The situation in Ukraine is on my mind all the time. Such heartbreak. Thanks to my Blythe obsession, I have friends in Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia. None of them want war. None. One of my Russian friends wrote that she is against the war but afraid to protest as she would be arrested and who would watch her young son?
I have no words and, frankly, nothing I could say here hasn’t been said already.
We’re in the midst of a snow event – it’s a mix of snow and sleet, so it’s wet and heavy. Don just went out to shovel a bit and confirmed it’s a pain in the tush. Our snowblower isn’t working, as you know, but our neighbors went north to their second house to take advantage of the skiing conditions and offered us theirs if we need it.
Sick of winter.
In the meantime, I worked a lot on the puzzle yesterday. It took me three days to finally get all the edge pieces in place. Yikes. Now I’m working on the puzzle itself. It’s about the mythical world and it’s really complex. The border design has also driven me insane. But the challenge it offers kept me nicely occupied yesterday when I needed to step away from the pure evil of Putin.
Two days ago, we had a murmuration of starlings on our property that lasted for over an hour. Gorgeous! I saw at least 20 robins feeding on our then snowless lawn. I assume they were stopping on their way north. And the little carolina wren was around the porch and flew up to the trailer again. All of that made me long for spring and know that it isn’t far off.
Though today is a reminder that winter isn’t over yet.
Stay safe.
Happy Friday.