Social media. The very words exhaust me.
I know we are supposed to be connecting and re-connecting with people via Facebook or Pinterest or Instagram or Twitter. I’m sure there are more sites that I’m missing, which is sort of my point. I can’t keep up with them. Moreover, I don’t particularly want to.
I see them, in my moments of clarity, as huge time-sucks. And I have enough of those time-sucks in my life already. First of all, I write this blog seven days a week. Every post is an original post with my thoughts and photos. No guest posts. No using photos from other sources and linking to content elsewhere, unless it’s a quick link to something I think you might enjoy reading. For better or worse, it’s all mine. I answer comments. I do my best to visit other blogs when I get a chunk of free time. I check in on Facebook at least once a day. Facebook, by the way, is the one thing I will take some time for. It’s my way of keeping up with with former students and hearing about their lives, and that means a great deal to me. I spend much, much, much less time on the Facebook page for this blog. Sometimes I forget to check in there for several days. Since I post daily, I often feel I’m just duplicating things on MHC’s Facebook page. I started that page because it seemed to be the thing to do, but I’m far from committed to it. I try.
I force myself to go on Pinterest once every 3 or 4 weeks. I have no desire to spend hours pinning photos. I don’t care about being a “Power Pinner. ” Again: exhausting. I see its appeal. I do. But I have other things I’d rather be doing, like reading a book, taking a walk, working outside, working inside, talking to my husband or my sister or playing with my dog.
Instagram? I think I’ve done it 2 or 3 times. And that was well over a year, maybe even two years, ago. Twitter? Every once in a while. But I have to reminded to check in there. It’s not on my wave length. I did tweet John Boehner the other day to tell him to do his job and end this ridiculous shutdown. That’s as political as I’m going to get on this blog. At least for the moment.
Bloggers, especially, are told to use social media extensively. We should be tweeting our posts. We should be talking about our posts on Facebook. We should use Google+. We should do all this stuff to increase our page rankings. We should, we should, we should. I’m not sure who made up these rules, but, as you know, I’m not a big fan of rules. Yes, I do a bit of that. But only a bit.
I’ve already made peace with the fact that this blog is not a niche blog. As I’ve said on numerous occasions, if I had a niche blog I would go nuts, and not in a good way. Limiting myself to one subject matter would drive me right up the wall. Since this blog is about my life, it can’t be narrowed down to just one thing. Thank goodness. All that is to say that for niche bloggers, maybe all that social media stuff is a good thing. But for me? No. As it is, the first part of my day is about writing a post, checking in on comments, reading the news headlines from the New York Times, checking in on Facebook and reading my email. That takes a big chunk of time.
After that? I have other things to do. I already feel that I spend too much time in front of my laptop screen. The Internet is a temptress, don’t you think? I could easily spend hours here in this chair, going from link to link, site to site. Indeed, I’ve done that more that a few times. All of these ‘rules’ for blogging and/or living on the Internet only serve to suck up more of my time. So now every picture I take has to be Pinterest worthy? Every post I write has to be touted on other sites? I have to spend time tweeting things about this blog? I have to join Google+ because Google tells me I should? I have to be part of a ‘circle’ that involves even more work?
I don’t think so. I have nothing against any of these things. I’m absolutely sure they are used and loved by many; I just have to make choices that feel right for me.
I have to find some sort of balance in my online life. I need to make sure I don’t lose hours of my life staring at a computer screen. I will not let my life take place within the virtual world. I’m so aware these days of time slipping by; of years that seem to go by in an instant, of days that can be lost to the computer. Time seems to move more quickly as you get older. Days and weeks and years are more precious. I’d rather hear the sounds of the birds in our trees, watch a butterfly flit from flower to flower, read a good book, work on my real home – this cottage, and do what I love, whether it be my coaching work, crocheting a scarf, hand quilting a quilt or writing a post a day for this blog that I love so much.
So, while I’m very grateful for the Internet and all the information and entertainment it offers, not the least of which is the opportunity to write this blog, I’m constantly aware that its siren call needs to be kept in check. I need to be holding the reins. I need to do all of this my way. Not the way others tell me I should do it.
What are your thoughts on all of this, my friends? How do you spend your time on the Internet?
Happy Tuesday.
