This morning: I woke up before Don, came downstairs, drank some water, started the coffee, and slowly opened up all the blinds in the den and the living room. Then I decided to open the cloth blind in the kitchen – something I don’t usually do that early in the morning.
There was a huge black bear walking in the corral. I gasped. Huge. I thought he/she might be headed for the trash can but, no, he was walking toward the parking area. I ran for my phone to take a picture. By the time I got back, he had passed Don’s car and was walking toward the lilac side of the lawn where he disappeared. I’m sure he headed into the woods.
I couldn’t believe my eyes.
Talk about being jolted awake!
And last night, after thinking the wrens weren’t nesting in the birdhouse, I heard them singing on the porch. I paused the program we were watching and looked out at the birdhouse and I saw two wrens – one in front of the house and one that flew behind it. This morning, I heard one of them again. He was on the porch and briefly flew up to the perch in front of the house. He didn’t go in.
So. Are they here nesting or are they just hanging out? I’m still not sure.
I dressed a few of the girls yesterday.
Pip. I like her in red.
Maeve, Pip, and Imogen.
All of the girls have been dressed in a fresh outfit. They’re ready for Spring.
Except for Wren. I’ll take care of that today.
You know, a lot of Blythe owners/collectors routinely sell one of their dolls in order to buy another one or to pay some bills. I get it; I’ve briefly considered selling one or two of these girls. But then, I pick up the doll in question and look at that beautiful face and I can’t do it. I’ve bonded with them. I’d be abandoning them.
Just now, Don brought me some coffee and as he left the room, he said “Hello, girls!”
Don has to go to the eye doctor this morning. I have to run to the store.
We’re still resting our muscles and will probably take it easy today. Well, Don has to. He can’t do any heavy physical activity after getting the shot.
Has anyone seen the May issue of Country Living? I haven’t seen it on the stands yet. I’m curious to see how they styled my two egg cups.
Stay safe.
Happy Monday.