I don’t often buy a bouquet of white roses but we usually exchange a single white rose (or at least try to if we’re both at home) on our anniversary. These were relatively inexpensive at Trader Joe’s so I bought them on Sunday in anticipation of Don’s arrival on Monday.
The best laid plans….
So I spend some time yesterday cutting off the thorns and, lacking another vase, I put them in a drinking glass. They’re on my desk. And they’re awfully pretty.
There are now three different vases of flowers in this apartment. I can’t tell you what a difference that makes in a home-away-from-home. My rules for creating a cozy residence on the road? Bring a quilt or two, bring some books, pack a couple of loved accessories (a framed picture or a piece of pottery,) bring your camera, your favorite coffee or tea, a scented candle, add some fresh flowers, and you’re set. In my case, add my laptop and my Kindle. And this time, my dog.
Sometimes I bring Mabel, my Featherweight sewing machine – depends on whether I’m in the mood for a project and how far away I’m traveling. Mabel is heavy.
You’d be surprised what a difference those things can make, even in an over-decorated hotel room. They really make a statement in this loft-like apartment. They add pops of color, they add touches of home. I don’t do well if I have to stay for an extended length of time in a space devoid of warmth. If it’s just a week or so, I can get by with minimal. For example, earlier in the summer I spent two weeks in Chautauqua in a very nice, though minimal, apartment. But I was there for a limited amount of time and I had roommates. Not the time to do too much decorating. But if it’s just me? Absolutely. A simple touch or two makes it a home.
And a big fat NO to any vertical blinds. I’ll be honest here and say I detest vertical blinds. When I had to stay in the apartments in San Diego, I never used them. Instead, I bought inexpensive scrim-like curtains from IKEA for $4.99 and thumbtacked them to the window frame. I don’t use them here, either. The rubber band is to keep them from rattling when the air conditioning is on. They are moved to the side and hidden as best I can.
(If you like vertical blinds, great! I say this, and I probably won’t say this kind of thing again, because sometimes (thankfully, very seldom) there are readers who take offense when I have an opinion on something, as if my opinion is a comment on their taste or their decisions. It isn’t. It’s purely my opinion. Opinions are, by nature, subjective. Let me say for the record: When I share my thoughts on something, they are simply my thoughts and have nothing to do with anyone else’s preferences or choices. Other than saying that officially, there’s not much else I can do about it. It’s my blog, it’s about my life, therefore, you’re going to hear my thoughts on various matters.)
Back to the main subject. This apartment is in an old office building. Hence, the high ceilings and tall windows. It’s not large, but the high ceilings make it seem fairly spacious. No windows in the bedroom, but there is a cut-out at the top of the wall that lets some light in from the living room windows.
I like it. I’ve stayed in a lot company housing and these apartments are my favorites. The furniture is practical, much-used, and not necessarily what I would choose, but I can make the pieces work by draping a quilt or throw on the sofa, adding flowers in a vase to the dining room table, adding a quilt to the wall and a quilt to the bed (instead of the duvet provided.) This time, I brought a couple of small lamps from home as well. When I stayed in San Diego for 6 months and another time for 10 weeks, I shipped boxes full of quilts and pillows and accessories because I knew I would need them.
Absolutely worth it.
Several months back, I ran across an article on the web featuring an apartment in Massachusetts, just north of here. It, too was in an old industrial/office building, and when I looked more closely, I realized that it had to be designed by the same designers/architects that did this building. I’m not kidding – the kitchen is the same, the cut-out in the bedroom is the same, the only thing that’s different is the design of the windows. Here’s the link if you’re interested. It’s a great lesson in what you can do with a very small space.
Yesterday, I visited the Hartford Public Library, my favorite place in Hartford. Seriously, if I lived here, I would apply for a job there. I just love it. (Interestingly, the guy at the desk told me they were hiring!) I went there to take a lot of photos for a feature on the library that will be on Just Let Me Finish This Page tomorrow. But, of course, I was drawn to the New Fiction section. Immediately, my eyes hit on two books I wanted very much to read but didn’t think I could buy at the moment. I was pretty sure my card had expired and the man at the front desk verified it. Drat. I said I was working at Hartford Stage and was it possible to renew it? I didn’t think he would renew it without a Hartford Stage ID, which I didn’t have, but to my surprise, he did! So I checked those books out. Don’t know how I’m going to read them both in the less-than-two-weeks I have left here, but I’m determined to do it.
I’ve started Lost for Words, which is a satire. Oh my, it’s very funny, indeed.
Happy Tuesday.
ALL of your ideas for creating a home on the road are great…You were lucky to find Jan Karon’s new book available, I think. I’ve been on the list for a few weeks now I look forward to reading it.
Yes, I was rather shocked that it was on the shelf! It was published so recently. Lucky me!
I love how you make your apartments feel like home. I hardly ever even buy flowers for home since it seems I’m never in one room long enough to enjoy them. I just bought Jan Karon’s new book yesterday. It’s for my husband for Christmas. We have the entire Mitford series and reread them every so often. Both of us like her writing.
P.S. I don’t care for vertical blinds either! :-)
The Mitford series is wonderful, isn’t it, Betsy? Your husband will be very happy, I’m sure!