Hi Claudia,
I couldn’t agree more! It’s just too easy to pass large amounts of time on the Internet. I’ve done that, and when I finally turned off the computer, I didn’t feel enriched; I felt frustrated! I think you’re wise to value your time and spend those fleeting moments as you do. I know I’m old fashioned, but that’s OK. I like real — real books, real flowers, real people! I LOVE your blog just as it is. I wouldn’t give a “niche” a second thought. You speak from your hearts to ours. Thank you for sharing your life and thoughts with us.
You are very welcome, Roneta.
That’s what I love about us, Claudia. We can agree to disagree! ha ha I’ve sent my voice to the White House, asking them to do the same thing! Re: social media, I’m a dinosaur. I do NONE of the things you listed. I don’t even have a Smart phone because I can’t justify having to pay for the Internet in order to have one, but then again, I work from home and don’t travel, so I always have the internet at my fingertips.
I love the photos of your home. It truly is Christmas in Connecticut. Cozy beyond words. And Scout, as we know, is always beautiful beyond words!
Donna (your socially liberal, fiscally conservative friend :)
I have a smart phone but I don’t use it for the Internet very often, Donna. Just to check email, etc. I don’t want to get into charges for excess data usage.
Scout photo bombed every picture I took of our living room the other day. Every one!
It is way too easy to sit down in front of this screen, and look up to see 2 hours has slipped away….. and if someone asked, I would have to say I had not accomplished a single thing in those 2 hours. Even making the bed, emptying the dishwasher, and cleaning up after breakfast gives me a better feeling that I am doing something ~ as menial as those tasks may be. So why do I do it morning after morning?? And even some afternoons? I have FB, but only look at it a few times a week. Don’t do any of the other things, and don’t text which makes my adult children crazy. I would much rather speak with them and hear their voices. I am trying to put the laptop on my side table and walk away more and more. At the age of 63, I know all too well that life is short……
I rarely text either, Chris. I only do it if I have to respond to someone, usually my sister who has kids who text, so she’s a bit more savvy about it.
This is a subject I struggle with on a continual basis. On the very best of days, I am so satisfied to just write out my thoughts for myself and if it helps someone along the way, that is icing on the cake. If I go down the path of social media….I get lost! It’s never ending, isn’t it? I can’t imagine how the “big blogs” do it and manage a family at the same time. Does it come with age? I would hope that the wisdom I have gained over the years would bring peace instead of a sense of frantic staying on top of social media!!!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this.
It IS never ending. One could easily spend all day on the computer. I do think some of it is a generational thing – the younger generation seems to thrive on being online. But I worry about a world where all social engagement is online or via a text.
Oh, girl. I am so with you on this issue. I have been mean to tackle the issue of social media buttons for my blog for months. It all contributes to brain drain. hahaha
Brain drain, indeed, Beverly. I have those social share buttons at the end of my posts, but I’m thinking of getting rid of them. I don’t think my readers do a lot of that kind of thing.
Claudia, I too try to limit my time on the internet. I don’t blog daily like you do, but I read other blogs daily and try to keep up with what my online friends are doing. My blog is going through a change right now…maybe it’s ME that is going through a change and it is reflected in my blog. I only do Facebook to keep up with my kids and other friends but don’t Tweet or Instagram or Google+. Life has too much to offer for me to sit here and stare at my laptop all day. I read, play with my Grandson and hopefully soon will have some crafting time (have to make space in my home first). I love your blog and you just as you are, it’s why I visit EVERY DAY!
Oh thank you, Linda. Blogs do go through changes, I think. Mine certainly has over the past 5+ years. I think as we get clearer about what we want to say and concentrate on, blogs get more finely tuned.
Well, your blog fits into my “niche”…authentic! I spend a couple of hours, lingering over my coffee, reading blogs, and watching the morning news. And, those hours go so quickly. It is so easy to get lost on the Internet…as we all know. I do not participate in social media, except for twitter, occasionally. I do check on etsy if I’m looking for something…and I do use the internet to do research on things that may catch my interest. Blogs have become mini magazines for me…and a lot cheaper I might add. I also use the internet to stay in touch with friends…email or iMessage. But, generally, I’ve got too many other things that I’m interested in doing…like reading books, or putzing in and around my home, to be bothered with social media! ;)
I also use Etsy, Donna. And I love the fact that I can research something very quickly on the Internet. That is a wonderful thing.
Sincerely agree with you Claudia. I admire your blog, photos and your abilities. You are a brilliant individual who knows the importance of saving yourself from the marketing crazy world! You are the kind of neighbor I would love to have! Thank you for sharing.
