Another frost last night. And another tonight. The coleus didn’t make it, nor did the morning glories. This morning, the zinnias are looking pretty brown. After having put all the plants back out on the porch yesterday, we had to bring them all back in last night. They’ll stay here until tomorrow morning when the weather will get warmer. Unfortunately, the gardens will be dead. Depressing.
We got our boosters yesterday and the drive to and from the neighboring town was gorgeous. I don’t know if we’re at peak color yet, but we’re awfully close. Mountains in the distance, leaves drifting down, color everywhere. It was sunny and beautiful. Then the weather turned cloudy and windy after we got home. But we sure appreciated the drive.
As for the shots, late in the day my arm got really sore and I was tired, but I only took a brief 5 minute nap. I conked out for an hour after my previous shots. Don’s arm is also sore and he feels minor flu-like symptoms, but that will go away after today. We’re taking it easy today.
When I’m a bit tired or down, I dress a doll.
No, Imogen hasn’t turned grey, that’s sunlight reflecting on her hair.
She’s taking Bertie for a walk. I made both of the hats. Bertie’s hat was the result of a crochet experiment that didn’t work out. But it did work out for Bertie, who can now take a walk without his ears getting cold.
If only I had the wardrobe these girls have! Although, I don’t think I’d look nearly as cute as they do.
Stay safe.
Happy Thursday.