After climbing the stairs the other day, I discovered this. Don had clearly been up to something.
Meet Letitia. Cowgirl.
I bought two of these Stetsons many years ago when I was working in Dallas. We have them hanging on the wall in the bedroom. They’re pretty neat. I sometimes wear mine when I’m working outdoors. Stetsons remind me of my grandfather. He wore one when I was a kid (he really was a Canadian cowboy.) He had horses on his property in those days. A Stetson, a bolo tie, a softly worn shirt – that’s my Pa, as we called him. Don’s family originally hails from Texas and Oklahoma. He recently inherited some of his dad’s bolo ties. So our Stetsons are a tribute to our roots.
I’ve let Letitia wear the hat for the time being. It gives her a kind of pioneer girl look, don’t you think?
After successfully overwintering the impatiens, I’m happy to say they have made the move to their original home, the porch. A couple of the plants recently bloomed.
Frankly, I’m still amazed that they managed to hang on this winter. Bravo, little pots!
And big pots!
How nice it is to see this view: hostas, sedum, coneflowers, porch….and wait, what do I see near the foundation?
Squeal of delight! Morning Glories. These little babies self-seeded. I also found some seedlings in the raised bed near the kitchen. I never expected that – especially in this gardening zone. I couldn’t be more delighted. I am going to train these guys up and around the porch railing. I haven’t planted the seeds yet for this year’s crop that will live in the chicken wire fence garden. Later this week. We’re going to be crazy with morning glories this year.
Isn’t it wonderful when something self-seeds in an unexpected place? My coneflowers have done that in the past. They did it again this year.
Today is a rainy day. I have a miniature project to work on. Don has some music to write. And my garden will keep growing. That takes a lot of energy.
Happy Wednesday.
New growth – new beginnings!
I meant to comment a few days ago on your post about the chipmunk. We don’t have chipmunks down here on the Gulf Coast! We have every other kind of critter you can imagine, including big squirrels, so I’ve always been so amazed that chipmunks don’t live here! I went to the Hoover Dam once, and was more excited to see a real chipmunk than the dam! They are the cutest of all rodents. (They are rodents, aren’t they?)
I believe they are rodents, but I don’t like to think of them that way! They are too cute for words.
Letitia looks very comfortable in her Stetson. My Hubby used to wear one when we were dating but has gotten out of the habit. Living in the “Wild West” as we do, I wish he would wear it more. Your flowers look great and happy to be outside. I know you’re as relieved as I am that the long, long winter finally seems to be over.
I am very, very relieved, Betsy!
Yee Haw! Letitia looks stunning in her Stetson. I am excited about your morning glories reseeding. Love those dear little flowers.
Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley
Me too. I really never considered reseeding as being an option here in the northeast.
The Stetson is pretty darn cute on Letitia! I have Texas roots so I appreciate a good cowboy hat! Love Love morning glories. Your garden is coming along. Enjoy your day!
You and Don share Texas roots, Linda!
Letitia looks great! Plants doing mighty fine too! ;)
Plants are doing very well and it makes my heart sing to see them again, Donna! Are you back home?
No….on the road in Illinois! Trying to race the severe weather predicted all the way home. Should be home tonite…can’t wait for my own bed! ;)
Safe home!
Oh, those glories of the morning!!!! Mine reseed every year, but I always add a few new seeds to the area in the spring. The reseeded ones seem to come in and grow a bit thinner than the fresh new ones. But that could just be the conditions here, too. I do love them so! I think I especially love how freely they spread and grow. They just make me happy.
It is always such a feeling of success when the plants succeed at wintering over. (This year I am happy that WE wintered over,,,, there were days I questioned if we would survive!!) My geraniums are looking pretty good, too. Almost time that I will bring them out.
I have had several beautiful Orioles at the feeder this morning and I still, each time I see them, marvel at the brilliance of their orange feathers. The birds are all really busy this morning!! Always much to do in the spring!
