Mei is enjoying the glider this morning.
Mei is the creation of my friend Natalia of VegaDolls. I really love her work and was originally introduced to her dolls by my friend Susannah, who has at least 3 of them (so do I.) She might have more. Natalia has a big heart. VegaDolls is named after Natalia’s daughter, Vega, who is in a wheelchair. Both Susannah and I say that her girls are full of heart and soul.
Latest in the mom and fawn stories. Yesterday, we were in the house and, once again, I saw a deer run from the front lawn up to the corral. I wasn’t sure who it was, but soon enough, we saw the fawn coming down from the corral to the area right outside our kitchen door. She was bleating, poor thing, wondering were her mom was. Mom was over by the wood pile near the shed. Of course, I always want to go out there and guide her to her mom, but I’d only scare her. Meanwhile, Mom walked up the path into the woods while baby went up into the back forty. Honestly, I think Mom hasn’t a clue!
I’m pretty sure that they travel across the road to get to the creek, but it’s very dangerous and there are other paths to the water that are safer. But there’s nothing I can do.
Except worry, of course.
The hearings. Oh my god. I am so hyped up after they finish that I have to meditate. Yesterday’s hearing was the most powerful so far (to me.) Trump incited a mob to attack his Vice-President. Did you ever think you would read those words other than in a piece of fiction?
Can we tar and feather him before he’s thrown in prison for the rest of his sorry life?
Okay, Claudia. Take a deep breath.
I may mow a bit today. The front lawn and the lilac side of the lawn need to be taken care of.
We’re watching Borgen on Netflix. We started it a year or so ago, but didn’t get into it. We decided to give it another look and now we’re hooked.
Stay safe.
Happy Friday.