Soul crushing.
This is what I wrote this morning:
I no longer have faith in this country.
Money and power fuel every decision. Every bit of legislation.
Innocent citizens become the ‘collateral damage.’America is no longer what I once thought it was.
It has succumbed to madness.
People buying groceries, going to church, going to the movies, attending a concert. Children going to school. People going about their lives who are gunned down because our politicians are financed by the gun lobby and the NRA and will do NOTHING to stop the easy access to guns. That money is more important to them than the lives of innocent Americans.
No “thoughts and prayers.” I have news for you: God wants you to take action. Use your free will for something good.
I lost a beloved student to gun violence. He was murdered by a 17 year old girl who had easy access to a guns.
If I was younger, I’d leave this country. I no longer recognize it. I want nothing to do with it. Yes, I know we should fight. But, I’ve fought all my adult life and at this point, I’m damn tired.
Anyway, we can’t afford to leave. We’re stuck here.
Please, no lectures on taking action or voting or any of that. I have always been politically active. I never miss an election. I always vote. I donate to Everytown. I donate to the ACLU. I donate to the candidates I believe in. I sign petitions. I make calls. I write to my Senators and Representatives.
I’ve had it.
A word to the wise: If you’re going to leave an anti-gun control comment here, it will be deleted.
My father, when I was young, belonged to the NRA. We often argued about that. In later years, he left that organization. He wanted nothing more to do with it as it had become something he no longer recognized. The NRA had succumbed to the desire for power and money and control.
Always follow the money.
Every day, every hour, we hear of new atrocities. We see politicians selling their souls for power. We see them ignore climate change, health care, gun control. We see a Supreme Court that is bought and paid for.
Women are being forced to carry babies to term because of the ‘right to life’ but apparently that doesn’t matter once those babies are born. Then it’s every child for himself. Good luck kids!
In Texas, you can’t get an abortion, but you can purchase an AR-15 when you turn 18.
Amanda Gorman, the young poet, said this: “One nation, under guns.”
I’m rambling, I know. I’m heartsick.
Thank you for your wonderful comments yesterday. If you don’t mind, I won’t respond to them. I just don’t have it in me today. But please know they are appreciated.
Hug your loved ones today.
Stay safe.