I had to turn the heat on for a short time this morning! It’s going to warm up nicely later in the day. The rain of yesterday was rather gentle but it lasted all day long. I did manage to sneak in a few outdoor tasks.
The lamium Yellow Archangel is in full bloom in the big garden bed. This is one of the very first things I planted here in 2006 and it has been absolutely dependable every year since. Like clockwork. It has spread into a nice mound and I really love it.
This is the tiniest little wildflower that is blooming in a couple of places just in front of the big hosta flower bed next to the porch. I don’t know what it is, but it’s so delicate! That pale pink is lovely.
Sweet woodruff in the bed on the other side of the house (where yesterday’s fern is). It spreads hither and yon every year.
Last night, I could find absolutely nothing to watch on tv. TCM was doing its usual war movies thing, which is not my thing, so I went to Netflix. I ended up watching White Christmas.
What can I say, it makes me happy.
And of course, I cried when all the soldiers surprise the retired general. Actually, now that I think of it, it’s the perfect movie for Memorial Day.
I’m never sure why we say Happy Memorial Day. If it’s really about honoring our fallen soldiers, well, then it should be sad and serious.
But it wears two coats, this holiday: what it was originally created to be and what it has also evolved into, which is the unofficial start of the summer and a day off and a chance to barbecue and have fun. (If you are doing that today, have a lovely time!)
So I’ll just say that it’s Memorial Day. We honor all those who have died while serving this country. The most fitting form of honor for these brave men and women would be to never, ever go to war again.
Happy Monday.
I watched Cinema Paradiso yesterday on Netflix and I did enjoy it very much! The little boy was delightful – such an expressive face! Thanks for the recommendation! It is hot here in Illinois – just spent an hour weeding and I am drenched! Wish my gardens looked more like yours but slowly but surely I will get those weeds!! You are right about Memorial Day …and war! Thank you!
I’ve got a lot of weeding to do, too! Thank you, Ellen.
So glad you enjoyed Cinema Paradiso!
I was watching the ceremony at Arlington Cemetery and said a prayer for all who lost their lives for this country. I agree the best thing would be no more war. It’s raining here so taking a day to just putter around the house. Spent some lovely time with the Grands yesterday. They are so much fun!
So glad you had quality time with the Grands!
Love your flowers, as always.
We saw Jimmy Buffett perform last night here in Cleveland (at the Blossom Music Center). First time I’ve seen him sing live; absolutely beyond fantastic show. He was talking about the play & they flashed scenes of the cast while he was talking….I had to tell everyone I was with all about Don when his picture came up!
Oh, wonderful!! I’ll pass that on to Don. Thanks, Elle!
I too wish we could stop the marketing sales and the use of a serious day as a chance to make more money. Stores don’t close out of respect and as you said it’s turned into a barbecuing, beer drinking, furniture, grocery store gimmick. Instead of remembering and thanking those that fought for us to have the country we have, no matter how messed up it is right now. I could go on!
Enjoy your beautiful plants Claudia and thanks. Your blog is the one I read every day no matter what.
I think a lot of people don’t even understand the difference between Memorial Day and Veterans Day! Thank you, Chris.
In memory of those who gave the ultimate sacrifice of their lives so we can have the freedom to be.
Yes. Thank you, Wendy.
My husband and I just had this same conversation this morning. Saturday evening I saw someone hug another and wish them a happy happy Memorial Day. Disbelief. I think people believe that Memorial Day, 4th of July, and Labor Day are all interchangeable. I remember my grandparents always referred to it as Decoration Day. We honor those who died while serving. Veteran’s Day is when we honor those who served/ are serving. Certainly spending the day with friends and family is fine, but wishing “happy” just doesn’t make sense. Never ever going to war again makes the most sense.
We continue today and tomorrow with brutal heat. But it is supposed to get back into the mid 80’s by Wed. My hanging baskets have needed water 2x a day. As always, of course, this, too, shall pass! I hope you have a good day!!
I think a lot of people think of all three of those days as a chance for a Monday holiday and forget what the holiday is actually for.
“The most fitting form of honor for these brave men and women would be to never, ever go to war again.”
truer words were never spoken!
Thank you, Tammy.
That’s just about the best definition of what Memorial Day SHOULD be that I’ve ever heard. And I’m certain every person who’s ever been in the services would agree with you, Claudia. Well-said, my friend. Hope you enjoy a quiet – and cooler – day today. Twas muggy and hot all day yesterday up here along the Lake. Spend some time on that idyllic porch of yours – it’s for days like this that porches were created. 🇺🇸
It was cool all day long but today (Tues) is much warmer. Thanks, Janet!
I agree with you about Memorial Day. I was watching a news story on CBS This Morning….it told about how Memorial Day used to be called Decoration Day….do you remember that? I remember my grandma used to call it that, and I could never figure out when that holiday was….at last mystery solved.
Cannot believeyou had to turn the heat up….it’s really hot here. Enjoy your day, ;)
I do remember that it was called Decoration Day. I had to turn the heat up yesterday but today? 86 degrees!
My Daddy was an Army Sargent…He would tell me many stories of being different places but he did not talk about WWII much…I think he thought I was too young…He was shot in France…thankfully it got him in the arm and you could see the bullet hole…I wish he would have lived longer…I would have loved to have learned much more about him and the war…
My father refused to talk about the war for most of my life. It left him traumatized. He did start to talk about it the last several years of his life and he also had recurring nightmares.
You are right concerning Memorial Day. It is a day to honor and remember the dead. The actual day is May 30 th. My sister always says it was originally called Decoration Day.
Yes, it was. Thank you, Marilyn.
On Memorial and Veteran’s Day, I always watch as many documentaries as I can on interviews with actual soldiers who fought on the front lines – the stories are so moving, so many horrible memories and injuries (both physical and mental) they carry. I feel as if I owe it to all the brave soldiers, and it’s good to keep these stories alive. I also think that every politician should be required to watch at least 40 hours each year, especially since the number of politicians with military service is so low, a little reality might help.
It is very good to keep their stories alive, Anne. Good for you. I love your idea about requiring politicians to watch those documentaries and interviews. It seems that those who are most eager to go to war never served.
Love your flowers and your final comment. Have a nice Memorial Day!
Thank you so much, Judy.
We’ll follow the old man wherever he wants to go, as long as he wants to go opposite to the foe……
One of my favourite films- always makes me cry
Me too, Siobhan. Me too.
AMEN ! Claudia to NO MORE WAR!!!
Thank you, Judy. No more.
also Decoration Day May 31 ,Originally Veterans Day .that was VE day in Nov but they didn’t want two holidays same name. So Decoration was May 31 The actual VJ Day!
information compliments of VOFW Veterans of Foreign Wars.
Ah…Thank you for that information!