Our burning bush has turned a beautiful red. I said to Don yesterday: it’s as if Mother Nature gives us one last vivid splash of color to remember as everything else is becoming muted.
More rain today. Sigh. Though, the rain is also a little muted, usually in the form of gentle showers rather than downpours. Today we get our septic tank pumped out. Exciting, right? I’ve left all that to Don.
I finished Victim 2117 this morning. What a great read! Truly one of those “I can’t put it down” reads. Excellent writing as always from Jussi Adler-Olsen. I’m going to start John Connolly’s newest, The Furies, later today after I have a good go at the current jigsaw puzzle.
I did quite a bit of cleaning yesterday which was very satisfying. There’s much more to go. I’m not a deep cleaner. I keep things dusted, vacuumed, and try to eliminate clutter, but deep cleaning? That’s where I slack off. I can always think of other things I’d rather do. My sister, on the other hand, is an excellent deep cleaner. She puts me to shame. But now, I am on a bit of a deep cleaning tear and I realize that I need to do it section by section. So each day, I’m going to try to figure out a small area I want to tackle and have at it.
My friend Natalia, who customizes as VegaDolls, posted these sweatshirts about two weeks ago. They are made by a friend of hers and Natalia mentioned she was going to start including them with newly purchased dolls. I wrote her and said I wanted one and would happily pay for it, but she insisted on sending it to me gratis. Olivia won the chance to model it, as she was the first VegaDoll I purchased.
This is Natalia’s logo. Her beautiful young daughter, Vega, is in a wheelchair.
I adore Natalia. She has a big heart and is so kind.
I’ve met some pretty wonderful people through this hobby.
Stay safe.
Happy Wednesday.