I hope you have a great day.
Yes, for goodness sakes, it’s a miracle that any of us in the Midwest and Northeast managed to winter over!!!
I saw a Robin in the birdbath today. He dunked himself at least 10 times! That made me so happy.
Letitia is very fetching in her Stetson. My husband actually has quite a few Stetsons. He wears them always and only. He has straw, and wool felt. He is originally from California, but rode horse every week. He lived on South America for a while, and had a ranch there. he is definitely a good ole cowboy.
I have tried morning glories here several times. I get lots of nice vine action, but alas no flowers. None, zip, zilch. Maybe my chipmunks are eating them?
I forgot he was also a Los Angles deputy sheriff and occasionally rode mounted. Especially when policing the parades.
Well, he certainly has earned his Stetson(s), Trudy!
My morning glories always self seed too but I noticed they don’t have nearly as many flowers, and some years no flowers at all just greenery. I would plant a few fresh seeds too, just in insure you have lots of blooms.
Oh, I have 3 packs of new seeds to plant, Dawn. Never fear!
Your plants look so happy. While we had a mild winter and things were looking good we just had a week of close to 100 degree weather, and are now having 60 degree weather. Our plants still look good, but a little confused. It is super dry, so there is very little watering going on. I try to plant things that do well here, but there are some plants that I just love, so we take showers with buckets in the shower. Every little bit helps. Letitia looks lovely in her Stetson. Perhaps she wants to join you outside, working with your flowers. I love morning glories, and love the idea of training them up over your porch railing. At our old house I would train them up fishnets (Cost Plus) to the roof top so help shade the back bedroom windows. Your beautiful hostas make me very envious. I have not had any luck getting them to grow here. I think it is too dry.
The weather temps are certainly extreme here as well. Frost the other night and 80 degrees for Sunday and Monday. Crazy!
Using fishnets is a great way to train morning glories. Great idea!
You certainly a’re going to have another beautiful garden this year, Claudia. And three cheers for those tough little impatiens! It’s awesome that of all the winters we’ve had, they made it through THIS one. Life will out!
Bless their little hearts, they hung in there!
I love Morning Glories and every year I sweat I’m going to plant them next year and never do! A gardener I am not! It’s good to see green popping up all over your place.
It sure is, Judy. You should have Brenda plant some Morning Glory seeds for you!
I am happy that your impatiens made it through that LONG winter inside your home. Must have good lighting and not too dry of air inside. I almost killed my ferns- right now I’m conducting an experiment with the 2 of them. Water one with epsom salt water and the other without.
I didn’t know that the morning glories would self seed and I was out in the garden planting some zucchinis and saw what I thought was a weed and pulled them. Not until reading your post just now…did I remember that Morning Glories had grown very near there last year! Gosh, I’m such a NOVICE at the whole gardening thing. Live and learn.
Glad you are finally getting some ‘spring time’ there at your home. We’re having rain today too. Lots of it…and soft rolling thunder. Don’t you just love that?
I told the Honey tonight– after all the kids are gone home…I’m working on the doll house. It consumes my thinking lately! I’m so in love with this hobby.
The air was pretty dry in here this winter, Pat. But we do have lots of windows.
You’ll know better next year, Pat, about the morning glories. If I hadn’t planted them last year and watched that garden plot like a hawk every day, I wouldn’t have recognized those seedlings.
I share your love for dollhouses. I want another one!
Well isn’t Miss Letitia lovely in her vintage nightie and Stetson hat..She just may start a new fashion have some Morning Glory seeds to get planted too..I found some of those Heavenly Blue or Blue Heaven that you had at the Scout’s dog corral last year..They were so gorgeous that I went looking for some this Spring..I hope mine look that good!
I bought some more Heavenly Blue seeds this year, Nancy. I’ll be planting them soon!
How wonderful to have extra morning glories; they are one of my favorites. My grandfather planted them every year on an arbor by his garden.
They are such cheerful flowers!