Oh boy, this world IS marketing crazy, isn’t it? xo
I so agree with you & I find myself doing the same thing~~~trying to keep time in check! It is so enticing to go from site to site & dream the day away. Just yesterday I was thinking I need to go through my bookmarks & unsubscribe to everything except my very favorites. Limit my list to maybe only 10. There is so much more outside of computers, cell phones & other “techy” stuff. Thanks for the wake up call! Of course MCH will be in my keeper list :0).
I am definitely a victim of too many bookmarks, Linda. Time to change that, I think!
I have thought about the drain of the internet as well. My blog is not a standard garden blog and I love to blog about life as much as gardening, but I do not have a FB page…duplication I think. I only blog once a week as I have a full time job and I like to do other things. Pinterest I cannot get into although I tried. FB is something I do to keep up with friends and family…the others I do not do except G+ occasionally.
The rules are made by social media to suck us in and grab dollars for advertising….even my limited time with social media is too much. But I am 56 and find more fun doing other things than those colleagues who are younger and crave the life online instead of with books or nature or face to face….
You’re so right. It’s all about advertising!
Oh Claudia how right you are. The internet is a time-sucker. I spend way too much time here, and other things suffer because of it. I am slowly, or maybe quickly changing my habits. In the evening I am going to limit my time to 1 hour. In the morning an hour. There is just too much messing about. I am making quite a few Christmas gifts and I need the time away from the computer. I am making 3 hats, 1 cowl, 1 lapghan, 1 vest, and 2 lap quilts. I have 1 hat finished, yarn for the other 2 hats, a pattern for the cowl, fabric cut for quilts. I need my hook to start moving.
I love your blog the way it is. I love the glimpses into your life.
I think you’re right on the money about setting a time limit. That’s what I am aiming to do, Trudy.
Claudia your thoughts are my thoughts. I don’t have a I phone…..well I have a foam rubber one for clowning. I do use Face Book but other than blogging I don’t use the other media options. I spent way too much time online……..I must do something to control that. I have my favorite blogs, yours of course, and ones that I really care about the person behind the posts.
I don’t know what it is about your cottage but I dearly love it. It is soooo cozy. Your photos always draw me in.
So my friend, keep on being real and sharing your life with us. xo
I will sure try, my friend. (By the way, I love that you are a clown. I’m so impressed by that.)
So true that the internet can take up so much of your time. When we stop and realize that our time is so valuable and we need to use it to the best of our ability – the computer has to take a back seat. I use Facebook for family mostly but nothing else. Have a smart phone but use it to call others – imagine that. Don’t text, don’t Instagram, don’t Twitter, or any of the others. Time is too precious and I can’t let this computer take too much of my time away from my dear family.
Have a great day.
Amen, Judy. xo
I agree with all you have said here. I don’t tweet, do Instagram, do much pinning, and don’t have a facebook page.
I don’t even care about having a smart phone. All I need is a phone to make a call in an emergency or check in on my elderly mom if I’m out. Having said all that, I feel I’m still online too much and as a new blogger, I am not going to be good at all in using all of that social media. I do understand people that don’t see each other often using facebook to stay in touch, but that still doesn’t work for me. The people I stay in touch with, usually call or email and most don’t have a facebook account either. I honestly don’t know how anyone gets anything in real life done by being so plugged in all the time. While I love technology, I guess my “real life” is still more important to me than any of this social media. I feel like I’m spread pretty thin already, I can’t imagine how it would be to have to keep up with all these other methods too.
For me, Facebook is important because I’ve worked all over the country and continue to, I’ve taught on both coasts, so I have friends, former students, colleagues in the theater, and family flung out all over the place in every direction. So, I’m really grateful to a way to stay in contact. It would be impossible to do it any other way. Even so, I limit my time there.
Sometimes,or often!!! life can feel like a juggling act and it is great to read your case for balance Claudia.Your love story was perfect for Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada and may it continue on into infinity,so uplifting.And,such an appealing home you’ve crafted.And,staying with the theme ,my dear dog is waiting to head out together.Be well,all of you, including all your garden dwellersv
I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, Grace!
I spend way too much time sitting in front of my computer. I check in with Facebook, occasionally, just to see what nephews and step kids are up to, but rarely post. My kids don’t post on Facebook, so we text a lot, and talk to each other on the phone. All of the social media seems impersonal, and often gets “snarky”.
I used to read lots of blogs, but most get very redundant and many do little but show photos of other bloggers homes.
