Thank you for all of your wonderfully supportive comments yesterday. You sure can make a girl feel good. I do appreciate your taking the time to share your thoughts. They help me and I’m sure that they help other readers.
I took it easy yesterday, all the while monitoring the ongoing crap in Washington DC. Someday I’ll write about the patriarchy that pervades our culture and how it’s time for it to go. But not today. Suffice to say, I’m signing petitions, making phone calls, and tweeting at the pompous old farts who think women should be seen and not heard. A few of them (I’m looking at you, Orrin Hatch) pulled the same thing on Anita Hill. I guess they thought their performance was so magnificent that it merited an encore. I think they didn’t learn their lesson. It’s time for a massive rap on their knuckles. And a March on Washington.
There’s a lot to do before we leave on our trip, but I’m curiously loathe to start in on a To Do list. Maybe it’s the procrastinator in me. Actually, it’s partly that, but it’s also an acknowledgment that I need a little peace and quiet right now.
Don has to go into the city tomorrow and I’m going to drive a couple of hours to visit the miniature show that I went to last year. Maybe I’ll find something for my modern dollhouse or for the new project, which I’m envisioning as an English stone cottage. We’ll see. I’ll take pictures.
Okay. I’m off. I have to drive Don to the place where he takes portraits, as the CR-V is in the shop. He got it inspected yesterday and it passed, but something on the wheels is loose. which could be quite dangerous. Gulp. So he’ll pick up the car at the end of the day.
Happy Thursday.
You are so kind. I would like to do more than wrap on their knuckles. Re-watching some of the Thomas/ Hill hearings is actually quite eerie. It is as if not a thing has changed in nearly 3 decades. I guess it really hasn’t. Men still fill the seats on these committees, some are the same who were there 27 yrs ago, they still make decisions about our reproductive rights, they still decide who gets richer, and consequently ~ who doesn’t, along with deciding who receives the education dollars for our kids. It cuts through my soul. VOTE, everyone. VOTE.
Hope all is well with the car and the fix is a simple one. Enjoy the Miniature Show! Those pictures are always so fascinating. Have a good Thursday.
Well, I edited my real thoughts for publication. I’m sure you can imagine what I say in private!
Mini show is Saturday, not Friday. I was wrong!
A nice day and some peace and quiet sound good. I love the miniature show and your photos. I’m flying home today. Sad to leave but it is always good to get home to your own bed! Hugs!
Hope you had the best time, Linda!
I typically watch some news every evening as we get our dinner ready. Last night, between IT being his usual cheeto-head on his Hurricane Florence visit, the report of 911 being called on yet another black person just for being black, AND seeing again the clip of “what happens at Georgetown Prep stays at Georgetown Prep” just about undid me. I am horrified on a daily basis by the news. And heartened by things like your daily posts that remind me that there are many of us who resist this and do good things in the world around us.
There are millions of us and we are making our voices heard, Jayne.
Chris is right!! They deserve more than a knuckle rap…they deserve to be out of office for their archaic thinking! It is 2018 isn’t it? Same ol’….same ol’. I’m oh so tired of fighting! Yes…VOTE!!
I truly wish I was planning a trip across the Atlantic…it would give me something to look forward to. We are taking a slight road trip to Iowa in the near future…in search of some pretzels of all things….they are supposed to be really good, and unavailable in Wisconsin. Take in a few sights along the way, too. That will have to act as my diversion.
The miniature show sounds like a great way to get “mentally lost” for a few hours. Enjoy your day! ;)
Vote them out in 2018 and 2020!
Unfortunately, the mini show is Saturday not Friday! So I’ll have to wait a day longer.
Only one extra day to wait…not too bad. Don’t forget to take pics! ;)
I agree with you. It is about time we put an end to this insanity in government. I wish every woman in the country would come out and vote for the good party and not one single vote for the idiot party. Run the woman-haters out of DC!!!
Yes, indeed! Run them out of office and let them slink back into their caves.
Claudia, Have fun at the miniatures show! You always take photos of the most interesting things, and any purchases are exactly right! Looking forward to photos of the show and your new miniatures. I need a distraction…badly. Rushed Bagheera to the vet ER, again, last night as he wasn’t urinating well. I was afraid he reblocked. Turns out he wasn’t (good news), and the surgeon will see him Friday for a check up. Bad news is the entire experience yesterday and the return of the dreaded e-collar has him feeling miserable this morning. I’m hoping so hard this episode is over with soon and he’s back in top notch health…
Mini show is Saturday not tomorrow. I was mixed up on the dates.
So sorry to hear about another vet visit! Poor baby and poor you!
Hi Claudia
I have been away in Brontë Country in Yorkshire, but have been reading and , I thought, responding to your blog, but looks like my replies got lost on the Yorkshire moors
I met a lovely couple on a steam train this week, from Carmel Indiana- it would have done you good to hear them describe the fiasco that is Trump- I suggested that they read your blog
Please know how inspiring your blog is to so many- you have your President to manage whilst we have the ongoing saga that is Brexit- we joined Exit from Brexit this week – # resist
Let me know if you can squeeze in a visit to the West Country xx
Your comments came through. I replied to them. Maybe you didn’t get the replies? Not sure. But they’re here.
I’ll be reading all about Brexit when I’m in London, I’m sure! No time for any extra visits, I’m afraid. How I wish we could!
Maybe next time? 😊😊
Fingers crossed!
Hello Claudia. Have you visited the Thorne Miniature Rooms at the Art Institute of Chicago? They are featured in the Special Autumn Issue of Victoria magazine that’s now available. They are amazing!
Yes, I’ve been there twice, most recently, last year. I have a book about them, as well. Truly stunning.
A mini show!…Have a great time on Saturday!!
I hope to!