20th century. Thanks Claudia, for sharing your secret!
The thing I love is that I can get certain books at a big discount, Carolyn. I also think some libraries (not mine, unfortunately) have a program where you can check out books for your Kindle. I’m not sure how they work, but that might be something you want to investigate.
Wow Claudia, good for you! Also how great is it to give your husband a gift he really uses and enjoys? My sister loves all the new technology and does her best to interest me. Do you have a digital photo frame? I don’t care for the one I got as a gift. Guess I’m just hopelessly old fashioned but I like a real photo in a real frame. Happy reading!
No digital photo frame. I agree with you, I like a real photo in a frame, Janie!
I was a reluctant Kindle convert a few years ago and have never looked back. I love the feeling of having a whole bookshelf worth of books in my hand at once. And, as you have noted, it is great for when you travel. I still love real books, but most of my real book purchases now are limited to knitting and cooking books.
Yes and I would add that any design or decorating books would be real book purchases, as well. Or a book that I know I will refer to again and again, where I want to see the photos, etc.
Yay for you! It took me awhile to jump on the Kindle bandwagon and I will say, I still love a good old fashioned book, but the Kindle has proved to be invaluable to me. I use it all the time when I’m traveling. I love the great deals that can be found on books too- as do my kids who are HUGE readers! (thank goodness!)
Enjoy endless reading as you muster through your snow storm.
The deals are great and if you are on a budget, as most of us are, every little bit of savings helps.
Snow storm = just the right time to start a new book!
Thank you, Claudia. I have been going back and forth regarding getting a Kindle. I too love the feel of an actual book and to be surrounded by books is my ultimate comfort! I’ve been having problems with my eyes at night, however, and a Kindle may just be the answer. I value your opinion and thank you!
I think the Kindle might help your eyes – you can adjust the size of the font or even change the font and you can adjust the brightness of the screen.
Dear sweet friend,
Great gifts. A few summers ago, my dear friend , Debbie, introduced me to her Kindle. We had exchanged books over many years. I was so excited since I had saved my retirement $. Melissa,our daughter, showed me the Kindle app on my tablet. I have many books on it. Some were free! M has a Nook—she enjoys. I read wonderful blogs(like yours) now daily. No sunshine in middle TN to send…flurries and wind. Have a terrific Tuesday:-)
No sunshine here, either! The snow just started and Don just ran out to get some cereal and milk. Then we’ll be in for the duration of the storm…
Who would’ve thought!?! Good for you! A kindle actually makes so much sense for you two…traveling and all. I can read books on my iPad, but don’t…it’s heavy, and hard to read in the sunlight. Do you know if the kindle paper white is good in the sunlight….you know for all those days lazing at the beach in Wisconsin..ha! How much snow are you going to get? Sun is out today in full force with lots of wind. Enjoy your day! ;)
Yes, the Paperwhite is good in the sunlight – that’s one of the selling points, Donna. We’re getting 3 – 6 inches with a wind chill warning – down below Zero.
Thanks! No snow here…just shiver weather! ;)
We don’t belong to a library district, so I had to pay to join Rockford’s. But it had to be done. My husband is a book hoarder, and my Goodwill collection was going to sink the house. Got rid of most of mine, got a nook Simple reader, and never looked back. The Nook started swiping more than one page at a time, so I got a Kindle Keyboard off of Ebay for cheap. Now I click instead of swipe, and I like it better. Didn’t you get a card a while back from one of the places you worked? Check out their online stuff. Love it ’cause I don’t have to leave the house to get more books on a day like today.(-2 and blowing snow)
I did, but it was temporary – at the Hartford Public Library – I don’t know if I could use it now. But I’ll check it out, Jeanne!
Maybe they’d let you pay to join? Wait lists for the best sellers on ebooks are days. Paper but I still love them) books run months. I got one for my son who ships overseas this spring for Christmas, and got him hooked up to the second card on the subscription. That way if he has WIFI, he has books.
What a great idea for your son, Jeanne. Such a thoughtful and valuable gift. I’ll check out the option to pay to join.
Good for you Claudia! But even better for Don. To think he found a way to enjoy reading is wonderful.
I got a Paperwhite from my husband for our anniversary last June. I wanted one because I often go visiting friends and relatives. Taking 7 or 8 books along was way heavy. You never know what you might be in the mood to read right? With the Kindle I can take 100’s of books.
