Lilac buds! But there are not nearly as many as last year. Lilacs need lots of winter cold and, though we had a stretch of very cold weather in January, it was warmer than usual this year. It was nice to have the warmer temperatures, but there’s a price to pay. The crabapple by the catalpa is in full bloom. The daffodils are lovely. The forsythia is very full this year and very yellow, as well.
Yesterday was a bizarre day. I worked outside in the morning. I was digging up an invasive plant – I swear this entire spring will be spent doing this, it’s endless – and then I came in because my back was aching. Then, in the afternoon, we had a little rain, with thunder rumbling constantly throughout the afternoon. It seemed to come from everywhere. I don’t remember hearing that much thunder over several hours. I liked it.
Today, finally, is sunny. I think I’ll dig up some more of that hawkweed and start to clean up the garden beds. But, I cannot do that work for as many hours as I used to. I find I have to ‘call it a day’ sooner rather than later. It’s frustrating.
As is my jigsaw puzzle, where I find myself fairly close to finishing. However, I’m caught in the hellscape of the trees and it’s so hard to figure out what goes where. I refuse to give up, though I briefly thought of doing just that yesterday. Cue my scream.
Both Don and I had dreams right before we woke up this morning. They were the fear of/performance type dreams that we often have. Don was in a show where he was wearing a tuxedo but had no pants or underwear on. He was onstage with everything hanging out, if you get my drift. In mine, I was in a musical and was supposed to substitute for the lead actress in an upcoming performance. I knew the song (I think it was “Anything Goes”) but when I was shown a video of the actress performing it, the interpretation and choreography was unlike anything I could ever imagine or think was appropriate, with the actress performing bodily contortions that I knew I would never be able to do. Both of us woke up at about the same time and had a good laugh.
I know that all of us have that kind of dream. Mine are most often theater-based, though I also have university dreams where, for some reason, I have either stopped going to class or never did the assignments/reading and I’m suddenly facing the fact that I’m going to flunk out. The theater dreams are either about not knowing the lines and my attempts to memorized them while I’m standing in the wings, ready to make my entrance, or being late for rehearsal and trying to find my way there through a maze of buildings and roads and obstacles.
I’d love to hear your versions of those dreams.
Time to get ready to do some work outside.
Stay safe.
Happy Monday.
glad for you to get time outside, even if the hawkweed work is long and not fun.
and that you enjoyed the thunder.
we have a pretty good chance for rain late tonight/early tomorrow morning. hope it happens as it is badly needed. and i will love it.
hope you and don get more sleep and better dreams!
i have a couple dreams on repeat. usually my dreams disappear as soon as i wake up, but i’ve had these two at least a dozen times each over the past couple of years so bits get retained. one dream is that my sister and i are getting ready to fly home from sweden and are shopping in a super-long row of stores in the airport … so big that it is at times on a wide dirt street, other times a very crowded and narrow “jetsons”-like strip above the tarmac. there’s an extremely full clothing shop that i don’t like but must walk through to get to a favorite antique market. those shops and the airport are the same in every dream, only the thing i am looking for changes (a charm for my necklace, a small antique piece that will fit in my bag, a book …). and we don’t get on a plane. there might be more to that dream, but that’s what i recall from it. in another dream i am moving into a new place to live and what i signed up for is not what i got … usually a huge space, often the top or ground floor of a mansion, on the west side of a street, with very hippy-ish decor and always either walls are missing so neighbors can look in at me and i can hear them talking or the other tenants have to enter through my space to get to their own. both these dreams make some sense to me because my sister and i have long talked about getting to sweden and i like to look around kind of scruffy antique shops. i don’t like the not getting on a plane/not coming home part at all. i think the apartment dream comes from me wanting a bit larger place to live, but the missing walls or having neighbors walk through my entry to get to their places? don’t know what that’s about. time to buy a house instead of live in an apartment? i don’t know. dreams can be so weird!
here’s to happy dreams (and goals) coming true for everyone.
stay safe.
Dreams are so fascinating. Clearly they have to do with wishes and fears and – always – obstacles that get in the way.
Thanks, Kathy.
Stay safe.
Good morning Claudia! I wish we had some thunder. I’m glad you enjoyed it! As a little girl, we used to get it big time in KS when staying at my grandmother’s. Terrifying and amazing at the same time. I’ve come to love it. Those invasive weeds are the worst and have to be addressed. It will be a big job. If I lived closer I’d help! We had our first hummingbird this morning. I always mark the date on the calendar so we have food up for those first hungry beauties.
This is a great conversation. Kathy in Iowa had an interesting dream.. At least she has her sister in tow! My repeat dream is always walking through my high school with all my books in my arms because I can’t ever remember where my locker is and if I do find it, can’t remember the code to the lock. I’m also aware I haven’t been to my science class for a month because I can’t find the room. Obviously I have left over feelings about high school. 🙄. Can’t wait to read more from your other followers!
Have a lovely day!
The one about not attending class for some reason is a fairly frequently dream of mine, but the setting is college.
Thanks so much, Verna!
Stay safe.
What a fascinating topic of conversation today, about dreams. I used to have dreams similar to Verna’s: forgetting my locker combination. I also had a recurring dream for years about not submitting a final report for sixth grade science and fretted about being found out and having to repeat sixth grade again, as a 20-something! I used to have bathroom dreams. You know the ones, where the access is inaccessible and/or when you get to the toilet, it’s filthy.
I read that the three dreams I have are fairly common. Forgetting the locker combination and schoolwork show a feeling of lack of control or anxiety about something. The bathroom dream is one’s subconscious trying to wake one up to use the actual clean toilet in one’s house.
