Impossible to get a full-on straight photo of these shelves as they’re tucked into a corner with two different side tables in the way. And a lamp.
I have been feeling under the weather since yesterday. That storm was pretty extreme and the change in barometric pressure always does a number on my sinuses. And the wind, which was relentless for over 24 hours. It feels like I have a cold, but I don’t.
Some good news. On Tuesday, I received an email through my professional web site. Now, I have been seriously considering deleting that site because I really don’t get any work from it. Work, for me, comes through word of mouth and colleagues I’ve worked with before. It costs money to maintain that site, and I thought “I’m 70. Time to delete it.” But Don talked me into keeping it, especially since I’d just worked on the film. Back to the email. It was from a staff member at the Paper Mill Playhouse, which is a very well known theater in New Jersey – in fact, it’s the State Theater of New Jersey. The managing director there (Mike) used to work at Hartford Stage and I know him well. He recommended me for dialect coach on their upcoming production of Murder On the Orient Express. Could I contact them? Though I suppose they could have tracked me down via Darko, who is a good friend of Mike, they ended up tracking me down via my web site.
We chatted yesterday and then I talked to the director and now I have a job. I have a feeling there was someone else slotted for this job because they start rehearsals a week from Monday. I have to research 8 different dialects! Gulp.
But it’s work! And I’m grateful. They rehearse in NYC, so I’ll be traveling off and on to the city, as well as to the theater, and perhaps some zoom work, as well.
I always love the opportunity to work at a new-to-me theater. Very grateful. This makes up for the cancellation of the Broadway run of A Man of No Importance. I’m probably earning a bit more on this production than I would have on AMONI, since it wouldn’t have needed much rehearsal and everyone already knew the dialect.
Today, I’m taking it easy, save for reading the script, and then I’ll start my research on the weekend.
Like any actor or freelance designer or director, I’m always afraid my current job might be my last. And someday that will happen. But right now, I need the work and the income, so this is a nice turn of events.
Now we need a job for Don.
Stay safe.
Happy Thursday.