Most of my books gave been freebies. There are several (that I know of) places on the internet that will tell you which books are free each day. Terrific savings!
But, a physical book is still my book of choice. I love the smell of a newly purchased book. In the rare case of a brand new book, I love to be the first to break it open, smell the ink and the paper. What joy!
If you have the links for those places that tell you what books are free on a given day, I’d love to see them, Trudy!
Well, I don’t have and don’t want an e-reader. However, I am happy that you have one and are pleased with it. I gave one to my grandson and his Dad and they are over the moon. My son is a househusband and they have three young daughters. One small enough to grab for a real book. He can read his Kindle while trying to rock a sleepy, cranky little one to sleep. E-readers have their place. Travel, getting a techno-savvy teen to read more, etc.
BTW, where did you get or how did you make that adorable cup cozy in the top photo? I would love one.
It’s not a cup cozy, Regena. It’s a hand hooked coaster in the shape of a sunflower. I got it at the Sheep and Wool Festival several years ago. I, of course, forgot about it and rediscovered it just last week!
Thanks. Now I must try to spy out a pattern for myself.
I am listening to the wind and watching a few flurries whisk about. Don’t think we will have anything more than cold down here in Middle TN. Button up, hunker down and keep warm.
Did not tell you how very much I enjoyed Don on PBS. You and he are so blessed to have one another and thank you for sharing glimpses with us.
I’ll take a picture of it soon and post it on the blog, Regena. Stay warm and thank you for kind words about Don’s performance.
This seems somewhat related-
Fascinating tho long study suggesting cell phones make us more social…
Technology Is Not Driving Us Apart After All
Wow – interesting! I’m going to go on over and read the article. Thanks so much, my friend.
I have a Kindle that is just a reader, too…and I just love it…when I went on vacation I shoved it in my purse. I read two novels while I was gone…carrying two big books in my suitcase is heavy and takes up space. I still buy some physical books, when they are books I use over and over again and have lots of photos (decor books, cookbooks, etc).
Yes, those sort of books are the ones you want to have and refer to all the time.
You know…. I’ve been tempted… and then not… and then tempted… and not. *sigh*
I know. I understand!
My name is Linda, and I love my Kindle also!! I bought mine for my trip to Paris and I fell in love with it. Would I rather read a real book? YES, but like you I have found it so easy to take with me when I travel and also like you have found books at a much cheaper rate for my Kindle. It will never replace real books in my life, but it has been a great addition. Visiting with my Mom she likes mine and we have just ordered her one. Lightweight is a big feature for her. I have found that this ‘old dog’ can learn new tricks after all and I’m glad of it!!
Hugs, Linda
That’s a great way to put it, Linda – “a great addition.” I think we may be old dogs, but we’re sure hip old dogs!
FYI: if you download the Kindle app on your iphone, you have access to the same books that are on your paper white. We love ours.
Don’t think I could really read a book on my iPhone. The screen is just too small!
You can adjust the size just like the Kindle. It’s very nice.
Thanks, Linda!
I’m reading the Louise Penny series (thanks for the recommendation!). I’m on Bury Your Dead…….and whenever I can sneak in a chapter, it’s nice to be able to read it on my iphone. You can sync both the phone and Kindle to the “furthest read” place.
Claudia, I am glad to hear that you were open to change. It’s good to challenge long-held beliefs! I have an iPad, and love reading books on it. I think the Paperwhite is probably the better e-reader, but I wanted something that was more versatile, and the iPad fits my needs perfectly. When the Kindle first came out, I considered getting one but, I love books, and couldn’t imagine reading without the tactile experience of holding a book. I have found that I do not miss holding a book. I enjoy the convenience of being able to adjust the type size, as well as adjusting the brightness of the screen. And as you noted, e-books are not as expensive. Also, being able to download a book instantly, as well as preordering an upcoming release from a favorite author, is a real selling point for me.
That’s right…I forgot about preordering an upcoming release, Sandra! Good point.
I actually got a Kindle three years ago for Christmas. Like you, I love my books, but there are times when having the Kindle is wonderful. I have gotten some great free books on mine, which have led me to a whole new series that I can then get at the library. To me, it is just another way to read and I am all for that. xo Laura
Yes, it’s all about reading. I’m going to check out the free books, Laura.
