The catalpa is leafing out. When it’s finished, these leaves will dwarf the leaves of every other tree on the property, save the other catalpas (at least 5 of them) off in the woods. They’re huge and heart-shaped.
This morning, I stood in the doorway taking this photo, not realizing until I’d finished that there was a bunny right by my car. We’ve seen a bunny on the other side of the window over the kitchen sink, and now we’ve seen this one. They might be one and the same. This is good news. We love bunnies and we’ve missed them. Don’s overenthusiastic efforts to establish new trails in the woods a few years ago led to a lack of cover for them. Those areas are slowly reverting to what they were and now we’re seeing bunnies again. So far this morning – chipmunks, squirrels, and bunnies. Yesterday, I saw the groundhog dining in the corral.
I set up the easel for painting yesterday and I was, once again, disappointed in my efforts. Just as happened the first time I attempted to paint, my work looked childlike and just plain bad. It’s like I’ve lost my mojo. Maybe I was meant to have a one-time spurt, like I did last year, and that’s it. I’ll try once more, but yesterday’s attempt was very depressing.
We’re having two coolish days and then we’re supposed to have two very hot days on the weekend. Just as I suspected, we had very little spring and we’re going to go directly to summer. But boy, is it lovely today!
Currently on page 349 of 687 in Something to Hide by Elizabeth George. I’m loving it.
Other than that, we’re hanging in there. I’m going to water my seeds and the porch plants and soak in the beautiful day.
Stay safe.
Happy Wednesday.
so much goodness to enjoy … bunnies and the hedgehog, new flowers and leaves, cooler weather, a book and time to read … I am glad for you!
about you disliking your most recent painting … consider reading anne lamott’s great book about writing, “bird by bird”. she has a chapter about “shi**y first drafts”. not that your first paintings of pottery were “shi**y” (they are beautiful and i’ve been secretly hoping you would take commissions) … but it’s a very realistic-yet-encouraging book about doing something new … and it’s funny to boot. there’s also that idea about it taking 10,000 hours to get really good at something (but i think your talent is there, innate and hope you will be patient with yourself). otherwise, if you had fun painting, that’s reason enough to keep painting and i hope that’s what you do (no pressure, though)!
been doing some more paper-sorting here … after oversleeping until almost 9 am! time to get back to other things …
hope you all have a great day. stay safe!
I love Anne Lamott- brilliant writer
I’ve read that book – I own it – but it’s been a long time since I’ve looked at it. Thanks for the reminder, Kathy!
Stay safe and hurrah for oversleeping!
Try painting your feelings and not things. I love, love, love abstract art! I feel the painting that I am looking at, and when I have done that, I turn my thoughts to what the painter might have been feeling when the painting was created. I haven’t tried painting since I was in high school. I made sketches of the Beatles. They weren’t any good, so I stopped. I didn’t have the will, but I think you do! Enjoy your day. I am ironing and doing the wash. At least my brain can dance when I do the mundane work.
I’m not really an abstract artist, I fear. It’s something I can appreciate but it’s not in my wheelhouse!
Thanks for the advice, Tana.
Stay safe.
Love the blue, blue sky in your photo. Gosh, I haven’t seen a bunny in an awfully long time around here; I’m sure wildfire and drought has gotten to them.
Don’t give up on your painting yet. Be kind with yourself. Maybe the mood just isn’t right. You’ve got a lot on your mind with the gardening, thinking of all you need to be doing and want yet to do. Could be distracting you somewhat. As Scarlett said, “Tomorrow IS another day!”
It is. I’m a bit wary, though!
Thanks, Vicki.
Stay safe.
I would love to have all those trees on our property. We have a huge olive tree in front and 2 ficus trees in back. The ficus are just not big enough yet to be covered in trees. As we get hotter weather my pots are definitely feeling the heat. I continue to water them and try to keep them as long as I can. Something is devouring my petunias and I can’t figure out what it is. Oh well, they won’t last that much longer anyway. It still feels odd to me to have our gardening months just the opposite of the east and Midwest. Now we wait for October to do most of our planting. Guess we can’t have it all. Happy to hear you are having some nice weather. I was a little under the weather today. Not sure why, just one of those down days. Take care!
I hope you’re feeling better by now, Deb!
Stay safe.
It takes. But to remember how to paint if you put it down for a while. Your hand has to remember how to hold the brush and you have to recall how to make shapes and so on. So start without the expectation of creating a masterpiece. It might take a few attempts to get back to where you were last.
That’s what Don keeps telling me, Leanne. Thank you.
Stay safe.
You are so talented and gifted…if you enjoy the painting, it doesn’t matter if it is the best or not. However, if it is stressful, perhaps put it away for a time…then begin again…you are at a busy time right now working on the outside…maybe read and relax for awhile…the painting will come back…
Thank you, Brenda. Wise words.
I am really enjoying reading at the moment, so that’s what I’ll concentrate on.
Stay safe.