The dollhouse is now on a ‘new’ table, which replaces the coffee table. The coffee table is now functioning as…a coffee table. Brilliant on our part, isn’t it?
This dollhouse is so hard to photograph! Since the den is tucked in behind the porch, it doesn’t get as much light as in other parts of the house. I’ve resorted to a ‘special effect’ to make this look like an artistic shot. Gosh darn it, I keep entering The Pioneer Woman’s camera giveaways and I never win!
Another angle:
I keep some of my supplies on the shelf. There’s more in those Trader Joe’s bags in the corner. As usual in this house, somehow or other a dog manages to get in the picture. Hi Riley.
His little adventure the other night seems to have left him no worse for the wear.
Today I am going to change out the front door. Wish me luck.
Have a great weekend. Ours is cool and very fall-like. And the leaves are changing. I’m ready.
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