Sunrise, this morning. The sun comes up over the back forty, so we have this consistently lovely view of the intense colors without the interference of tall buildings or houses.
We’re due for some rain today. But it was sunny for much of the day yesterday so I guess I can give up some sunshine for some water.
I read two chapters of War and Peace this morning because I didn’t read yesterday’s chapter. Now I’m caught up. If you’re interested in reading one of the classics and it’s large and weighty – for instance, Crime and Punishment, or Anna Karenina, or Les Miserables – and you’re put off by the sheer size of the book, I cannot recommend this ‘chapter a day’ method enough. There are also readalongs for Les Miserables and Anna Karenina going on in the Book/Instagram community. I’m also reading my main book at the same time, but I don’t consider this ‘reading two books at once.’ Really, a chapter a day is hardly trying to handle two books at the same time. It’s easy. It took me about 10 minutes to read those two chapters this morning. And I was done for the day. It’s fun to do this with a community of other readers, but you could easily do it on your own. I wish I’d thought of this possibility a long time ago. I’m a one-book-at-a-time reader, so, if I had picked this book to read in the past, I would have felt committed to it for the duration. This way, I can keep reading as I normally do, and just carve out a few minutes a day to read War and Peace. Not really genius, but close to it! I’m proud to say that Don is keeping up with his daily read of W & P as well, and, at times, he’s ahead of me! And Don doesn’t usually read novels.
I’m halfway through the newest Louise Penny and fully in its grip. I read a chunk of it yesterday afternoon.
I have lots of little things to do today and I also feel the need to dress a doll or two. I’ve been rather lazy about that lately.
I keep thinking it’s Friday, but it’s Thursday. Yesterday, I thought it was the weekend. The life of the semi-retired. Or: the life of the freelancer. Same thing.
Stay safe.
Happy Thursday.