Early in the evening yesterday, Don was making dinner and I was sitting in the den. I can see the edge of the birdbath from my chair and I noticed two doves sitting on the edge.
They were grooming each other. This went on for quite a while, each dove taking a turn. Very affectionate. Very sweet. I called out to Don and he walked over to the door to watch them from the kitchen.
Eventually, they moved apart.
And started to head toward the opposite end of the birdbath. This is the pair that I’ve seen around here for several years.
One jumped down to the ground. The other followed.
I mentioned to Don that they were resting on the parking area and I moved back into the den and stopped taking pictures.
A few minutes went by.
Then I heard, “Honey, I think they just mated.”
Apparently, Don walked back to the window to watch them and saw the male get on top of the female.
I missed it.
No photos, but then again, that’s rather a private thing, don’t you think?
We googled the whole mating thing and, sure enough, that’s what they do. He gets on top of her, she moves her tail and they mate. Now that I look at the photo above, it looks like she was in position, waiting for her guy.
By the time I reached the door, it was over. They stayed together on the ground and then walked toward the shed, eating along the way. Eventually, they flew up into the catalpa tree.
Birds do it, bees do it, even educated fleas do it,
Let’s do it, let’s fall in love. – Cole Porter
The coneflowers are opening. My favorite cottage garden flower.
And check out these beauties! The coneflower and the day lilies are in The Far Side garden bed.
We’ve moved into normalcy again. It only takes a few days to get through the re-entry process. But I’m still not sleeping enough and I’m pretty exhausted. I was having this trouble before Don came home, but adjusting to sleeping together again is not helping things.
My kingdom for some sleep!
It’s a lovely day today. Yesterday was too hot, but today is shaping up to be a perfect summer day.
Happy Wednesday.
I’ve watched doves mate while do a balancing act on the fence at the same time. And have been witness to many preening sessions and flight lessons from my balcony windows. Always fascinating. I’ve not been sleeping well the last week either. It’s 5:16 p.m. right now and I’m feeling very tired. I’m hoping in September to try to grow some coneflowers from seed. They were sent to me from a friend in Colorado years ago.
I hope you are successful, Tammy. They really are lovely flowers!
This heat is making me so moody. I am up one minute and then exhausted and tired the next. I love all the photos of the doves and missing ‘the moment’ is ok by me! I have a mammogram this afternoon (oh fun) but it’s part of self care so I do it! Hugs!
haha … i am fine with missing that moment, too.
while i’ve never seen baby doves (going to have to research how long they stay in the nest), i am so happy when i see and hear the grown ones around. at my parents’ home, we see three doves together a lot … a couple and a single dove and they seem to get along well as a trio.
best wishes on the mammogram, linda.
kathy in iowa
Actually, I would have loved to have a picture of it. It really isn’t anything other than one bird on top of another.
Take care, my friend.
Well then that would be a good photo. They ‘do it’ modestly!
great photos, claudia. while i am fine missing that moment, i do like to see the dance before it. thanks for sharing. :)
glad you and don are back in your usual routine. hope you sleep better and keep cool!
kathy in iowa
Thanks, Kathy!
Dear Claudia,Thank You for this post. It is very sweet,Mother nature is AMAZING,
Judy A.
Amazing, indeed!
Ah, the love doves. I’m happy they had an unrecorded moment…and I have to agree with Kathy…I think the mating rituals are often the highlight!
Sleep is a tough thing…whether you are single or with a partner. I’m sure you two will settle in quickly. Just keep cool….I would indeed be lost without AC. Ours is being replaced this afternoon, it is only a year and a half old, but it has a defect….tiny leak somewhere. So, the company (our neighbor is part owner), is just replacing it, with another full warranty. We are delighted! ;)
Thank goodness for A/C!
rest seems to be the big key to a life well lived. but I think it seems to go in cycles.
maybe you’re in a restless cycle and it will pass!
my mantra now is always “this too shall pass!” :)
LOVED the pictures of the beautiful doves in this post.
Thank you, Tammy!
I think it’s official. MHC is now an R-rated blog. LOL. Well, at least it was today. Hey, it’s what makes the world go round, right? Anyway, I hope you get to see some dove babies very soon. And some good solid sleep immediately. Peace.
Thank you, Janet!
This post made my day,Claudia! Love the Cole Porter reference. xo Annette in CA
Glad it did, Annette!
Love the dove pictures Claudia…the Cold Porter lyrics go very well with them…I’m glad to hear that you and Don are adjusting to being home together again…I bet it is great to eat his good cooking again!
Spell check strikes again…Cole not Cold…lol
It is!
Those doves are adorable. The flowers are gorgeous.
Thank you, Marilyn!
How interesting. We have 2 doves hanging around our garden too but have never seen them be intimate :-) I just love sitting out there listening to them call to each other. Someone commented about never seeing baby ones and now I think on it I haven’t either, yet there are always doves here, every season of the year. Will have to do some googling. What did we ever do without googling? I’m old enough I should remember.
I absolutely love their call. It’s my favorite.
Claudia, Ted calls that Dove Love. LOL. I think the male pesters the female to death. I love your beautiful flowers. Great colors. Blessings, hope it’s cooler. xoxo, Susie
This pair has been together a long time. I suppose she’s used to it!
i did some very quick research about doves and learned they lay two eggs at a time that hatch in approximately two weeks. squabs leave the nest about two weeks later. according to a site i checked, doves coo at the start of and throughout their mating season (which starts early as march) and they may lay eggs four or five times a season.
kathy in iowa
A pretty quick process!
that’s what i thought … super fast!