I use the train to commute about an hour to my job. I feel the way you do about a kindle, but I bought one because it is so perfect for commuting! Weighs virtually nothing. About the time I was reading a fat Bill Bryson book, and having to lug it along, I began to think about it, and I am so glad I did! It is always in my bag and if I finish one book during the day (I also read waiting for the train, once I get to work and at lunch), I can start the next one. No more carrying two books around! What a great thing for a person whose addiction is to the printed word! I too have many, many books overflowing my bookcases, and I will never stop reading REAL books, but the kindle is sometimes just the right thing to take their place.
I often have to grab the bus or the train to go into Manhattan, sometimes juggling scripts and research materials. I can see where the Kindle will be perfect for commuting!
I, too, finally broke down last year for my birthday and got the Kindle Paperwhite and I love, love it! I read lots of fiction and have read many free books from Amazon as well as being able to download a series of books so that I do not read the first in a series and then forget to read the rest of them (or can’t find them). It’s the most comfortable screen of any e-reader that I’ve seen and I can read for hours using it. And a great bonus here in Lake Havasu where it’s almost always sunny is that you can read it outside as well … no glare. My first love is a “real” book that I can handle and turn the pages but the Paperwhite is an excellent second choice. Congratulations!
Another great idea – a whole series! Boy you guys are giving me some great ideas today!
Thanks, Ann!
I got kindles for my mom and myself last year for Christmas. Hands down one of the best things I’ve ever purchased. We both love reading on them, the ease of downloading a book when we are ready to start another book, and with two we get a single download purchase to both kindles. The books on kindle are so much cheaper than even a paper back and divide that in two, I don’t see how it can get cheaper. Our eyes also don’t get tired as with a traditional book. Mom has arthritis in her hands and finds the kindle so much easier to hold than a paper book. Not to mention we were running out of space for all the books we had. I just didn’t want any more to have to find places for. We just LOVE ours!!
Hey Gina – I’m interested in the single download purchase. Is that because both Kindles are registered under the same name? Don has a few books on his Kindle that I’d like to read but that may not be possible because they are registered individually.
Yes, I registered ours under my name, but listed the two kindles as one in my name and one in mom’s name. The choice comes up on the whisper sync, when the purchase is made, of which one to download to first. Then I just download to the second one when the purchase finishes, which doesn’t take long. Also there are a couple of books mom wanted that I didn’t care to read and I just didn’t bother to download those to my kindle. By the way, the newest John Grisham book, Sycamour Row is a “can’t put it down” book. I always thought his books might be dry since they are legal based, but he is mom’s favorite writer. I downloaded that one to my kindle and was up every night late reading. Just couldn’t put it down! Just an FYI if your are interested. Even as a newly published book, it was much cheaper than waiting for the paperback to come out next year, so well worth the purchase. Check into the feature on Amazon that lets you borrow from someone else with a kindle. I thought I read something about that. I have downloaded some very expensive books too and some were good. Burning Man was very good. Invisible Man was the worst book I’ve ever read. Not even worth the inexpensive couple of dollars it was for the download.
That was suppose to be inexpensive, not expensive. Burning Man was only a couple of dollars.
Thanks so much for the info, Gina!
I forgot to say, that the large print books my mom needs to read are so expensive. Being able to adjust the font size is so great on the kindles!
Or course, that would be such a help for your Mom! I also imagine if someone has arthritis that a Kindle would be much easier to manage.
I also have a confession; I chuckled when I read this, remembering your vehement posts about eReaders. My Kindle is the more elderly Kindle 3, it does come in handy and hasn’t replaced my library habit. If you at all enjoy classic books, you might want to take a look at this site: http://www.gutenberg.org/
The books on Project Gutenberg are in the public domain, all free and legal. With my Kindle, I just access the site directly (internet access through my home, or any hotspot) and download any books directly to the device.
Have fun, Claudia. It pays to be flexible.
I think part of the problem was that my Nook was heavy and hard to read. I also want to honor authors and their earnings and have a real fear of a day when three dimensional books might be no more….that being said, I have learned never to say never because who knows? You might wake up some morning looking at the whole thing with fresh eyes! And I had to be honest about the whole thing.