I have little interest in spending my time that way. I enjoy your blog because you are very original and interesting.
Doesn’t hurt that I’m also a dog lover, a lover of antiques, collectibles, and cottage/country living.
Like Donna, I’m socially liberal and fiscally conservative, but we can all get along and respect each other’s views.
Snarky is right. I see that a lot. Somehow being online seems to give some people permission to be snarky. Don’t like.
Hello Claudia,
The only rule I have for bloggers is to be honest. Which is why I come to your page almost every day. (I do not even turn this box on every day!!) I do not twit, pin, instagram, etc. I have a facebook page to keep in touch with people that live far from me. My phone is “stupid” and I like it. It works 99% of the time, unlike my neighbors “smart” phones. I do not blog because I am a lousy photographer.
I really enjoy your blog, the varied content, the beautiful pictures, the glimpse into your creative, rich life. Your blog conveys such life that I feel that I am there with you. So thank you for having coffee with me many mornings. I consider time reading your blog time well spent.
Oh thank you, Teresa!
Love this post! Thanks Claudia. I have my little blog, still really in it’s infancy, but I don’t use any social media to promote it. I, like you, write about my life and my loves. No niche there, just honest, real life stuff. The good, the bad, the ugly! I use Instagram to post pics to my kids who live on the west coast and almost every day, I get a pic of our granddaughter. I love Facebook for saying goodnight to them and for connecting to dear friends but go on often and “purge” my friends who post game invitations or snopes stuff or contests, coupons or complain about the silliest things. I check my emails for work related stuff but turn it off so it’s not guiding my day. I like my balance as it’s manageable but effective.
Enjoy your day! Hope the sun is out and the air is warm. Another beautiful, warm, sunny, colorful fall day here in Canada!
It’s warm here today but rain is on the way and then cooler temperatures.
You said– it … exactly! Rather than being a pleasurable experience — and a useful one if you live in a small city like I do and shop online for things I can’t find here — the internet can become a burden. And that takes all the fun out of it. Why add one more “thing to do” on my list. I spent years with a list so I could get done everything that needed to be accomplished and now as I get older — and after the passing of our son this summer — life takes on a more subdued feeling. One has to make room for the things in their life that are vitally important to them.
I spent many years and we spent many dollars helping our son through his difficult life and I am so glad I had that opportunity and that I took that time. Others over the years have said to us, “why don’t you just let him do it on his own”? — not understanding his frailties and his needs. I’m so very happy we did not listen but spent the time we needed to spend because now there is no time left.
Think carefully … life goes on … and time goes by and never returns.
You did the right thing, Ann, the loving thing. Time is precious and we need to spend our time wisely and lovingly.
Your home is so beautiful! So peaceful. I try to limit my time on the internet also. Doesn’t always work. But I usually only check on my blog site and read other peoples blog, e-mail, facebook and a dollhouse miniature forum. Guess that is enough. It depends on what I feel like reading. Sometimes I just scan and most times I read and comment. But I do check a few times a day. If I don’t watch myself I could spend way too much time on the computer. Funny how I couldn’t write a comment on my computer, but I can on my NOOK. Have a great day. Teresa
Hmmm. I wonder why on the nook and not the computer? Some glitchy thing, I suppose. Maybe to do with a local server or your IP address.
This is a great post today. I sometimes feel like the internet is a vampire, sucking the life out of me and draining me dry! I agree with most all of the previous posters: I only use the Net and FB, although I have subscribed to Twitter and Pinterest, but find that boring after awhile. The week my computer was down was pretty wonderful! I accomplished so many things, although I do love reading your blog and Brenda’s of course, they keep me inspired by living a life that is really real!
Vampire is a good word for it, Annette. I love it but I have to ration out my time there. Like chocolate, I suppose.
I think this will always be a relevant subject, Claudia, and it’s great that it’s brought up from time to time. When I think about what I did before I had my little laptop sitting here on the kitchen table every morning, it’s not much of a stretch. While I had my coffee I read both newspapers cover to cover and caught bits and pieces of the morning news/talk shows. Of course I have my fun now, too…a little shopping, social emails and blogging. I really had to cut down drastically on my blogging time over the past few months. I HAD to make time for the things I love because yes, there is a life outside these windows! And blogging gave me a gift that I think is precious, it inspired me to branch out and develop my interests at a time when I was questioning what to do with an empty nest and health problems all around. me. And I had to choose reading and cooking and gardening and being with my family over twitter and Facebook and instagram. It took a LONG time for me to reach this equilibrium so I truly do feel the push and pull so many of us do with the time crunch.
