The finished Piccadilly Circus puzzle. The presence of several different red busses was a challenge, but I really loved working on this one. Great memories of my visits to London.
I’m currently awaiting the delivery of another puzzle via Amazon. In the meantime, I’m close to finishing my current read, I have some things to care of around the house, and the all-red and all-brown rooms in the Beacon Hill are crying out for some primer.
Cold and sunny and frosty out there. Oh, yes, I may start to empty the pots on the porch, as well.
This morning, I was thinking of the dark road we live on that has no streetlights and the fact that I want to buy some new Christmas lights for the porch. It brought back memories of streetlights. When I was growing up in Dearborn, there was one right on the edge of our property. I think this must be universal for anyone of a certain age that grew up in suburbia or the city. When we’d go outside after dinner to play, mom would always say “Be back by the time the streetlights are on!” That was the unwritten rule around my neighborhood. Every mom and dad said it. In addition to being a source of light, those streetlights were a reliable, yet silent, reminder that it was time to get home. Sometimes I would sweat it, knowing they’d been on for several minutes and I was in danger of getting balled out by my parents. None of us wore watches in the summer, no cellphones yet, no text messages from parents saying ‘Where are you?’ Just the streetlights. Anyone else grow up with streetlight reminders? I know Don did.
Such a comforting memory from my younger days.
Stay safe.
Happy Saturday.