They just needed some sun.
We mowed a lot of lawn yesterday and have more to do today. Thank goodness for sunny weather! I think we might get some rain towards the end of the week. In the meantime, I have seeds to plant, mulch to put down – after I’ve weeded like crazy – pots to fill with flowers, weeds to whack/wack. (I’m never sure of the spelling, I’ve seen it both ways.)
There’s not a whole lot else to report. Working outside. Reading. Enjoying the weather. Sneezing.
What are you up to today?
Happy Tuesday.
The lilacs! Wish I could smell them! I need to get some seeds planted and a trip to the nursery for some flowers to put in the yard. Then it’s time to start packing up Mom’s house. The move should be on May 21st.
Enjoy your sunny day.
Very exciting! You and your mom will be so happy to be next door to each other!
social work job, then time with family. will enjoy the latter much more than the former.
once home, some cleaning and knitting.
and loving that rain is in our forecast. :) (glad you have some sun, finally).
hope everyone has a good day.
kathy in iowa
ps: i write “whack” for chopping off something and think “wack” is for or crazy or something a duck says. :)
If you need rain, I’m sure glad you’re getting some, Kathy!
We are having the opposite weather – last week when you had non-stop rain, we had sun. Now you have sun and it’s pouring rain here! My lilac bush exploded into bloom with the sun and warm temps, too. I can’t stop taking pictures and then stopping to stick my nose in the blossoms. I don’t cut any off and bring them inside though, because they drive my allergies nuts. Speaking of allergies, have you tried Flonase? It’s the only thing that truly works for me – and I had tried everything, from over-the-counter stuff to natural, including a neti pot.
I haven’t tried it yet, Melanie. Thanks for the tip.
I don’t bring them inside because my bush is still sort of petite and I don’t want to clip any of the blossoms.
More rain for us Claudia…sigh…we did have some sun on Sunday and Monday. My husband was able to get the back mowed on Sunday and the front yesterday. Now it is grey and rainy…again…back to growing webbing between my toes!
Oh, I’m sorry! I think we have two more days here before it starts to rain again, Vera. I have to get a lot done in those two days.
We are getting some wonderful much needed rain today. We have dug holes for a new rosebush and 2 new Spruce trees, and the ground is so very very dry. When the farmers are out in the fields putting the corn in, it looks like a dust storm as they are plowing.
I think our lilacs are the prettiest they have been in several years. Wonder what the difference could be, or am I just appreciating them more this year?
Have you put your MG seeds in yet? I soak mine, but have never “nicked” them…. do you do that? Those will get planted this weekend.
Hope you have a wonderful day!!
I haven’t put my MG seeds in, yet. I nicked them one year but it was a while ago. I think I’ll soak and nick them this time. It couldn’t hurt, right?
Same as you Claudia, weeding, planting bulbs, seeds and hope to have enough energy
left to mulch. Another beautiful day in Ontario.
Beautiful here, too, Lea. We finished mowing all of the grass (and there’s a lot of it!) and I weeded the big garden bed. I decided to hold off on mulching until tomorrow. I don’t want to overdo!
Oh, the scent of lilacs! There’s just nothing like them. We had several bushes at home when I was growing up – various shades of purple and pink – and I loved it when my Mom would let me take a few branches of the fragrant blossoms to my teacher, the stems wrapped in wet paper toweling and then foil. Sniffing that scent all the way to school was heaven. I wish we had them when I live now. Make the most of the current sunshine [I know you will]. ☀️
My mom would do the same thing. Loved taking flowers to the teacher. I wonder if kids still do that? I hope so!
As Chris said…we have rain here today. No plants yet…but have a plan….that’s the first step! We are to have rain tomorrow as well…so my planting will have to be put off for awhile. Good day to catch up on things! ;)
It sounds like you guys needed the rain, so that’s good. We had so much here that we are really appreciating this break in the weather!
The lilacs have such a lovely color. Enjoy your time outside. It’s been overcast the last few days, making working outside more refreshing, but I miss the sunshine. Just finished Major Pettigrew’s Last Stand, and will start Little Paris Bookshop today. I don’t usually foray into fiction. If you had a peak at my book list, you’d find a lot of Christie, PD James, Simenon, as well as a lot of village cozy mysteries, and American small town murder mysteries. However, immensely enjoyed Pettigrew’s and looking forward to Paris Bookshop. (I love that it’s a book shop and not a book store…)
I have Little Paris Bookshop and I haven’t read it yet for some reason. And I’m not even sure where it is! I’d better get on that.
I’m off to cat-sit while my friend is on a Mexican cruise…can you see me slowly turning green? Her indoor cat is allowed in the backyard, with supervision, so I’ll bring The Little Paris Bookshop with me, as well as my cross stitching (I’m stitching a set of 12 buildings that make up Santa’s Village), so both kitty and I will be happy all afternoon.
It sounds wonderful! And how lovely to spend some time with a kitty, Wendy. You need that!
