I’m home.
After an amazing, emotional, and powerful final day of filming, we wrapped at about 12:30 am Friday. Well, I guess it was technically Saturday morning. I felt strong emotions coming on during Thursday’s filming and knew right then that Friday was going to be quite a day.
It was.
It will take a day or so – maybe longer – to process everything I’ve been through for the past six weeks, but I’ll share more of that with you as the week progresses. Short version: I am profoundly grateful. My heart is full.
This is dear Annie, my former student and dear friend, who rented her top floor AirBnB to me during my stay. I adore her. We took a long walk together (along with her adorable dog) last Sunday and ended up in gorgeous Prospect Park. She has written a play that is going to be performed very soon and I couldn’t be prouder of her and her work as an artist and educator – not to mention a mom of three wonderful kids.
Part of the Video Village gang on wrap day. One of the producers left early, but this is basically the gang I sat with day after day as we watched everything that was filmed on the monitors. Second from the left in the back row is Todd, who is Jim’s husband and one of the producers. And that’s Michael Ausiello next to me, the author of the book this movie is based on. It’s his story and Jim is playing him on screen. We became very good pals during this adventure and I adore him.
Jim, me, and Ben on wrap day. Ben is the actor I’ve been coaching for over three months. I adore him. I adore Jim. My heart is so full of love for these two guys. Ben wrote the most beautiful note to me and surprised me with a bag full of miniatures from Tiny Doll House in NYC! I couldn’t believe it! I spent some time back behind one of the sets just talking to these two as the final scene was being filmed – a special moment with just the three of us. I’ll miss them so much, especially Ben because he’ll soon be back in England. At least I can see Jim and Todd as they’re just a hop, skip, and a jump away.
And finally, I came home to this addition to my ‘family.’ Say hello to Zoe, who looks a little bewildered.
She was made by Tiny Blythe Things and she came all the way from Moscow. There’s a story behind her, which I’ll share with you later. As Don repeatedly says: “They’re works of art!”
Isn’t she adorable?
Okay. I’m really, really tired but I hope to get our Christmas tree today. We’ll see.
Back to regular blogging!
More later.
Stay safe..
Happy Sunday.