We’ve been walking around in a kind of daze. 91 degree days which feel like 97 degrees are the culprit. The oppressive heat makes us both lethargic. Today, a few degrees cooler, still humid, with thunderstorms. It’s too early for this sort of weather and I’m over it.
The catalpa is in bloom. I’ll try to get some closeups later. It just started blooming the other day and there are already petals on the ground. The scent is so heavenly. Don said it kept wafting toward him as he sat on the patio yesterday.
We’re watching The Bridge, a series that was recommended by a reader – I think it was Fiona. It’s Swedish and it’s excellent. Thanks so much for the recommendation! (On Amazon Prime.)
Don has an eye appointment this morning with the retina specialist. So I’m writing this earlier than usual since I’ll be driving him there.
I did paint a bit yesterday. I painted the background for another Roseville painting. It will take a couple of days to get dry enough for me to start on the vase. In the meantime, I’m playing around with mini paintings for the dollhouse studio. That easel I ordered is in route to my mailbox, so I want to have a few canvases to display – one of them will mostly likely be ‘in progress’ so it can sit on the easel.
Anyway, here’s the first experiment.
It’s so tiny!
It’s drying at the moment. I’d love to have some of these paintings stacked in a corner of the miniature studio, some propped against the wall, and one on the easel. Maybe I’ll get around to framing one, if I end up painting one that I really, really like.
These are fun little projects that don’t take up too much time. I like painting both life-size and 1:12 size canvases. The artist who lives in the English cottage loves to paint, so much so that she transformed that little room into a studio. So she has to have some finished work!
Stay safe.
Happy Tuesday.
best wishes and prayers for the retina shots to help don.
love the tiny painting. big or small, keep going!
and stay cool.
kathy in iowa
Thank you, Kathy.
Stay safe!
Please encourage the artist in the little English cottage to continue with her efforts – she has so much more talent than she realizes.
Enjoy the day
I will!
Thank you, Anne!
Stay safe.
Oh…you’re right…that is so tiny! How do you do that?
Hot here too…but only the possibility of rain…none so far. It is way too early for this stuff. And, to put this heat wave in perspective, only two weeks ago we had to turn he furnace back on, it was so cold. Hope this is not a sign of things to come.
Wishing Don good luck with his shot. Travel safe! ;)
We also had our furnace on a week or so ago.
We had huge thunderstorms yesterday afternoon.
Stay safe, Donna!
That is lovely…the painting is so great. Yes, that is hot. I have lived so many places, but it seems summers just get hotter and hotter. Air conditioners struggle to keep up with the humidity…one thing after another. Good luck at the doctor with Don…prayers…be safe…
Thank you, Brenda!
Stay safe.
I’m so glad you decided to pick up the paintbrush! It must be so fun and gratifying to not only paint, but to realize that, hey! I’m pretty darn good at this! You should be proud.
I just came home from a week in Northwestern Connecticut with my Mom. I hadn’t seen her in over 1.5 years! It was great to catch up, to hang out, to do some stuff together. She’s getting up there (will be 88 in August), so I have realized that I will need to be getting there more often. The first few days were nice – low 70’s with some rain. Then the heat and humidity arrived! It was 95 with high humidity for the last 3 days of my visit. I was never so glad to come back to arid Colorado!! Humidity right now is 23%. Summer has definitely arrived much earlier than I like.
Take care.
Yes, the weather is awful isn’t it? Colorado must seem like such a relief!
Glad you got to see your mom, Jayne.
Stay safe!
It’s hot and humid here too. It seems to rain all around us, but only a brief sprinkling yesterday.
It must be difficult to paint something so tiny. You did good. It will look great in the art studio.
Hope Don’s eye appointment goes well. I can’t imagine getting an injection into the eye…ouch!
Stay safe
Well, if you had to, you would! He’s used to it now.
Thanks, Marilyn.
Stay safe.
I look forward to seeing your mini paintings in the studio. Fun project.
Thank you, Kay.
Stay safe.
Love the tiny painting, how fun to do those. Hoping all goes well for Don at his appointment. Finally got my hair cut today. It was down to the middle of my back. My daughter and I both got haircuts together and it was so much fun. Her treat for my birthday tomorrow. I feel like a new woman.
I can’t imagine your hair that long! Must feel wonderful!
Happy Birthday, dear friend!!!! Enjoy your day!
Stay safe.
happy birthday, linda! hope this will be a fun, easy day and the start of a fun, easy year for you (and for the whole world)!
kathy in iowa
Thanks so much for using the penny for the comparison. That really helps me as I truly can’t even try to imagine doing something like that, and it puts it in true relation for how tiny it is!!
Yes, it is way too hot and way way too early. The highways here are buckling already. That usually doesn’t start to occur until later in July through August. Along with the heat, we are quite short on rainfall. The grass has that August crunch when we walk on it. And it sounds like this heat is spread out over many many states. As Donnamae said, 2 weeks ago we had to turn our heat on and cover plants when it went down to 31*.
Hope Don’s appt went well and you both took it easy this aft in the heat. Take care.
Yes, we also had the heat on about 10 days ago. Insane.
More storms today, more humidity. I want it to go away!
Stay safe, Chris.
Claudia your posts with your house, your garden do me very well.Continue to paint you have talent.
Thank you so much, Edis!
Stay safe.