Second day in a row where I’ve been awake since 4 am. Crap.
I’m so tired.
Don woke up early today, as well.
The brown-eyed susans are opening. I can never decide what to type; black-eyed susans or brown-eyed susans. Apparently, it’s the same flower with two different names. And the flower looks different depending on where you live. Since that “eye” is brown, that’s what I’m going with.
We haven’t tested for Covid yet. We decided to do it today. We’ll see. Frankly, I’m so congested on a daily basis, I’m not sure whether I’d know if I had any symptoms!
I have two coaching jobs coming up and that means I have to be out in the world again. As did Don when his group of artists performed the other night. Through this performance, the artists earned a little income after two years plus of not performing and I’m proud of Don (and his friend Elly) for planning that wonderful evening of music.
There’s been a lot of talk on the blog about being responsible and careful re: Covid. As far as I can tell from the comments here ever since the pandemic began, all of us are very responsible. Don and I are extra vigilant, but we do have to work. The venue where they performed the other night required proof of vaccination. Some people were masked, others weren’t. Don was masked the vast majority of the time. He didn’t “take a risk” as someone said, any more than you do when you go to the grocery store and shop among masked and unmasked shoppers. That’s life nowadays. We do what we feel comfortable with. As always, Don and I make these decisions together. Frankly, when I worked on the film, I felt more protected than any place other than my home because the protocols were so strict. At times, we took off our masks to eat and to pose for photos. The rest of the time, we were masked. The protocols will be strict in rehearsal rooms and theaters, as well. We limit our exposure, we don’t eat inside restaurants, we are so careful that many people would make fun of us.
But, as freelancers who need to work, we tend to accept job offers. Because…income.
There’s a large segment of the population that isn’t careful and in some cases, have never been vaccinated. I don’t get outraged any more. It is what it is and that’s the way it’s going to be going forward. All I can do is take care of myself, wear a mask, and do my best to protect others. And I do. We do.
The house yesterday morning.
Okay. I need more coffee.
Stay safe.
Happy Wednesday.