I enjoyed your “homey” pictures, your rooms are so comfortable and cozy. Someone said Christmas in Connecticut, I agree!
I used to drink my coffee, read the paper, then read a book, if I had the time to, every morning. So the morning with the laptop consists of the same sort of thing with the addition of writing the blog. I’m thrilled to be able to blog and I do have a routine of sorts – posts are always written in the morning after I’ve had my first cup of coffee. But after that post is published, I have to pull away and take care of other things in my life.
First of all I love the cozy photos of your home. And it does, indeed, look like a HOME. I agree wholeheartedly on your post today. I have a little blog. That’s it. Nothing exciting. I don’t tweet, twit, pin or whatever. I do check facebook every other day or so. I am thankful for it, as I’ve revived friendships with several girls I went to school K-12 with and then lost touch for 25+ years. My blog has also started several friendships with a few women especially. We actually meet face to face several times a year. A blessing indeed.
But…and it’s a big but, I could spend hours on the internet daily if I’m not careful. So I limit it to just awhile in the morning and then check email in the evening before bed. We have a son in Japan and the internet is our lifeline with him. So while I am very grateful for it, I have to monitor my own use.
Thank you for this post.
Yes, Facebook has been a wonderful way to reconnect to many people that I had lost touch with. I love that. Skyping and the Internet are lifesavers when it comes to keeping in touch with far-away loved ones.
I’ve just had to say goodbye to someone on my blogroll who has decided to stop blogging–and good for her! She knows what’s best for her life–but I’m glad you were not making that announcement!
I know it’s different for bloggers who promote their business through their blog, but I constantly question the time I spend on blog affairs. My FB is only for family. I could not blog every day and have a life because I already spend so much time preparing a post, sometimes answering the comments by replying there on the post. I can’t figure out how to have the reply sent to the commenter, which means they won’t see it unless they happen to revisit that post, and many bloggers seem to handle their blog this way but I always feel that I have to reply also by email (if they’re not a no-reply commenter). And then I have to visit their blog and comment as it seems only good manners to do so–kind of like when people left calling cards in the old days! And I enjoy visiting them! However, I don’t know how the Big Bloggers manage this as it takes hours for me with my small 90-follower blog. And then I try to visit daily bloggers in between times that I post a blog because it doesn’t seem nice to just visit them when I have a new post up.
And there are a few of the Huge Blogs (style) that I visit occasionally just to see the pretty pictures but I never leave a comment because I don’t want them to think I’m fishing for a comment on my little blog.
I can’t give it up. I enjoy it too much but I do hate when I get up and feel that I’ve not accomplished anything. I’ve been trying not to be online in the evenings. I sleep better if I don’t. But the daylight hours are/should be for getting things done. It’s a constant reassessment and I take it by spells.
The biggest blessing of blogging has been the friendships that have happened because of private emails that fly back and forth. True, old-fashioned pen pal relationships where we have gotten to know each other so well that they are on my email list for my oldest son to notify if something happens to me. That is what I treasure most.
Every blogger has to settle these things in their own mind. I have enjoyed reading your post today and the comments before me. It’s good to know that I’m not alone. Sometimes I feel that in blogging, I have a tiger by the tail. Ever feel like that?
Oh, yes. Often. It’s a tricky thing, this balancing act. I can’t imagine ever not blogging, but I’ve learned to never say never. For now, it is something I love to do. And I love to write, as well, so it ends up encompassing so many things that are dear to me.
I think the Big Bloggers manage it by not responding to comments after they reach a certain point. I’m not saying that every one of them stops responding, but I’ve noticed many, many of them do. I used to feel a certain resentment about that but I now realize that there are only so many hours in a day and I understand. There’s a lot of prep that goes into a post, especially if you’re a big DIY or Home Decor blogger and the day consists not only of the post for that day but all the prep work for future posts. It becomes a business.
