Whatever you are celebrating today, I send you my best wishes for a happy and joyous day.
Here in my neck of the woods, the temperature is going to reach 81 degrees and then, as is the case in the Spring, it will drop back down to a more moderate temperature tomorrow.
My beautiful lilacs are coming along nicely. I took this a couple of days ago, so I’ll have to do an update later today.
This is the season of miracles. Plants that were thought lost are back again. Old reliable friends have spread their beauty into other parts of the garden. We’ve made it through a month in which there were balmy days and then suddenly, snow and frigid temperatures. Still they survive. And thrive. Amazing and truly wondrous.
Back after taking a year off:
These beauties. In a garden filled with green and brown, this splash of vivid purple makes me smile.
Yesterday I took a little ride and then came home and decided to mow the area of the lawn that is on the house side of the driveway. Since we’re on a slope, rain water flows down the slope and portions of the lawn grow very quickly and densely. In April and May, we usually have to stop the lawnmower and clear out clogged grass, then start it again and this can go on and on. Since I’m handling this on my own, I decided to mow early and often. As I opened the shed to get the lawn mower, I noticed the bins holding the air conditioners had fallen forward (they’re fine) onto the snowblower.
Crap. I knew I would have to move them, as I didn’t want any damage to occur to the snowblower. I moved the lawnmower out of the shed and lifted each bin off the pile and down to the floor of the shed. But that left no room for the lawnmower. Since I wasn’t sure how to reconfigure the shed contents on my own, I took two of the bins outside the shed. Then I wheeled the lawnmower down toward the lawn and mowed. That in itself was tiring. When I finished, I looked at those bins and figured I might as well drag them toward the house – which I did – and move them inside.
And then, despite what I knew Don would say, I proceeded to install the kitchen a/c unit. It’s the heaviest and most awkward of the units and it wasn’t easy. Lots of heavy lifting. At one point in the middle of the process, guess who called? Yep. I fessed up immediately, explaining that I had no idea where to put them after I’d had to haul them out of the shed. He wasn’t happy, but he understood.
Then I moved the bedroom unit up the stairs one at a time, by pushing it up onto each step. Once I got it upstairs, I could easily move it into the bedroom. This one is the scariest for me to do on my own because I’m so afraid that I’m going to drop it and it will crash to the ground. In the middle of the whole thing I almost gave up. But I somehow managed it and it’s a done deal.
There’s still the unit for the office to install but that can wait.
I was really, really exhausted at the end of the day. A nice hot bath helped.
So, I’m taking it easy today. Really, really easy.
Enjoy your day, friends.
Happy Sunday.
You did good, Claudia, and I’m sure you would have stopped if you felt you couldn’t so it safely Reminds me of the time I put in a closet system, also lifting heavy components, while 7 months pregnant. Couldn’t wait for my husband to return from. Ironically, San Diego!
What is it with San Diego???
Have a wonderful day, Wendy!
Oh, you’d better take it easy after all that! Today is a cooking day for me—wait—they all are. Strawberry pie and enchiladas coming up! Happy Easter Sunday to you.
I’d say save some strawberry pie for me, but I’m still eating that scrumptious apple pie! Have a lovely day.
Well? You did what you did…fortunately you weren’t hurt in the process! I get it…sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. Cannot believe 81…no wonder everything is starting to bloom. Beautiful morning here…60’s, sunny…now that the rain has passed. Enjoy your day of relaxation…you certainly earned it! ;)
Thanks, Donnamae. Today is quite warm, but it’s sunny and beautiful and I’m going to work on my little Bunny Egg Cozy.
You are scaring me with the kinds of things you’re doing without help!
Not a scold, just a concern. But I know in such cases, who ya gonna call, right?
You’re probably making Don feel guilty AND scared. He’s likely frustrated; powerless. Worried.
Oh well, it’s over and done. I don’t know how you did all that but, yes, pamper yourself now for Sunday and I hope you recover well! You’ll definitely be cooler with the a/c turned on.
This is when I wish you had a neighbor, like some strapping/strong teen son of one, who you could pay for the various labor-intensive tasks around the home. I’ve got one of those but have yet to ask him…it’s occurred to me, though, as my husband has been away on work so much lately and stuff comes up that’s hard for me to do. The kid is polite; responsible; an athlete and eventually college-bound. Might like to have some extra cash for a date with his girlfriend.
Quiet day for us this holiday, as is usual in these years. Your lilacs are wonderful. Can’t imagine what they must smell like, since I’ve never known lilacs in Southern California.
We should have put them in before Don left, but both of us had been sick for a total of about 30 days, so we didn’t. I’ve put them in before when Don was away, but I’ll admit it’s hard work. Today, coffee, oatmeal, then pie and rest.
That sounds like work to me. Believe me I would love central air conditioning. The noise of window unit drives me crazy. That is when I cannot sleep, no unit in bedroom so I close the door and turn on ceiling fan. Here in RI 100 degrees in my driveway. Always very high about 20 degrees and on the back porch it is 83. My daughter in NH just sent photo of grand kids in back yard 76 degrees and playing in the snow, what fun! Relax the rest of the day, take care.
The white noise of the bedroom window unit makes us very happy! We live on a busy county road and it effectively muffles the erratic traffic sounds. Central air would be nice, but it’s never going to happen here! So window units it is!
Sounds like an awful lot of work for you by yourself. But, we are women and can do what has to be done , right? LOL At least you’ll be ready for warmer weather.
Happy Easter to you!
I actually used it yesterday because it got hot and humid. But it’s going to be a lot cooler for the next week or two, so that’s it for a while!
Happy Easter Claudia! Enjoy your day of rest.
Thank you, Denise!
You certainly earned a day of rest! Have a nice Easter! Loved those flower photos.
Thank you, Judy!
We are women hear us roar!! Great job! So nice when we don’t have to do those things…. but equally nice to know we CAN when we must.
We had a glorious spring day here. My daughter and I walked the yard and checked on all the gardens and made some plans. Everything is just budding beautifully. These warmer sunny days are miracle workers.
I am glad you took today to rest. Everyone here has finally left for home, the dishwasher is running, and my husband just took the dogs to the Dog Park. Quiet and peaceful right now. Enjoy the rest of your evening!!
Glad you had a nice Easter with family, Chris!
I’m glad all went well with the a/c units. Sometimes you just have to take a deep breath and do it. Glad to hear you are taking it easy today. I am now exhausted. Church was good but my cough was troublesome. I had cough drops and water so made it through. Came home and did my part of the dinner. Family came late afternoon and we had a lovely meal. Grands liked their Easter Baskets and Scout LOVED her little doll house. I sent home leftovers and still had lots left for Mom and I. I need to do the dishes but it might be in the morning since I’m really tired right now. A good tired and full of Joy!
Did you take a picture of Scout’s little dollhouse?