Sunny today, thankfully, but more rain tomorrow and three days of rain next week. Sigh.
If you want to sum up my days lately, you can file them under “Waiting for Spring.”
Lilac buds that are growing larger every day give me hope.
Birds singing give me hope.
The return of the peepers gives me hope.
But, boy, I am restless this year. I have to be careful about my back, and it’s so much better. Yet – I have to be cautious. The shed needs cleaning inside. The porch railings need cleaning. The siding needs cleaning. And the gardens have to be cleaned out – I always leave plants in place over the winter to supply food and shelter for the birds and I leave leaves there as well because they function as a good mulch. All of that has to be taken care of this month as well as a number of other things – like cleaning up the yard and raking debris.
I might venture out today to clean the porch railings. That would be a relatively easy start.
This may be the only sunny day for a while, so I’m determined to spend some time outside today.
Stay safe.
Happy Saturday.