I actually don’t have any of the three dreams anymore. I’m finally at the time of my life, psychologically and mentally, where I’m a lot more self-assured and definitely more self-sufficient. And, I have come think that it’s better just to get out of bed and go to the bathroom instead of suffering bad dreams bad sleep.
Instead, my recurring dreams now revolve around walking or taking a trolley around some vague mash-up of various European towns and villages. I know where that dream comes from: my love of going to Europe.
Sweet dreams, Claudia.
Well, at my age, I’m very self-assured and I still get the dreams!
Thanks, Wendy.
Stay safe.
dear Claudia/Don — such vivid detailed dreams — either I do not dream or never remember them when waking up, must be an “old lady” thing, LOL. All those blooming trees/bushes sound very nice — just like our early spring this year, so enjoy them while you got them!! Last week, I decided to “revisit” that puzzle from h__l — I managed to find 3 pieces b/f frustration overtook me — looks like I’ll be long gone b/f it is ever completed. Don’t work too long/too hard — the Mr got the mowing bug this A.M., but he is riding . stay safe/healthy
I often don’t remember dreams. In fact, more often than not. I tend to remember the dreams I have right before I wake up. Don remembers his dreams much more than I do.
Thanks, Linda.
Stay safe.
Interesting dreams, Claudia. My recurring dream is about losing my purse. I usually leave it somewhere and when I go back to get it, it is either not there or the money is missing. The same dream happens quite regularly. In real life I’ve had my purse stolen twice. Not fun. Enjoy all the spring blossoms. Hugs, Elaine
I’ve had that dream a few times!
And I’ve had my purse/wallet stolen twice, as well. I also had jewelry stolen from my first apartment in San Diego. Most unsettling!
Thanks, Elaine.
Stay safe.
Ah, yes, bathroom dreams – frequently I dream I am in some big building and can’t find a bathroom anywhere, searching searching. Or only Men’s rooms. I used to have elevator dreams, where I was in an elevator that got stuck or fell; I attribute these to working in buildings with no access to stairs so one had to crowd on to the elevator. Fortunately that has just about gone away. The worst are ones where I have failed to take care of some vulnerable creature with a negative outcome, a baby or a rabbit or a dog. Haven’t had that one for a while either, thankfully. I wish my subconscious would be more positive and supportive!
I don’t think I’ve ever had a bathroom dream – at least, that I remember!
Thanks so much, Ceci.
Stay safe.
Love the dream conversation. I have recurring work dreams, dreams about finding a bathroom and moving back to the house we moved from 29 years ago to this house. In reality, that house is not in a good neighborhood and I am thrilled to live where I am now. Go figure. I did not realize lilacs needed a cold winter to do well. I’ve had the same experience with mine. I feel ya with never ending weeding and feeling achy after. Take care.
Thanks so much, Carlotta. So many of you have had dreams about finding a bathroom! So interesting, as I don’t remember ever having one.
Stay safe.
I have dreams that seem so real but not long after I wake up I completely forget what they were about. It’s rare that I can remember long enough to tell Dean. So I have no dreams to share.
So disappointed I didn’t get outside to do yard work during the freaky warm weather this past weekend. I have a really bad cold so have been down and out several days. When I do get out, I’ll have to be careful what I do. My sciatica came on because of doing too much with moving stuff out of the upstairs to get ready for the renovation by carrying heavy tubs down two flights of stairs to the basement. So, this nerve pain is a reminder I’m in my seventies now and I don’t heal as fast as I used to.
Take care,
I remember the ones I have just before I wake, but I have to write them down because I’ll forget them.
I’m so sorry about your sciatica! I hope you’re feeling better soon.
Thanks, Kay.
Stay safe.
Pretty much run-of-the-mill dreams. Yep, can’t remember locker combination, can’t remember what class is next, can’t remember which way to go on field in halftime marching band show and missing the bus home. My sister used to have that one too but she could always make herself find her current model car in the lot and would hop into it and head home. Thankfully I haven’t had those recurring ones in years. But I do sometimes dream about needing a public bathroom and all the toilets are overflowing and gross. Thankfully I never wake up having to go or worse. When I was a kid, a recurring dream was about wild horses surrounding the house with me looking out an open upstairs window (no glass, no dividers, just an opening) and then one would make like Pegasus, wings would appear and it would fly up at me. Of course I always woke before it got too close. Go figure.
Oh, I absolutely love the dreams about wild horses! How fabulous!
Thanks, Chris!
Stay safe.
I was a teacher and I always dreamed, in the couple of nights leading up to school going back after term breaks, about turning up in my pyjamas. I think I perhaps wasn’t quite ready to go back to work!
Performance dreams: not being in costume, not being ready to teach, not being prepared. Those are the dreams I have, too.
Thanks, Denise.
Stay safe.
I wish I could remember my dreams more clearly. I’ve periodically will have work dreams — or dreams related to work colleagues, whether or not that is the setting. And once I had one about having dropped a marketing class in grad school without officially dropping it — just stopped coming. It was so real (after graduation) that it kept haunting me and I finally went back to my transcripts to see if I had a failing grade for that class. (I never had the class, period.) Not sure what that was about but it has stuck with me. I wish I’d dream about my parents or Gypsy.
The dreams I have about not being qualified to graduate – because I didn’t go to class, forgot to register, etc. – are the ones that make me wake up in a cold sweat.
Thanks so much, Jeanie.
Stay safe.
I most often dream about buildings. Some are ones I’ve never known, but some are houses I have known and lived in, but with changes. Always there are undiscovered rooms and secret passages that usually end up in really large and cavernous places that are pretty hard to get into or to get out of. Often there are gymnastics required, usually hilarious, at least they are after I wake up.
Yes, I frequently have dreams where I can’t get to where I’m supposed to be – a maze of buildings, alley ways, walls. And I’m frequently late, as well!
Thanks so much, Shanna.
Stay safe.