Thanks so much for the link, Karen.
Reading books is a wonderful thing..I believe that anyway that someone can accomplish this is a good thing..Enjoy!
Thanks, Nancy!
Now that’s what I call a cool secret! I bought an Apple I-pad so that I could access the Internet and read while in hospital and during recovery. The price was a bit more than I had wanted to spend until I justified it with the fact that I had cancer and I wanted to splurge. So far I am happy with it. Shortly after I got it was my first surgery and I didn’t take it because I was not yet comfortable with it, so I just took my books and phone. Since then, I have been going for treatments and it goes with me, no more books taking up space in the little bag that I or actually my hubby carries for me.
You deserve a treat, Kelly. Dealing with surgery and treatment is so stressful – treating yourself to the escape of a good read was a good thing for you to do. xo
I’m very much like you when it comes to books…nothing beats the feel and smell of a real book. I have books in closets, in boxes, under beds and on shelves too. I received a Kindle a couple years ago and absolutely love it. Not only does it bookmark the last page you read but it has given me a chance to read authors I have never heard of. Some are good and some are bad but all are fun. I love being able to download a book in seconds and I love that Amazon tells me that I have already purchased a particular book I may be looking at again..lol.
Exactly – I’m more willing to take a chance on an author when I’m paying very little, if any, money for the book.
Welcome to my world! I never thought I’d have one of these but my son gifted me with my Paper White in 2012 . Before that I had downloaded the Kindle for PC and found many free books to enjoy digital-wise. There are many great books listed for free and I have sense synced my PC and my Kindle downloads! It is great to carry with. When I first received mine it had an experimental browser ; and if you knew the URL you could read on line – it is in the habit of shutting down and I can not search like I could at the beginning. But that’s ok – I can use my iPhone for that! Oh and for any one interested there is also a kindle app for iPhone and I would imagine android too- though I don’t have either.
I am currently reading a free book on my Kindle “The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes” by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle … I downloaded at the end of the Masterpiece series 2 … Because I was so excited for the coming season. Only I’m just now reading it !
…-enjoy it! Thank you for sharing your secret. Pat
I’ve thought about downloading the whole Sherlock Holmes series by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle because I’ve haven’t read any of them. I am enjoying it, Pat!
I would have thought you’ve read those books. I am surprised.
If you type in Sir Arthur Conan Doyle free kindle books in your browser it is still showing up in the free selection
Don has a volume of Sherlock Holmes somewhere. I had it on my Nook. Just something I never got around to reading for some reason. I’m currently downloading tons of free books, including Conan Doyle.
As the owner and lover of hundreds of books, I was resistant to any kind of reading ‘device’; but when I inherited a sibling’s Kindle, and took it on a trip with me, I was hooked. It has an enormous library (of books I don’t own), and while I still read hardcover books at home, the Kindle is the perfect device to take when I’m travelling. Every device has its place in our lives. Moderation is the key! xx
I just downloaded a bunch of free books by searching under Kindle Free Classics. Such fun! And yes, my friend, moderation is the key.
Glad you were able to get out for a bit yesterday. Getting out in the fresh air is good for the soul! I am old school also about books and magazines, like to feel the real thing in my hands. I can see though where a kindle would come in quite handy while traveling. Got out of work early today, been snowing since 8 this morning. Came home shoveled the deck so my dog can get out and then out in front of the house and down the sidewalk to our cars. We are in a townhouse and our new neighbor 2 doors down just came out and started shoveling in front of his house and guess where he was piling up the snow? That’s right, right in front of my car and next to it!! I opened up the door and hollered out I just shoveled all around my car and what does he say “oh yea I see that” grrrrrr he just might get a shovel upside his head!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Does he clear what he did? NOOOOO, so I have to get dressed and go back out and shovel it!!!! What an idiot, that is just so inconsiderate. I can’t wait till we can move to a couple of acres out in the country somewhere. But other than that, have a pot of homemade turkey noodle soup on the stove and bread in the oven. Hopefully the hubby will be home soon safe and sound, the roads are getting pretty bad. Stay warm!!! I just might have to take a look at the kindle.
What is with people? Why would that guy think it was remotely okay to toss snow in front of your car? Oh boy.
