More mowing yesterday – we’re finally finished with the property.
Until next week.
I weeded the big garden bed and started to put some mulch down that was leftover from last year. This morning, I’ll go to the garden center to buy more mulch, some seeds for the Chicken Wire Fence Garden, some topsoil, and some impatiens for the pots on the porch.
My trusty little patch of Lamium Yellow Archangel has started to bloom. This is one of the first things I put into this garden bed ten years ago and it has bloomed like clockwork ever since. Isn’t it pretty?
Okay. I have a mystery plant question. I think I know what this is, but I’m not absolutely sure. After mowing the lawn and walking in and around the big garden bed for two days, it wasn’t until the end of the day yesterday that I noticed something blooming. Something that was growing right next to the big Sugar Maple tree next to the house. (Since we live in the country, plants and weeds spring up everywhere and I tend not to notice them.)
Here it is. It almost looks like it’s growing out of the tree.
A closer look. I think it’s a volunteer spirea, but I’m not absolutely sure. Some version of Bridal Veil spirea?
If it is, it’s blooming earlier than my other spirea.
What do you think? Any suggestions?
Happy Wednesday.
Well it is beautiful what ever it is. I enjoy your yard as you share all the new blooms. One of my indoor plants has a bloom and I’m so happy. Little gifts.
Yay for blooms, Linda! It’s the little gifts that mean the most, Linda.
It is pretty but I don’t know either! Sounds like you have a busy day ahead of you. I am spreading mulch today too.
Just came in from mulching to take a lunch break, Doris! Have a great day.
So pretty, but I have no idea what it is! Love the yellow Lamium — don’t recall every seeing/hearing about that. Love the leaves on that. We had a few breaks from the grey yesterday and enough sun that suddenly our Iris have popped open – so gorgeous and very heavily scented. Now it is grey again……
Oh, but I bet that Iris is beautiful!!
No. It’s not honeysuckle – honeysuckle as trumpet shaped flowers. I have some on the property.
Hey Claudia,
Glad you have gotten some garden therapy. There is certainly nothing like it for lifting the spirit. I have been locked inside for over a week due to severe allergies. I am itching to get in the dirt!
The mystery plant is definitely not honeysuckle. It looks almost like apple blossoms, but it is not apple. I suspect some kind of wild fruit though.
I hope you have a beautiful day!
No, it’s not honeysuckle! I have honeysuckle on the property. I really think it’s Spirea. I saw some bushes with the same type of bloom when I was driving back from the nursery.
A mystery bush? Looks sort of like Bridal Wreath, but not sure at all. We might get some sunshine today….I have weeds that need pulling, and the ground is nice and moist. My neighbor has a very naturalized back yard, and the birds and squirrels, and the wind too I suppose, are great at putting new to me seedlings in our beds. Fun surprises always await! Enjoy your day! ;)
I love it when a volunteer shows up (like last year’s hollyhock) and remains a mystery until it blooms. The hollyhock, by the way, has come back this year.
The flower definitely looks like Bridal Wreath. Mine is budded out, but not yet bloomed.
I love finding newbies in the gardens. I think most come from the birds and on the wind.
It is a gray day again so far. I need to get plants and seeds and potting soil and some mushroom compost. Have to find the inspiration to just get up and go.
We have a “gang” of 7 ducks in the yard this morning. It is so much fun to watch them as they waddle around in a group. It looks like they are ready for a turf war. The ground under our multiple bird feeders give them a lot to clean up every morning. Today it looks as if they are not going to allow anyone else in on their find.
Have a wonderful day!!
I love ducks! I bet you’re having a lot of fun watching them!
Bridal veil spirea would be my guess. That’s the first thing I thought of when I saw your first picture.
I’m pretty sure that is what it is, Betsy. It’s so lovely and petite at the moment – just a pleasure to see!
It does look a bit like spirea. Whatever it is, I think it is charming. It can volunteer in my yard whenever it wants!
Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley
It is absolutely charming, Susan. I really love seeing it next to the big maple.
Every once in awhile we get a “volunteer” plant in the yard. I think the birds drop the seeds when they poop. My geek of a husband has found an app that, I must admit, has become very handy. He takes a picture of the plant and voila – the name and description appears. Maybe that would be something you could use in your yard.
What’s the name of the app, Elizabeth?
Haven’t a clue; I don’t know plants the way you do! Glad you’ve been able to get out of the house with a respite from rain. We’re fogged in this morning with the May Gray of Southern California (much like June Gloom)…but, I’ll take it; we’ll be hotter soon enough.
We’re supposed to get rain Friday and Saturday, so I’m trying to do all I can outside in the next day or two.
Not one clue as to what that your very pretty new plant is, but to me, one of the nicest things about Nature is how it’s always surprising us. In gardens, at least. After living at our new house in the country for 5 years, one Spring my Dad stumbles on a sizable clutch of black raspberry brambles situated behind a very small & badly-overgrown apple orchard on the property. Something that HAD to have been there when we first arrived, but we never realized it. But then we had 7 or 8 years of the biggest, most delicious and [although we didn’t know it at the time] ORGANIC black raspberries. All 8 of us picked them, Mom made pies, and tons of jam, and froze the rest. And Dad had a great story to tell for the rest of his life! ?
We have black raspberries on our property, Janet. I often miss their prime, though and forget to gather the raspberries!
It looks like what I have growing at the edge of the woods here…Enjoy your trip to the greenhouse..
My reader, Ann, suggested it might be a chokecherry – and it might be. I’ll have to go out and see if everything matches the description of a chokecherry. If it is, it’s a tree and it will have to come down at the end of the season because there is already a tree there! If it’s a chokecherry, it will develop berries, so I’ll know in a couple of months.
I’ll watch mine for berries too…
i have a Spiera bush and that is what the blooms look like. Mine has already bloomed for the year. I love it and have moved it to two different homes. It has been with me here over 20 years so I don’t think it will take another move if we choose to. It was a 2nd anniversary present from my husband back in 1985.
I hope it’s a spirea and not a chokecherry, which can be poisonous to deer. Fingers crossed!
I believe the plant is spirea, Claudia. Another beautiful day.
I hope it is, Lea.
No idea, but it sure is pretty.
Thanks, Monica.
Your mystery plant does look like spirea. There is a free app you can put on your phone (I have it on mine) called Like That Garden. All you have to do is take a photo and the app will identify it for you! How nifty is that?
I’m going to get that app, Melanie! Thank you!