This mama is sitting on a nest right outside our kitchen window. We noticed that she had officially taken up residence yesterday morning. And then…later in the day…we saw her lay an egg! It was extraordinary.
She’s there again this morning. I read that robins lay one egg a day, so I suspect there’s more coming. But, having said that, we have very strong thunderstorms coming today and tomorrow and this particular nest location isn’t at all protected. It’s in the crook of a branch on a black walnut tree with nothing overhead. I wonder how well she will weather the storm and/or if she might abandon the nest.
Fingers crossed that all goes well for mama and the eggs.
We mowed yesterday. It’s the first time I’ve mowed in a while as I’ve been dealing with shoulder and neck pain for over a month. I finally reached the point where I felt I could join in again, though Don mowed a bit more than me. It felt so good to be back at it. I also pulled a lot of weeds because the gardens had become messy during my ‘resting phase.’
We were tuckered out.
Coneflowers are everywhere. They’ve sprung up in new places. That’s what I love about them. They’re strong, beautiful, and they self-seed. What’s not to love?
And down by the street:
These beauties.
We’re off Lowes this morning to get a few things. Don wants to get going early because of the incoming storms, so after I post this, I’ll throw on some clothes and we’ll head out.
I finished the Elly Griffiths and now I’ll tuck into the next one in the series. I preordered the next Louise Penny, which comes out next month. Can’t wait.
Stay safe.
Happy Tuesday.
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