Enjoy your soup and warm bread. Stay safe and warm! Curiously, it’s very cold here, but the snow flurries stopped. We just may see nothing in terms of accumulation.
I too was reluctant to get a Kindle…luv the feel of a book too much! But hubby and son wanted to get me the Kindle Fire two Christmases ago so I said ok. Luv it! I still read “real” books but sometimes it is just so convenient to get in on the Kindle. My library has many books available to borrow for the ereader so I do take advantage of that. Plus Amazon has MANY free books you can download to read including many of the classics. There is also a site called BookBub where many books are. either free or cheap to buy.
On a side note I was also reluctant to get a Keurig coffee maker but once I did I was hooked! Many a great day revolves around a good cup of coffee and a good read!!
The Kindle will be great when I’m on the road, for sure.
Totally with you on the backlit reader issue and the sheer joy of a physical book. I tried a kobo and thought I’d got advanced cataracts as it was like reading through a dark window on a winter evening. I ended up deciding that the app on my mobile was the way to go as I could adjust the brightness to day or evening reading for comfort. So I cant cast any aspersions as I am in your converts camp.
The trick is to balance the eReader with real books!
I much prefer books in all their glory. However, my husband is very “techy” and he and a co-worker have attempted to start a online business with the express purpose of making any Ipads or readers more comfortable to use. If any of you or your readers are interested it is comfortablegeek.com or can also be found on Amazon. They are called MI-handles and I have used one with my Ipad and it does make using it as a reader much more comfortable. They can provide different styles and types depending on ones reader preference. I’m not trying to promote his business, just wanted to offer an option for making ones reading experience more comfortable. I have some arthritis in my hands and find it less likely to get aggravated when using the MI-handle. ;)
Thanks for the information, Ranee. It sounds like an absolutely great idea!
Well, bear in mind that this comment comes from a Traditional with a Capital T person. I didn’t get a microwave until 1996. And my first personal computer was just 6 years ago. I’m an awesome technological holdout. By the time I pop for something the price has usually descended about 200 percent from its original point. But I think for anyone that has to travel a lot, e-readers are great. Like CDs replacing big LPs, they’re just so much easier to manage than lugging paper books. They’ll probably never have that indescribable new book smell though…
Never. That’s why I’ll never give up my books!
As much as I LOVE pretty much every.single.thing about REAL BOOKS I ended up going with a Kindle about a year ago. In my apartment I have room for one bookcase – and it is overflowing! No matter how many books I download to my Kindle – it stays its same compact size :) I can’t stand that it often feels like technology is being “forced” on me – but I have to admit, I really enjoy my Kindle! I can’t wait to hear more about your bookcase idea.
Space is indeed a problem for many of us. We don’t have the luxury of space and lots of bookshelves. I lived in apartments for many years and understand and quite frankly, our cottage isn’t much bigger than an apartment!
Wait a minute…did you and Don get each other the exact same Christmas present?! lol
I still don’t want an e-reader. Will I ever change my mind? Who knows. I have hundreds of “real” books here to read…
Yes, we did. But we also gave each other some other presents.
I didn’t think I wanted a Kindle, either. And nothing will ever take the place of books for me. But I don’t have a basement, I don’t have an attic, I don’t have any place to store them, except for some shelves in my bedroom and maybe some shelves in the den, if I can ever build them. You are so lucky to have your wonderful basement with all those wonderful bookshelves!
My sister gave me a Kindle Fire for Christmas several years ago..Love it..Not a big reader but I have several books on standby just waiting for the mood to hit…Enjoy
I felt the way you did. Absolutely did NOT want anything like that. Then came “the big 5-0”. My dear cousin, who is as avid a reader as I (and is a college literature professor) purchased one as a birthday gift. Kindle FIRE. (When I say it in my mind, I almost whisper the “fire” part. haha I don’t know why I do that.) Anyway. I LOVE it. Love it. Love it. Every night, while the doggie snores and both cats snore right along with him, I read my Kindle FIRE. If I’m not reading it … it’s reading to me, while I knit or crochet or embroider or “rest my eyes.” I’ve literally used it every night for a year and I’m still astonished that I love it so much.
I was thinking I might get a Kobo as the library has thousands of books I can borrow. So convenient – don’t have to drive downtown and find a parking space. May just have to save up for one. Glad you are enjoying your Christmas present. xo J