You’re right, everyone has to settle these things the best they can and in a way that works for them. xoxo
This post really resonates with me as I consider myself a semi Luddite. I do e-mail and the Internet has been a lifesaver at times. I don’t tweet, Facebook, text or use any other e-media. My friend base is limited and involves face-to-face encounters. I have lost some many people I thought were friends because I don’t do Facebook. I love the feel of a book in my hands. I love sending and receiving lovely cards. I love the sound of my dear ones’ voices, albeit not on the phone in public. I do not live in the palm of my hand as I see around me. I call this generation palmers. Look away from that device in your hand and look upward and outward instead. As much as the Internet has enhanced all our lives, it has also diluted the human experience. Such a loss of grace. When my mother passed this year I received few condolence cards. Just emails saying generic “sorry for your loss” and R U O K? I never have missed sending birthday, thank you, condolence, congratulations, or any other special occasion cards. The company at which I’ve worked for 24 years sent a gift basket to my moms wake, but only one person sent a card, and she was a temp. I have hosted every baby and wedding shower, every birthday, every condolence basket at this firm. And have sent cards of sympathy to everyone in company who lost loved one. And received just the one card.
So why am I communicating on this blog? Because I discovered it as a result of my husband’s association with Claudia and her exceptional humanity has been a sanctuary for me. Somewhere that I can visit and see that there is still grace, beauty and compassion in the world.
I think that you are the best of the best, Tina. You still take the time to actually send a card or make that phone call or write that heartfelt note. Good for you. We can all take a lesson from your example. It’s far too easy to shoot an email out when a personal note would be the right thing to do. Hey, we found out about that one of my nephews and his wife were expecting via Facebook. Really? That seems like news that should be worth a phone call or a handwritten note. It’s generational, I fear, and I do fear for future generations who spend less time one on one and more time with their faces buried in their phones.
I am so lucky to have you and Noble in my life and for that I am truly grateful.
I absolutely agree! While there are many, many things I love about the internet … and I’ve certainly wasted my share of time following one link after another, I refuse to let others dictate that I need to do what is “the norm”. I’ve never tweeted. I made an account, but haven’t taken the time to figure out what to do with it. I’ve never used instagram or Google+. It takes most of my morning just to check out the headlines, Facebook and email … and, of course, keeping up with the blogs I enjoy. I’m thankful for all the enjoyment the internet brings into my life, and for helping me stay connected with friends and family, but I have a hard time figuring out how some people find the time to fit in the “real life” they are CONSTANTLY posting about on Facebook, LOL ;)
Amen, Debbie. Are they the people I see out with their kids, their faces buried in their smartphones? Not in the moment are they?
Being on the computer is such a time-suck. Like you said, I could easily be on this thing all day. But I have no desire to be, because I want to live a “real” life. Between emails, Facebook, doing my blog posts and reading other blogs, and looking up all kind of information on the internet, I already spend way too much time on my laptop. I only have a personal FB account, not one tied to my blog. I’m on Google Plus, but I never look at it and don’t even know what its purpose is. I tried Twitter for a week and hated it – deleted my account. I was on Linked In and deleted that, too. Served no purpose for me. I have a Pinterest account and occasionally pin pictures from blogs or web sites that I’m visiting at the time, but I maybe go into my account and look at my boards once/week.
LinkedIn may help some people but it has been of absolutely no use to me. My kind of work comes from word of mouth not from endorsements on LinkedIn. Twitter…I have an account because of BlogHer because I occasionally have to tweet something for a campaign, but otherwise, I hardly every go there.
Well said, my friend. I am so burnt out right now with it all. I hate the time I spend in front of the computer and have started letting some things go, my family comes first not the internet. Bravo to you for this post.
Absolutely. Family comes first. Face to face encounters come first. xo
You are singing to the choir sister! I love my blog but I only post when I want, when I want to say something. I don’t let myself feel obligated or worry how many people are reading it. I write my blog for me and if no one ever read it, I would still do it.
As for the rest, yes I check FB every day but more to find out what friends and family are doing than to post myself. The first time I posted something was a year and a half after I joined. and I don’t Tweet. I do spend a couple of hours a week on Pinterest and unfortunately I love it but I am a magazine addict too.
I do sit on my computer during the evening when I’m watching TV. I mostly just listen to TV shows except for a few favourites like Big Bang! When I was working and spent all day on a computer, I didn’t spend any time on the internet – it felt too much like work. Now I spend a couple of hours each day. But you’re right, it can be a big time sucker. I use my laptop unplugged and when my battery gets low…I’m done. xo J
That’s a great idea, Julie. When the battery gets low, it’s time to sign out! Love that.
You know I totally agree, and I have never Tweeted, instagramed or any of that. I love Pinterest, it helps inspire me and gives me ideas for work.I feel like I spend way too much time in front of the computer as it is with work, I’d rather be knitting.
hugs to you my sister,
Hugs right back at ya, sister.