I did not see Wayfrum in your pictures?? Did he stay home this trip? Love the white roses – Happy Anniversary. A great marriage is such a blessing as we go through life. We are two very lucky girls! With two luckier guys!
Wayfrum, Maggie and Little Lamb stayed home because Scout was coming this time. So they are at home watching over the cottage.
I was going to ask about Wayfrum, also. I bet they will be anxious to hear Scout’s account of her vaca!!
I have just started the Jan Karon book. I think I should have gone back and read through a couple of them before I started it because I am having some trouble remembering some of the characters and the geography. I keep trying to remember and then other thoughts creep in and I am back to the same sentence for the fifth time. I love her books and the Mitford series is one of my favorites of all “series” books I have ever read. I know once I get going I will be enthralled. I should just go back and re-read the series in its order again anyway, because I do love it! Hope you have a great day! (I’m with you on those blinds. We are getting new wooden-slat blinds in the liv room and dining room, and as we were looking, I was actually surprised to see them and realize that they still sell those.)
You’d think they would have been popular for a while, then phased out….
Enjoy the new Karon!
Hi Claudia, I just bought Jan Karon’s book yesterday, and its like visiting with old friends i havent seen for awhile. Im so happy to be back in Mitford.
Can’t wait to start it, Carol!
Ha! Guess I am the only one here who likes vertical blinds! I know they rattle…not much though…but they are handy to have with sliding glass doors, which is where I have mine! Those roses are pretty…nice touch! ;)
I’m glad you enjoy yours, Donnamae. The ones in San Diego were on a sliding glass door, too. Here, they’re on the standard, or maybe not-so-standard, windows. But there are also curtains, so I’m just using the curtains.
I really like the roses, too. I’m glad I bought them, even if Don couldn’t make it!
Claudia..I swear you could make a tent look warm and cozy..lol..you just have that touch..I never had vertical blinds so I can’t say if I would like them or not..I can see that the other apartment is similar to the one you are in..There’s no such thing as too many flowers is there??
I remember when I was working in an office in the late seventies and they got vertical blinds – they were a big deal there and worked well in an office space.
The other apartment is very, very similar – the counter in the kitchen is a bit different, but that’s about all.
Claudia, I agree wholeheartedly with what you said about opinions. Ever since I can remember, I’ve never minded if people didn’t like what I liked. I guess I just figured that everyone is different, has different experiences, likes different things. I’ve never taken it personally if someone expresses view or opinions different from mine. I have learned however, and sometimes the hard way, to offer my opinion only when asked for. But I will be unflinchingly honest when I am asked.
PS – a kindred spirit at last! I thought I was the only person on earth who loathed vertical blinds. And I really dislike them. If I ruled the world, they’d be one of the first things I outlaw. Haven’t been able to figure out why. For some reason, they’re fine in offices, businesses etc but I just can’t stand them in any residential setting. In my apartment community, every unit has either a covered porch [lowers] or covered balcony [uppers] and I must be the only person here who doesn’t have vertical blinds on the sliding door leading to this space. I have white horizontal blinds [which are MUCH easier to clean which may be one reason I like them so much better].
Yes, I agree. I don’t mind them in offices at all – they make sense in those environments. We have horizontal blinds at home – white in the living room and bedrooms and wood in the den. Luckily, they were there when we moved in!
It makes such a difference to have things you love around you and it does make it more ‘home’! Love that you were able to check out the books. I’ve been visiting my library much more lately since I’ve had to be on a bit of a ‘book budget’. And after all it’s what the Library is for! Love the roses. Hope you and Don get a in person visit soon.
Oh, how I wish I had a library like this one near me at home. I love my little small town library, but this one has everything!
I don’t travel for my job, but if I did I would add personal touches too. Your temporary apartment sounds so inviting when you personalize it with fresh flowers, personal items and Scout. I hate vertical blinds too. We have some on our patio door that I can’t wait to get rid of. Also, I would never be offended by someone stating an opinion on their blog about something, to me that’s just silly.
I wanted to add congratulations on your 16th anniversary. So sorry you and Don were apart for your special day!
Thank you for the anniversary wishes, Diane!
We rented an apartment once that had those dreaded vertical blinds. We weren’t allowed to take them off. UGH! The flowers look so beautiful. It’s the sweet touches that make a person enter a room and breathe a sigh of relief.
Blessings, Joanne
Thank you, Joanne! I think most landlords won’t let tenants take those blinds off – maybe because it would be too hard to get them back up?
Just finished Jan Karon’s new book yesterday. I have and have read all of her Mitford books and reading her new one was like welcoming back an old friend. It was good to see Father Tim’s life go on. Her Mitford books give you such a warm cozy feeling when you’re reading them. Enjoy!
I’m close to finishing Lost for Words and I’ll start on Karon’s next, Sharon. Looking forward to it!
Claudia, I can tell you have traveled plenty. The quilt idea is great. I think you favorite cup is good too. Love your flowers. Blessings, xoxo,Susie
Claudia, in many video games, the players can give each other virtual gifts. Maybe you could send Don that beautiful photograph and tell him those are his virtual anniversary roses. Just a thought.
I always enjoy seeing how you make your current space a home! You’ve done a wonderful job this time for you and Scout.
I DID check that link…and it is amazing the similarities to the apartments.
You have a keen eye. :)