A peek at the garden. Mid-July always brings the most intense blooming period of the summer.
I like it.
Day Lilies on the far side of the house.
Liatris in that same bed.
Balloon flower in the Memorial Garden. I planted this last year and, to be honest, when it was first emerging from the ground this year, I thought it was a weed. For some reason, I thought it had been planted further to the right. Thankfully, I didn’t yank it, because it was the balloon flower, aka Sentimental Blue. It’s three times as big as it was last year and it’s blooming profusely. By the looks of it, lots of blooming happened while I was away.
In the chicken wire fence garden, blue morning glories (and a fence that needs to be replaced).
In that same bed:
Smaller purple morning glories. I vaguely remember thinking of buying more than one variety and I clearly did!
This gives you an idea of the difference in size.
Some zinnias have also started to bloom alongside the morning glories.
In the big garden bed, phlox is blooming – despite the efforts of the deer. He did eat my hostas over by the shed, though. Dang it!
And brown-eyed susans are blooming alongside the red bee balm.
Coneflowers, both white and purple, are everywhere.
It’s pretty beautiful around here. I’m so glad this is all happening while I’m still at home. I can lap it up and really enjoy it before I have to leave in a few weeks.
And for Linda, a photo of my new mug (it’s huge.)
Happy Sunday.
Lovely flowers everywhere! Your new mug will surely provide a big cup of Peet’s!
Almost too big! I have to make sure the second cup is much less than full!
Lovely pictures. I don’t receive your blog in my email anymore. Is their a glitch? It started when you left on your trip.
Not that I know of. I subscribe to it myself via 3 different email addresses and I’m getting every post. You could try unsubscribing and resubscribing. Or subscribe under a different email address? Also – check your spam. Sometimes it ends up there.
Claudia..you can tell her that I haven’t received your blog in my email for a long time now..I gave up trying…I have you in my most visited sites and I get to you from there…funny thing is I still get your replies in my email..go figure!
Probably to do with your email server blocking the mail. That was a problem quite a while back and for the most part it’s been corrected. It’s certainly been corrected on my end, but I can’t control what happens beyond that. Replies to email are a totally different thing. They come from the blog directly. Emails of post come from Feedburner.
I never subscribe to any blogs. I’d much rather go to the site directly. I have them all bookmarked in my browser so I can just click on them each day.
Glad you had a nice ride home. Nice photo on instagram of Don in kitchen. Yes I can see one of those vintage stoves in your kitchen. I could not identify that pattern I checked a of couple of reference books I have. If you want an expert, check out Nancy’s Daily Dish site. If it is known transfer she will know the pattern.
Yes, I know of her site – thanks for reminding me. I have a feeling it’s more of an everyday Johnson Brothers pattern or something like that. I’ll see what I can find out.
All of your flowers are lovely. Even though it’s been hot and muggy here…the plentiful rain has made for some gorgeous blooms for us to enjoy. Love the graphic on the mug! ;)
It’s darned heavy, Donnamae!
You do have a splendid array of blooms and colors! I wish my morning glories would bloom as early as yours do. We often have to leave before they are finished for the season and it feels like we abandon them. And your mug looks great, too. I do prefer an extra-large mug!
This year I will have to leave them and the moonflowers, which are growing as slowly as can be, when I go to Hartford. Sob. I am going to try to get home on my day off to see the gardens (and Don, of course.)
Gorgeous gardens.
How is Don transitioning in his new life back home? Like being on a boat and regaining your ‘sea legs’ once on land?
He’s doing okay. We both miss our idyllic adventure across the county. We’re trying to maintain that sense of wonder and joy.
How beautiful everything is…love that big mug!?
I’m drinking from it as I write this.
Wow – such a great adventure cross country. That is something I want to do when we retire in a couple years – no special destination or time frame – just let it unfold as we go. I love hearing about where you stopped and seeing the pictures. And the garden is overflowing – what a great welcome home!
It is a great welcome home, Karen. We had the best time on our trip, we still talk about it. I want to do it again next year!
Your flowers are gorgeous. My twin sister loves Morning Glories, they are her favorite flower. Thanks for sharing.
You are very welcome!