I’ll let you know my initial impression of The Little Paris Bookshop. I have a feeling I’m going to love it.
The rain is pouring down! Im having an extra cuppa Joe to wake me up.
Your flowers are smiling at the sun! Fezzik, my cat insists on sitting on the porch where water is pooling a bit and running in the house all wet. SIlly one
Fezzik is funny! I’ve seen a couple of cats who seem to love the rain.
I adore lilacs! Our city’s nickname is “The Lilac City” and it’s very apt. We have lilacs blooming everywhere right now. My favorite is the light lavender in your photos, although white lilacs are stunning too. Thank you for sharing Claudia.
My neighbor has two huge bushes – they must have been there for years and years and years. One is the lavender color of mine and the other is white. They’re beautiful!
Such a pretty colour! I bet the lilacs smell as heavenly as they look.
It must be a day for cats. Our neighbour was deployed to help with the evacuees from the fire up north, so we are house/cat minding for a bit.
Bless your neighbor for helping those in need, Barbara. And bless you for taking care of the cat!
Yard work. Our rain is over, so now it is getting quite dry. The winds have picked up so I am mainly trying to keep stuff alive. We are slowly pulling out what used to be lawn and putting in courtyards. I am actually ok with this since it will give us more free time. It is good that we had switched our vineyards to dry-farming about 6 or 7 years ago.
I envy you the lilacs. That is such a wonderful smell. Spring has sprung in your area, please enjoy a few sniffs of the lilacs for me. :-)
I will, Teresa. I couldn’t have lilacs for years when I lived in California, so one of the perks of moving back East is getting to plant things like lilacs that need a hard freeze.
Hi Claudia, I’m sneezing away myself today. Our lilacs (one of my absolute favorite flowers, along with lilyof the valley, ranunculus, peonies, heirloom roses….) are on their way out…with all of the rain last week they have started browning. They were early this year, but I did manage to cut one small bunch.
We helped move my daughter and her husband into their new apartment in Jersey City, it’s a nice neighborhood and has an extra bedroom for a new member of the family, expected in late September ?.
My geraniums are out on the porch and I am getting ready to repot a fig tree, and two citrus topiaries. This warm weather has been marvelous. xxoo
I bet you’re excited about that new member of the family, Ann Marie!
I’m getting ready to put my geranium back out on the porch, along with a couple of other plants I overwintered.
What was I up to today? Tending to one very sick dog. But I’ve been in touch with the vet; she’s eating and keeping it down. I have nothing else. It dominated my day; I’m exhausted. Thanks for the kind words about it yesterday, Claudia. Your lilacs are lovely.
She’s eating? That’s a good sign. Keep me posted, Vicki. Thinking of you and your sweet dog.
My husband said this morning on his way to work: “She’s got the light back in her eyes.” And a slight spring in her step; on the mend. A lot less blood. Speaking of, the blood panel came back A-OK. Waiting on fecal sample now. Thank goodness we live in the age of modern veterinary medicine and all of the many advances for improved pet remedies.
I had to remember…I always forget these things…that I had a beagle a few years ago who went through something similar and the vet never COULD figure out what was wrong with her. (She improved.) These symptoms can mean a myriad of things. Unfortunately with a spaniel mix I had, it spelled death for him; a bleed-out. We always felt that particular vet (don’t go to this person anymore!) had a tendency to over-medicate and it was too much for the little guy, who’d already had a lifelong gut issue due to having distemper from a out-of-the-country owner who refused to vaccinate.
Anyway, the potent meds on top of that condition no doubt caused the bleed-out/death unless our dear little guy had already had a tumor. (We opted not to autopsy/necropsy but I think we should have.)
I guess this is a little TMI although I know you’re a dog person; I tried to go back in the comments where I know most people have already read your post so that I don’t clog the blog with my personal stories but thanks, Claudia, for all your heartfelt words. My dog’s not out of the woods yet but just having you send me a hug through cyberspace means a lot. It’s such a time of uncertainty with a pet, as you know. I will tell you, after this past 5 days, I have never loved this dog more; she means the world to me. She is the best, good, sweet, brave dog I may have ever had; she tries so hard to please and take her medicine, even when she feels like CRAP.
I’m so glad to hear this, Vicki. I’ve been thinking about you and hoping things had taken a turn for the better. Good news. Give her a hug from me, please!
Good weather today Claudia but we are expecting the rain back tonight and rain/showers the rest of the week…I need to get out and buy my tomato plants…a word I have trouble with is grey/gray..can never remember which spelling we use in the US…
I use gray, but most people use grey – I don’t think it matters either way!
I use gray too Claudia…it just looks right to
Glad you finally got some sunshine!
Finally, Judy! We are finally getting some things done outside.
It has been long day of barista busyness to be followed by some French Lilac body butter for my feet. Thanks for sharing your beautiful flowers and may they lift your spirits and inspire you in their gentle way. Take good care Claudia.
French Lilac body butter sounds great, Grace!