I too find myself spending way to much time cruising the internet..I start out just wanting to read my favorite blogs and e-mails and somehow get swept away into so much more..Before I realize it I have wasted time that can be much better spent really actually doing things instead of just reading about doing them..Bad habit to start..Hard habit to stop..
Yes it is. But it can be done!
FB is basically for family and friends. Twitter, no. Google +, no. Pinterest…occasionally / Very Occasionally .
I actually started 2nd blog, Frugal Little Bungalow, a few months back, thinking it might make life simpler ( Homespun more for family / kids / casual posts and FLB for another direction.
That has worked in a way, and then after that I began to cull how many link parties I joined ….as in, that takes alot of time ( Visiting, returning visits etc ) At the moment that is something that I am trying to work on ( less is more some weeks :) Also trying to GROUP responding to comments by visiting other sites into an hour here or there rather than pressuring myself to do it immediately…
I think those are good ideas, Debra. I’m seriously considering discontinuing my weekly meme. It takes a lot of time that I really don’t have and it also somewhat limits what I can post and I like the freedom to post whatever I’m thinking on a particular day.
I don’t do any of those things…don’t even own a cell phone!!! LOVE it that way. Computer, email answering machine is enough for me. People really get uptight about it…can’t believe it. My standard stock answer is, “If and when I get on a donor list for an organ transplant and they have to reach me quickly then I guess I’ll get one!!!!”…and I hope that never happens!!!! I am more then annoyed being able to hear others’ useless conversations……”honey, do we need milk?” AND nothing upsets me more then a phone that rings in church, at a dinner, on the treadmill at the gym or in the park on a beautiful sunny day. Oh!!! something does upset me more…..when they answer it and talk extremely loud!!!!
Love the pics of your cottage. That skinny brick wall in the livingroom is interesting. Is it a load holding beam type thing? I really like it…gives the cottage vibe. I could totally move into your place…very cozy!!!! Do you have a fireplace?
That’s a chimney, Addie. I think there was a wood burning stove in the living room at one time. No fireplace, unfortunately.
I love this post….I agree with about everything you bring up….and I really hope you don’t get political on here. If you tweeted John Boehner….you should of really taken the time to tweet all of the leaders in Washington who aren’t doing their jobs…which is every single one of them, starting with President Obama. I don’t mind disagreeing with someone, but I do hope you are fair:)
My husband is spending way less time on the internet and I have found he is in a much better mood:) Could they be connected:)
Again, thanks for a great post.
Not talking politics, Terri.
I totally agree..We think alike..I use the internet for my blog, email and for looking up things I need to know..Some shopping…But I STILL USE THE TELEPHONE…..I don’t text and don’t use a cell phone…When I go out to eat with friends there are no phones..
I agree. No phones during a meal with family or friends!
Agreed! I love that you blog the way you want to blog, not to satisfy an audience. That is why I come here. Well, that and the McCoy. :)
My blog is my creative outlet, but that’s where it ends. I’ve been invited to join Twitter, Facebook, Hometalk, etc, but I have no desire to spend more time at the computer than I already do, so I decline. I’ll never have thousands of followers, and truthfully, I wouldn’t want the pressure of having to blog on a regular schedule. Our shared cell phone is 10 years old and we’ll keep it until it quits working. I only carry it with me on long car trips. I spend much of my day at work on computers, so I don’t care to spend the few hours I have free in the evening tied to one. I may be an oddball, but I like it that way. :)
This has nothing at all to do with your post, but your home looks so cozy and comfortable. I like that you’ve collected your pieces over time. Very charming!
I agree with you on the social media. I have a FB page but have never posted on it. I have a fictitious name. Why? I’m only of FB to see my grandsons, granddaughter and great granddaughters. That’s it.
Niche? You most certainly are a niche blogger: your home and life. That’s exactly what I blog about mostly. But mostly I read a LOT. That’s my favorite way of passing time, other than being with my sweetheart.
Amen and Amen again, sister! I love to write my blog, then post it to facebook, but I don’t really interact with facebook at all on a personal level. No twitter. No instagram. (yet). If people want to read my blog, they know where to find me. Too much life to live outside the walls which hold the computer, although Fairhope now has wireless internet available downtown, so technically, I could sit in the park, overlooking Mobile Bay, and stare at my computer screen.
Great post!