I’ll respond to yesterday’s comments when I’m done writing this post. I had a busy day yesterday and I was too tired at the end of it to do anything other than plop on the sofa.
Don wanted to go ‘on location’ to shoot some photos, which means to the town just north of us. I had plans to mow, so we split the difference. The morning for photography, the afternoon for mowing. We found a neat place to set up, right in front of a favorite local bookshop, Inquiring Minds.
As amazing as this sounds, right after we got there, a young guy walked by and stopped to talk to Don. He has the same vintage camera. He even offered some tips. Such a small world! The camera definitely attracts people and Don loves nothing more than to meet people and chat with them. A woman and her daughter walked by and the daughter was raving about the camera. Turns out her grandfather had one and he was a well-known photographer who concentrated on jazz singers – among them, Billie Holiday. All of this happened in the first 15 minutes we were there, as Don was assembling the camera. In a small town.
I thought you’d like to see this little sidewalk garden in front of the shop.
Isn’t it adorable?
Don has been working with this camera for a mere four days. He studies hard. There’s a steep learning curve because it’s vintage, entirely manual, and it’s heavy. But each day he has improved. Lighting, framing the shot, aperture settings – all of it is new to him. The whole idea of this kind of street photography is that the photographer has one shot. Period. It’s a polaroid, the film is expensive and so, one chance to get it right, to capture that one moment in time.
But, of course, when you’re first starting out you have to experiment a whole lot before you can offer your services.
I’ve been his model all week long because I live with him. It’s been fun. (And I’ve been playing with my new camera as well.)
Here are yesterday’s winning shots:
That red brick wall is the perfect backdrop!
Then I took my turn:
I don’t mind saying I have a crush on this incredibly cool guy.
This has become a real passion for him and the perfect thing to help him through the transition from doing Escape to Margaritaville in New York City to suddenly being back home. I’m so proud of him.
Afterwards, we walked across the street to our favorite vegan restaurant and had a bite to eat.
Such a pretty bouquet on our table!
Then back home to mow the corral and the entire front lawn. Yikes. I was bushed!
I love my new camera and I have much to learn about it. But so far, it’s a winner.
Happy Friday.
Wow, just wow! The photos you guys take, especially the B&W, remind me of the ones my Dad took. He loved nothing more than walking around and taking photos of people, buildings, nature, etc. He had an Argus camera that I could look at for hours when I was small. It amazed me, with the settings on it! I was easily amused!
That little garden outside of the bookstore is adorable! I love how some of the cactus are painted rocks! And the faeirie house and tea cups…oh my!
By the way, I love those shirts you guys had on!
Hope you both have a wonderful day!
Thank you so much for your kind words, Debbie!
Such a good post! Love your passions and dedication to furthering your photography.
We’re having fun! Thanks, Gayle.
lovely, lovely … the photos, learning/new endeavors, the flowers, lunch at a favorite place with your favorite person, all of it lovely (except the mowing) …
… and the timing of those interactions with someone who has the same vintage camera and another whose grandfather took portrait photos (including of billie holiday)! i don’t believe in coincidences … i’d take that as a sign, a big green light to keep going with the photography!
glad for your good day. here’s to many more of them!
kathy in iowa
I think you’re right, Kathy. The universe is telling Don to do this!
Such a fun post! Did you take all of your shots with your new camera? They are all so crisp. Love the two that Don took of you.
Enjoy this next phase. I think you are both in for a lot of excitement with your photography interests.
I did. It’s a great camera!
Thank you, Julie!
Beautiful, just beautiful
Is that the sound of another door opening……
Thank you, Siobhan.
I saw some of the photos on IG and they are great! I love the ‘location’ you shot in yesterday. How amazing to meet such great people who know something about cameras in a small town. I’m so glad Don has this to immerse himself in. Your camera sounds wonderful also. Love the photos of Don!! Hugs!
Thank you, Linda!
Don and the camera and the people ~~ Serendipity!!!!!
Your shots are great, too. You and your camera did some nice work.
We are getting some RAIN, glorious beautiful rain!! Hope it winds and finds the way to you! Have a good Friday.
I think we’re getting some either tomorrow or Sunday.
I’m sure this first flush of excitement about your recently acquired cameras will bloom into a lifelong passion with them. So much fun to be had in the learning and discovery of what they and you can do!
Thank you, Wendy!
I’m glad you two are having some happy and healthy, fun times together these days!
Thank you, Vicki!
Tis a really small world, isn’t it? I’m continually amazed by this phenomenon & can relate to it too. Yesterday I replied to Michael Beschloss’ Twitter post yesterday about the fact that 49 years ago today, Apollo 11 landed on the moon. 49 YEARS! My reply was that the mission was scheduled to land on my 13th birthday, July 21. My Dad had been telling me for weeks beforehand how my birthdate would be mentioned in history books forever – and I was SO EXCITED. But as it turned out, things were ahead of schedule [BTW when does THAT ever happen with government projects?] and the landing was 2 hours early on July 20. Quite late at night as I remember, about 11 pm EDT. I was one extremely-disappointed – but PROUD – 13 year old. And someone on Twitter wrote back to me that the SAME exact thing happened with her sister!! Who was turning 16 that day, I think. SMALL WORLD is so right. Made my day anyway. PS – love that itty garden outside the bookstore. What a creative person to think of that! Stay cool today taking pictures, y’all! Can’t wait to see more of them. Peace.
Small world, indeed. Thank you, Janet!
I am delighted that you two are having such a good time with all of this….especially Don. He’s getting quite good…love the pics he took of you. And yours of him? Priceless…right down to his spiffy shoes!
When the little serendipitous moments occur…you know, it was meant to be. Enjoy….we’re enjoying the rain! (I’ll be sure to send it your way.) ;)
I love those shoes! Thank you, Donna!
I love Don’s t shirt! The Hawaiian shirt is also awesome! You two are having such a good time together. It is a nice distraction from the cheeto in the white house.
And lord knows, we need a distraction!
oh darling bean. I love this post!
I read every post and yet some I forget to comment on.
did I say that his new camera reminds me of Jaqueline Bouvier when she was a ‘roving reporter?’
I remember a picture of her holding it crouched down in some water fountain or something.
I’ll have to google it. it was just before she met the president.
anyway. also love the enchanted garden outside the bookstore! it’s perfect!
and don’t you have a wonderful commenting community here? it’s just wonderful.
sending love your way and pride in how the two of you have rebounded and made a loss into something meaningful and still creative! xo
Yes, she used the same brand of camera – which was standard for the press in those days.
Thank you for your kind words, Tammy!
Great shots from both of you…keep going…we are all enjoying this…love the fairy garden!
Thank you, Nancy!
Those photos are amazing. Glad that you and Don are enjoying your cameras. Don looks happy and contented.
So far, so good! Thanks, Marilyn!